Margaret Blaustein – 2-Day Certificate Course


Treating a child in isolation doesn’t work. Your efforts won’t be the most effective if you don’t address trauma with both the child as well as the caregiver.

 Margaret Blaustein – 2-Day Certificate Course


Fund a Foundation to Treat

Tune into engagement

Factors that influence engagement in trauma treatment
Strategies to support caregiver and provider engagement

Education’s role

Be aware of the role of education in trauma intervention

Routines and rhythms can be used to help you reach your safety and support goals.

Strategies to increase safety through predictability
Self-empowerment-Regulation is a part of daily life
Supportive structures are used to achieve treatment goals

How to Foster Attachment: Use the Caregiver System to Create a Safe Environment-Enough Container

Respond to trauma reactions with caregivers

The cycle of dysregulation between caregiver and child
Tools to assist caregivers in recognizing their emotions
Resolve feelings of helplessness, inadequacy, and rejection
Methodologies and techniques to help caregivers:

Identify their triggers
Depersonalize trauma driven behaviors
Cognitively reframe trauma reactions
Self-Help-Talk to yourself-Blame
Handle “button-pushing” Behaviour

Positive attachment can be achieved through the use of attunement strategies

Learn the emotional language of children who have suffered trauma
Become a “Feeling Detective” To read emotional cues
Identify child’s trauma triggers and responses
5 steps to master reflective listening. Help children feel heard

Secure attachments can be made stronger by building effective responses

Use attunement techniques to understand behavior
Identify the “go-to’s” Behavior response
Try out other strategies.

Regulation: Manage Emotions under Control and Reduce Difficult Behaviours

Identify triggers, and emotional responses
Labeling can be used to increase awareness of emotions
How thoughts, behaviors, and the body reflect feelings
From where feelings and body states come
Modulate emotion and the body’s alarm system
”Feelings Toolkit” for emotional experience tolerance
Teach children to understand the different feelings
Connect children with their bodies
Learn to regulate the arousal response

Competency: Build resilience and establish identity and a sense of self

Find out how to build relationships and create connections

Help children to understand the importance of relationships
Find safe resources and build healthy relationships
Effective communication skills can be developed using different approaches

Strengthening executive function

There are many ways to improve your problem solving and negotiation skills
Impulse control exercises

Self-Identity developments

How to discover individuality
Techniques to establish positive self-Recognition
Contextual aspects and meanings of identity and self
Approaches to develop future orientation

Trauma Experience Integration

Understand your state-Base treatment
The core ARC targets are crucial in integrating traumatic memories

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Treating a child in isolation doesn’t work. Your efforts won’t be the most effective if you don’t address trauma with both the child as well as the caregiver.
Co-Dr. Margaret BlausteinThe flexible framework of ARC (Attachment Regulation and Competency), has been proven to increase the effectiveness of trauma treatment. By intervening with the caregiver and the child, you can foster the supportive environment needed for healthy development and lasting changes.
Find out what over 300 child welfare agencies have to say about you.-Serving systems already know. ARC provides a roadmap for cultivating attachment in traumatized children, and building the self-They will need to be able to recognize and manage powerful emotions and establish a positive sense if identity which will help them live a fulfilling and healthy adult life.
This offer might not come back to you again! Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity to transform your treatment of childhood trauma and achieve sustainable positive outcomes for this most vulnerable population