
Marisa Peer – Overcome Social Anxiety

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Marisa Peer – Overcome Social Anxiety
Overcome Social Anxiety
More than simply being shy or introverted, social anxiety is an overwhelming fear of social situations… and not just during the event—it’s before and after too. You worry about what might happen and then reflect on what did happen, evaluating our performance.
It’s exhausting, frustrating, and it stops you from truly enjoying life.
It’s difficult to find a loving relationship when you find the thought of meeting new people terrifying.
You may feel disconnected from your friends as you continuously make excuses and turn down their invitations to go out… and you fear that eventually they might give up on you altogether.
You don’t put yourself forward in the workplace because you fear your ideas aren’t good enough or your opinions aren’t respected, scared that your coworkers will judge you if you come up with anything less than perfect.
We avoid. We hold back. We hide.
Signs of social anxiety include:

Worrying about meeting new people… what will they think of me? Will they accept me? Like me?
Actively avoiding social situations, from parties to dinner with friends… perhaps even feeling embarrassed to eat in front of others, even those you know well.
Overthinking everything—from what to say to how you come across. You worry about all the ways you could potentially embarrass yourself or appear incompetent… and the result is you often end up paralyzed, doing and saying nothing at all in the end.
Difficulty making eye contact as you feel nervous and unsure about being the central focus, scared of the disapproval or disappointment you may see in the other person’s expression.
Intense physical reactions during social situations, including nausea, excessive sweating, trembling, racing heart, and blushing… you are acutely aware of these reactions and will do anything to avoid them—most notably, avoiding the situation that causes them altogether.

But you could change that.
You could enjoy complete freedom from social anxiety and feel totally at ease in any social situation, from a promising first date to a big public speaking event with the powerful ‘Overcome Social Anxiety’ self-hypnosis audio from Marisa Peer.
As you repeatedly listen to ‘Overcome Social Anxiety,’ you instruct your subconscious mind to build up your coping muscle. It’s no surprise that people many of the people who have used this hypnosis audio have overcome nervousness, noticed a considerable difference in their perspective, stopped over-analyzing everything, and been able to step into their confident selves to embrace every aspect of social occasions.
People can start to experience results within the first 21 days, so make sure you listen to the audio every day to have the maximum effect.  
When you understand how your mind works, you get to take your control back. The power in self-hypnosis is reaching blocks that your conscious mind simply can’t access, so you can become the ultimate confident person you deserve to be.
Imagine a life where you are anxiety-free, feel utterly content in yourself, and have no more racing, worried thoughts—a life of ease and comfort where you are ready to tackle anything.
Overcome Social Anxiety 
As you relax, repeatedly listening to this audio can help you:

Feel an inner sense of peace, tranquility, and serenity radiating from within you.
Develop bullet-proof confidence, control, and self-love.
Break free from anxious thoughts—and have an inner coping mechanism and clear perspective.

Self-hypnosis can be truly phenomenal for the mind and body. You have the power to change your reality.