
Marilyn Verbiscer – Healing from the Trauma of Infidelity: Help Clients Rebuild Trust and Find Forgiveness After an Affair

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Marilyn Verbiscer
5 Hours 48 Minutes
Audio and Video
Dec 07, 2017

Marilyn Verbiscer – Healing from the Trauma of Infidelity: Help Clients Rebuild Trust and Find Forgiveness After an Affair


​Help your clients recover from an affair whether they are healing with their partner or alone
Infidelity affects approximately 50% of committed relationships…and you need to be prepared to work with these clients
Innovative in-session strategies and take home assignments for couples
Be more confident treating high conflict couples

Are you uncomfortable working with couples whose lives have been shattered by infidelity?
I’m sure you are because they ARE some of the most difficult and intimidating clients to work with as they bring so much trauma and conflict to the therapy room. But it doesn’t have to be this way for you…
This workshop will help you expand your therapeutic tool box with practical and clinically relevant in-session interventions to more effectively work with couples or an individual after an affair. You will also be provided with proven, unique, creative and fun homework assignments for your clients who are healing from the trauma of infidelity.
You will leave this workshop with more confidence and a solid treatment plan for helping your clients recover from an affair whether they are healing with their partner or alone.


Manual 051395 (1.13 MB)
69 Pages
Available after Purchase

Types of Infidelity and Their Impact of Treatment

Physical Affair
Emotional Affair
Physical-Emotional Affair
Atypical Infidelity, Complex Affairs and
Split-Self Infidelity

Gender, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities

Genetic Predispositions
Warning Signs
Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?
Opportunity in the Work Place, with
Previous Partners and on the Internet
Why and How it Happens

Rebuilding Trust Phase of Infidelity Treatment

Trauma of the Revelation
Oral History Interview and No Secrets Contract
Assessing Trauma and PTSD Symptomology and Teaching Self-Soothing
The Hallmarks of Salvageability
Trigger Warnings
High and Low Cost Trust Building Behaviors

Create Understanding and Meaning Phase of Therapy

Why You Strayed…and Why You Stayed
The Slippery Slope and Walls v Windows
4 Factors That Set the Context
Create the List of Changes
The Miracle Question

Fostering Forgiveness Phase of Treatment

The Formal Apology Session
What Forgiveness Is, What It Isn’t and the Potential Payoffs.
The Choice and Repercussions of Not Forgiving
Self-Forgiveness, Cheap Forgiveness and Genuine Forgiveness
The Mistaken Assumptions and
Maladaptive Personal Beliefs about Forgiveness

Recommitment Phase of Healing

Building Rituals of Connection
Reclaiming Places, People and Events
Tarnished By the Affair
Celebration to Signify Mutual Recommitment
Vision of Marriage
Reversing Walls v Windows
Building Other Protective Factors

Healing Alone Is Better Than Not At All

Individual Change is Relationship Change
Even When the Partner Isn’t In Therapy
Grieving the Loss When the Partner
Divorces or Dies
Trusting Again
Healthy Social Networks, Support Groups and Seminars/Retreats
Begin a New Life


Marilyn Verbiscer, MS, LMFT

Marilyn Steinberg, MS, LMFT, has dedicated her career to working with couples and families She has successfully worked with a variety of individual, couple and family issues such as infidelity, ineffective communication, conflict management issues, incest, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, family of origin issues, rape, attention deficit disorders, family conflict, eating disorders, conduct disorders, grief, hoarding and other issues.
She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Master of Science degree in Child Development and Family Studies from Purdue University. Ms. Steinberg is a Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), an AAMFT Approved Supervisor, a Certified Gottman Seven Principles Educator, a member of the Indiana Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (IAMFT) and a past IAMFT Board Member and Region Representative.
Ms. Steinberg has published and presented both nationally and internationally on the topics of sexuality, family therapy, ethics, adolescence, gang behavior and residential care. She practices at Life Strategies as a couple and family therapist, teaches undergraduate and graduate courses, and is an independent supervision consultant.
Speaker Disclosure:
Financial: Marilyn Steinberg is in private practice. She has an employment relationship with Life Strategies, LLC. Ms. Steinberg receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Marilyn Steinberg is a member of the Illinois Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.