Manual Therapy for Lumbar, Sacroiliac, & Pelvic Dysfunctions – Shane Malecha


Simplify the complexity of low back pain in this hands-on based seminar. Improve your evaluation and treatment skills for the most common lumbar and sacroiliac joint dysfunctions from a manual therapy perspective. Discover a streamlined approach for care of the lower back that is applicable to both acute and chronic conditions using manual techniques such as mobilization and articulation. A brief overview of stabilization exercises will also be covered to ensure long-term effectiveness of the manual corrections. Attendees will be able to immediately utilize these techniques to improve their clinical efficiency.Analyze basic anatomy and the pathomechanics of low back painIdentify the principles of manual therapy for the lower back and SI jointsDemonstrate proper manual therapy techniques for a lower back patientReview the most common low back dysfunctionsDiscuss the appropriate application of “progression of forces” conceptIntegrate stabilization exercises for maintenance of manual correctionsPRINCIPLES OF ORTHOPEDIC EVALUATIONGoals of the first visitEmpathy vs sympathyEstablishing consistencyAvoiding clinical blindnessWho should be referred to therapyRed flagsKeys to subjective and objective evaluationsEPIDEMIOLOGY OF LOW BACK PAINPredisposing factorsBony Anatomy of the Lumbar SpineSoft tissue anatomy of the Lumbar SpineLigamentous supportMuscular supportIntervertebral discBiomechanics of the Lumbar SpineCommon DiagnosesDegenerative Joint DiseaseSpondylosisSpondylolysisSpondylolisthesisDisc protrusionHerniated Nucleus PulposisEVALUATION OF LUMBAR SPINE DYSFUNCTIONThe key to subjective historyPosture assessmentSitting, Standing, dynamic, lordosis, lateral shiftMovement lossHow muchQuality of the movementWillingness to moveLateral deviationRepeated MovementsWhat happens during movementWhat happens because of the movementStatic testsNeurologicalMotor/sensory deficitReflexesDural signsOther considerationsHip/SI joint clearing testsSpondylolisthesisIntermittent claudication testsTREATMENT OF LUMBAR SPINE DYSFUNCTIONTreatment of the acute patientModalitiesMid-range movement techniquesSub-acute/chronic patientPostural syndromeDysfunction syndromeAdherent Nerve RootDerangementTreatmentReductionMaintainRecovery of functionPreventionManual Therapy techniquesProne extension with manual overpressureProne Lumbar extension mobilizationFlexion Rotation mobilizationTag: Manual Therapy for Lumbar, Sacroiliac, & Pelvic Dysfunctions – Shane Malecha  Review. Manual Therapy for Lumbar, Sacroiliac, & Pelvic Dysfunctions – Shane Malecha  download. Manual Therapy for Lumbar, Sacroiliac, & Pelvic Dysfunctions – Shane Malecha  discount.