Marie Diamond – Diamond Dowsing


The course is presented in 13 chapters and is complete with three video sets, one audio set with meditations and a Paraliminal, a comprehensive course manual, your very own set of dowsing rods, and 30 sticks to cure any energetic problem.

Marie Diamond – Diamond Dowsing

This one-of-a-kind course takes you step-by-step into learning and using Diamond Dowsing. The course is presented in 13 chapters and is complete with three video sets, one audio set with meditations and a Paraliminal, a comprehensive course manual, your very own set of dowsing rods, and 30 sticks to cure any energetic problem.
Within 30 minutes of watching the first video set your rods will be working for you. You’ll immediately know that you can connect with them and use them. Marie Diamond has created a system that is easy, entertaining, and effective.
And, if you ever have problems, just call one of our Success Coaches during business hours for free assistance. We’re standing ready to help you, so get your course today!
Within minutes you’ll be using your dowsing rods just like the students demonstrate on the videos. So…Enjoy!!
Notice: The Diamond Dowsing personal learning course is intended for your education of universal energy principles. This self-study course is not intended as a replacement for any treatment or therapy by a physician or other licensed health care provider.
Get immediately download Marie Diamond – Diamond Dowsing
Video Set 1

Chapter 1:

Introduction to Dowsing
Chapter 2:

Using Your Dowsing Rods
Chapter 3 & 4:

Geopathic Stress

Video Set 2

Chapter 5:

Detecting the Strength of Energy
Chapter 6:

Hartmann & Curry Lines
Chapter 7:

Interference Lines
Chapter 8:

Personal Zones

Video Set 3

Chapters 9 & 10:

Positive and Negative Vortexes
Chapter 11:

Energy Forms
Chapter 12:

Distance Dowsing
Chapter 13:

Step-by-Step Wrap-up

Diamond Dowsing Paraliminal

1: Introduction
2: 2-Minute Tubes of Light Meditation
3: Dowsing Tubes of Light Meditation
4: Dowsing Tubes of Light Meditation (music only)
5: Release Meditation & Preparation
6: Release Meditation
7 – 10: Diamond Dowsing Paraliminal

A comprehensive step-by-step Course Manual
A set of Diamond Dowsing Rods
30 sticks to cure any energetic problem
Free Success Coaching