Marie Diamond – MindValley – Feng Shui for Life 2023



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Marie Diamond – MindValley – Feng Shui for Life 2023
A program for the person looking to master the flow of energy around them and embrace new levels of success, wealth, and wellbeing

Chinese philosophy suggests that everything we ‘manifest’ in life is ⅓ the power of your mind, ⅓ destiny…and ⅓ Feng Shui.
Traditional Western Spirituality tends to ignore the ⅓ that is Feng Shui, the energy of your surroundings. This program fills this gap. If you’ve felt stuck at any aspect of your life – this program is for you.
The energy of the spaces you surround yourself with can affect your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
This program helps you discover a way to harness the Feng Shui, accelerate your manifesting power, and attract greater success, prosperity, love & wellness into your life.
The Solution to Upgrade Your Living Experience for Success

The energy of your living and working spaces shape your life in surprising ways – but until you consciously direct that flow of energy to your advantage, you may often find yourself stuck or falling short, even if you already practice other forms of personal growth. In the Feng Shui for Life program, you’ll join Marie Diamond, one of the world’s most sought-after Feng Shui masters, as she reveals simple, practical, and affordable steps for harnessing the positive energy from around you. In just 8 weeks, you’ll begin experiencing profound elevations in your abundance, wellbeing, relationships, and happiness, as you finally begin mastering this essential element to optimal living.
How The Feng Shui For Life Program Upgrades Your Life:

You get simple, practical steps for optimizing positive energy in your living spaces
You amplify your manifesting power by harnessing the energy of your surroundings
You turn your living spaces into 3D ‘vision boards’ of your greatest life
You rapidly dissolve energetic blocks that have quietly held you back for years
Your workspace becomes a magnet for abundance, success, and productivity
Your home becomes a conduit for unshakeable love, empathy, and health
You experience joyful and fruitful interactions with others in your living spaces
Your rate of success with other personal growth practices is greatly increased

The Curriculum

Explore The Feng Shui for Life Quest Curriculum
Embark on an 8-week adventure with Marie Diamond to discover simple, fun, and practical ways to apply the fascinating science of Feng Shui in every area of your life.
Your short lessons focus on a unique aspect of your life through a series of easy-to-follow video tutorials filmed in real homes, exercises and meditations to lock in your learnings, and pre-recorded Q&A sessions, all guided by Marie herself.
It’s an intimate experience designed to closely simulate having her as your personal Feng Shui coach.
By the end of the program, you’ll have transformed all your living and working spaces to flourish in alignment with both universal Feng Shui principles, and your own Personal Energy Number.

Introduction To Feng Shui

Explore the origins of Feng Shui from Marie’s unique perspective, and discover what you must know about Feng Shui before it can begin impacting your life.

Highlights include:

A meditation that fills you with deep awareness of the energy surrounding you, and how it’s influencing you
Mastering Space Feng Shui and Time Feng Shui: the two types of Feng Shui that together shape your living experience
Why an entire one-third of your ability to attract success relies on Feng Shui (if you’re struggling to attract your desired outcomes, this is the reason)
And so much more…


Your Personal Energy Number

Follow Marie’s intuitive process for discovering your Personal Energy Number, which will form the foundation of your personalized Feng Shui plan.

Highlights include:

The surprising ways your Personal Energy
Number influences your daily life
How to arrange your living spaces in perfect alignment with your Personal Energy Number
A muscle testing exercise that intuitively reveals the 4 key directions of your life
And so much more…


Your Home As A 3-Dimensional Vision Board

Learn how to turn every room of your home into an energetic magnet for the positive moods, emotions, people, outcomes, and material items you want to attract into your life.

Highlights include:

How to harness specific colors to attract health, wisdom, abundance, and more
Configuring different rooms to achieve specific goals in your life (career, romance, money, etc.)
How to integrate multiple Personal Energy Numbers into one harmonious space
And so much more…


Feng Shui For Success & Business

Discover precise ways you can rearrange your living and working spaces, and spark a quantum boost in your career and financial success.

Highlights include:

Calculating your Personal Success Direction in your office (a small readjustment can make a huge difference)
The correct way to harness flowing water to multiply the flow of money into your life
Home and office decluttering exercises that instantly amplify your focus and productivity
And so much more…


Feng Shui For Health & Wellbeing

From plants to strategic empty spaces – learn simple steps you can take to create living spaces that promote the energy of healing and serenity.

Highlights include:

A guide to amplifying the flow of healing energy in your kitchen (makes your food more nourishing too)
Widely available candles that are most effective in vaporizing stress and anxiety – light them up and reap the rewards
A meditation that harnesses specific colors to align you with the energy of health and healing
And so much more…


Feng Shui For Personal Relationships

Nurture an environment of love, empathy, and intimacy for your spouse, children, parents, and the people you love the most.

Highlights include:

Where to place your photos (and where NOT to place them) for an optimal flow of love throughout your rooms
Optimizing your living room and bedroom: the two focal points of your personal relationships
The best colors for creating a space of free-flowing empathy and connection
And so much more…


Feng Shui For Social & Professional Relationships

Apply these brilliant adjustments to your living and working spaces to show up as a better co-worker – and bring out the best in others too.

Highlights include:

How you can attract more clients just by placing comfortable chairs in one specific spot of your office
Steps for creating a conducive and productive work environment for teams of any size
The one color you should use more often if you want to nurture teamwork and collaboration
And so much more…


Feng Shui For Personal Wisdom

Learn how you can harness Feng Shui to accelerate your spiritual and personal growth, by opening your mind and drawing in wisdom from around you.

Highlights include:

Power positions and alignments that enhance the effects of meditation and prayer
How keeping certain books in your living space can decrease the flow of wisdom (avoid them at all costs)
A guide to using your living spaces to sharpen your intuition and creativity
And so much more…

Day by Day Schedule
Week 1

Day 1

What is Feng Shui?

Day 2

Assess Your Environment With the Muscle Test

Day 3

Start Your Feng Shui Journey: Meditation & Exercises

Day 4

Your Personal Energy Number & Four Directions

Day 5

Test Your Four Directions

Day 6

Activate Your Four Pillars of Light
Week 2

Day 8

Turn Your Home Into a 3-Dimensional Vision Board

Day 9

Create a Floor Plan to Activate Your Pillars

Day 10

Clear Your Space & Draw Your Floor Plan: Meditation & Exercises

Day 11

Feng Shui Your Success and Business

Day 12

Activate Your Personal Directions for Success

Day 13

Boost Your Money & Success: Meditation & Exercises
Week 3

Day 15

Feng Shui Your Health & Well-Being

Day 16

Activate Your Personal Direction for Health

Day 17

Quantum Boost Your Health: Meditation & Exercises

Day 18

Feng Shui Your Personal Relationships

Day 19

Activate Your Personal Relationship Direction

Day 20

Quantum Boost Your Relationships: Meditation & Exercises
Week 4

Day 22

Feng Shui Your Social & Professional Relationships

Day 23

Enhance Your Social & Professional Relationship

Day 24

Quantum Boost Your Social Relationships: Meditation & Exercises

Day 25

Feng Shui Your Wisdom

Day 26

Optimize Your Living Room & Bedroom for Wisdom

Day 27

Quantum Boost Your Wisdom: Meditation & Exercises
Bonus #1:

Your Personal Energy Number & The Law Of Attraction

Discover how to harness your Personal Energy Number to boost your manifesting power, make better decisions, and attract your desired outcomes with greater speed and ease.
Bonus #2:

Time Feng Shui Activations Guide

Did you know that timing can also play an important role in Feng Shui? In this handy PDF guide you’ll learn how to optimize your abundance, success, relationships, and health by tapping into the unique characteristics of each year.
Marie Diamond on Harmony in Your Space
From A-list artists like The Rolling Stones and Steven Spielberg, to legendary teachers like Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marianne Williamson – when some of the world’s most extraordinary people need Feng Shui advice, they pick up the phone and call Marie Diamond.
Marie is one of the Western world’s most in-demand Feng Shui masters – celebrated for her uncanny ability to deconstruct ancient energetic methodologies into simple (and often intimately personalized) adjustments anyone can make to instantly channel positive energy into their living spaces and lives.
Today, Marie is an international bestselling author, speaker, and consultant not only in Feng Shui – but also Karmic Healing, Manifesting, and other branches of ancient wisdom. She was also featured on the hit film “The Secret” which went on to become the best-selling DVD in history.
The Feng Shui for Life program is a wonderfully accessible way to learn Marie’s unique approach to this 4,000-year-old science – without getting on a 12-month waiting list, or investing the five and six-figure sums all her high-end clients gladly pay.
The 8-week journey you’ll embark on with Marie is the next best thing to hiring her as your consultant.
Through the Feng Shui for Life program, Marie connects with her soul’s purpose: to help elevate 500 million lives to live far happier, healthier, more effortlessly prosperous lives.
Trainer Credentials

Consultant for multinational corporations like BP-Amoco, Exxon-Mobil, and Total Fina
Appearances on NBC, ABC News, BBC News, RTL Television and more
Featured in The Secret, The Power of Mentorship, The Compass (2009), and The Gratitude Experiment
A founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council, an organization that brings together the top spiritual coaches and leaders in the world.

Here’s what your personal growth path could look like…

After The Silva Ultramind System, continue your transformation with Mindvalley’s other mind empowerment programs:


Harness the flow of energy in your living spaces with:
Feng Shui For Life

Marie Diamond

Harness the ancient science of Feng Shui to uplift your living spaces and your life in this eye-opening program with Marie Diamond: one of the Western world’s most beloved Feng Shui experts. You’ll discover simple, effective, and affordable ways to channel the flow of energy around you and inside you, for profound elevations in your abundance, wellbeing, relationships, and happiness.