Manifesting Through the Chakras with Anodea Judith


Discover a proven step-by-step approach to effectively realize your dreams and vision — by aligning with nature’s blueprint for creation.Activate the power of your energy body as you clear blocks in each chakra to finally manifest your most heartfelt desires.Purchase Manifesting Through the Chakras with Anodea Judith courses at here with PRICE $297 $85ƯManifesting Through the Chakras with Anodea JudithManifesting Through the Chakras with Anodea JudithDiscover a proven step-by-step approach to effectively realize your dreams and vision — by aligning with nature’s blueprint for creation.Activate the power of your energy body as you clear blocks in each chakra to finally manifest your most heartfelt desires.What do you most desire in your life?Do you want to align your life’s work with your life’s purpose, connect with your soulmate or launch a visionary business?Perhaps you have a story to share, which you feel in your heart would help others heal others (maybe heal the world!) — and the inner voice telling you to write a book is getting louder.The steps for making your desires a reality aren’t simply to “believe in yourself,” visualize, or repeat affirmations.Approaches such as theLaw of Attraction and even some methods involving the chakras often fail to produce lasting results — because they’re focused only on the mental aspects of manifesting.Beyond imagining your new idea or vision, you need to design it, embody it, express it and bring it to life — grounded in solid plans.The 7-step process of manifestation designed by renowned author and chakra expert Anodea Judith, follows the entire energetic template of your body, emotions, mind and soul, known as the chakras.And you can use this method to manifest EVERYTHING that begins with a dream, vision or idea….Learn Every Step for Manifesting EffectivelyThe key lies in understanding how your body, mind and soul are naturally wired to create.It all starts with aligning with this inner template and following the stages in the right order — clearing energy blocks that arise in each chakra.Most people think of the chakra system as an upwardly mobile map for ascending to higher levels of transcendence, seeking the jewel of the crown chakra at the top.Few people realize that in the ancient texts, the chakra system also represents a process for condensing consciousness into the many levels of manifestation that we experience as reality. This descending current of consciousness takes us back down to earth and brings our dreams into reality.You actually manifest by bringing your energy and attention DOWN through the chakra system, all the way to the root level, where things take solid, financially sustainable form.Other approaches to manifestation tend to take one step of the process and make it seem as if that’s the whole story. That’s why these single-strategy methods so often fail to deliver real results.Yes, you are still “working” on creating, but in a heightened, enjoyable state of flow — even seeing obstacles that arise as part of the natural unfolding of your dreams.Receive Guidance from A Master TeacherBirthing something new in your life requires systematic work. Only it’s not about working hard for its own sake, but working in alignment with the blueprint for your soul — so that you are not wasting effort, time or money by creating at odds with yourself or nature.That’s what you have the opportunity to learn with the world’s #1 bestselling expert on the chakras, Anodea Judith.Anodea has sold more than 500,000 books and DVDs over the years and built a top reputation as a practical teacher for a reason: Her methods work. They are grounded in our bodies, sophisticated about our psychology and aligned with our souls.During the Manifesting Through the Chakras program, she will teach you a clear, potent set of skills and practices for creating your most cherished dreams with grace, mastery and beauty.The specific step-by-step system has been carefully honed and clarified over a decade of teaching and it has proven to deliver results – just keep reading for some of her glowing student reviews.As you learn and apply Anodea’s insights at each stage of the creative journey, birthing your most heartfelt dreams will become more fluid, joyful and successful.With Manifesting through the Chakras, you’ll gain the building blocks for manifesting based on your deeper calling as well as lifelong tools for removing and transforming the stumbling blocks along the way.It will set your manifesting powers on fire, enabling you to generate results for any project or vision you aim to create.During this 7-week journey with Anodea, you’ll discover:A step-by-step systematic roadmap to the manifestation process that can be used for any dream you haveVital tools for transforming common blocks that occur at each chakra level, from limiting beliefs to handling distractions, to fears and doubtsClarity in how to identify, visualize and manifest your most important dreams, including your life purposeUnderstanding the role of beliefs, and how to align them with your purposeClear strategies that allow you to befriend and eliminate your inner critic so it doesn’t sabotage your successHow to keep your will focused and on track with your prioritized plan and purposeEnjoyable ways to make manifesting your dreams more fun for all concernedHow to mobilize your social network for finding just the right relationships to support your visionsSkills in enrolling other allies in your dreamsGreater energy and vitality from aligning with your Divine sourceAn ability to gracefully move through the inevitable obstacles and resistance that arisesLifelong goal-setting skills where you know exactly how to break large projects down into manageable chunksDeeper awareness of where you create barriers within yourself — and how to overcome themInspiration and support to manifest your soul’s callingDuring this crucial time on the planet, we’re all being called to apply our energy and gifts to manifest a higher consciousness, which Anodea Judith and other spiritual teachers refer to as “Co-creating Heaven on Earth.”Working with nature’s blueprint for creation, your passion, skills and desires can help catalyze personal as well as collective transformation.Greater Connection Through Live Streaming VideoSo you can better connect with Anodea and her teachings, all of her sessions will be live streamed on video. This video connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Anodea’s teaching. Or, you can easily connect via audio, either through the Internet or your phone.What You’ll Discover in These 7 WeeksCourse sessions are on Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.In this transformational video training, Anodea will guide you through the 7-step process techniques for aligning yourself and your desires and goals with the natural process of creation.Each weekly LIVE teaching, discussion, and training session will build harmoniously upon the next so you have a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to manifest clear, consistent results for any project or vision.Each week, you’ll receive chakra-specific practices to strengthen each area. Whether your desires and goals are personal or global, for a business or a community, this 7-week course will help you condense and clarify your ideas and keep you on track through a step-by-step process.Module 1: Consciousness Creates Opening to Guidance From Higher Consciousness to Bring Heaven Down to Earth (February 27)The Manifesting Through Your Chakras journey begins at the level of pure consciousness (Crown Chakra) where you connect with Source and begin to receive your inner guidance and inspiration.In your first session with Anodea, you’ll discover:How the crown chakra of pure consciousness is where everything beginsHow conception of a new reality has to take place to be able to give birth to it laterTo harness the power of emptiness by seeing how everything you create begins in the InfiniteHow to cultivate a receptive state and open to the grace and guidance that’s readily available to youHow to make your mind fertile to the conception of ideasA proven process for clarifying your intentions and disabling the mental obstaclesA potent exercise to examine your limiting beliefs and aligning new ones with your goalsModule 2: Vision VitalyzesSeeing a Path to Turning Obstacles Into Stepping Stones (March 6)In the next phase of your manifestation journey, you will learn to bring the light of inspiration downward to your third eye (Brow Chakra) to crystallize it into a clear visionand focus your intention.In module two, you’ll discover:The nature of the brow chakra of vision and how to use your intuition to clarify your life purposeA clear process for identifying your big dreams in twelve distinct areas of your lifeHow to activate your visionary capacity and “laser-light” a clear path to your futureHow to recognize obstacles before they stop you and gracefully move through the pitfalls that occurHow to design something intelligently so that it can meet the challenges that arise at lower chakra levelsHow bringing beauty into your life helps to create Heaven on EarthModule 3: Conversation CatalyzesGiving Voice to Your Vision & Taming Your Inner Critic (March 13)Once you have learned how to crystallize your vision and purpose, the next stage of the process is to bring it down to your communication center (Throat Chakra) so that you can find the right words and symbols to express your vision clearly and effectively. Developing this skill is essential to enrolling others in your dream, which is part of weaving it into the fabric of reality.In module three, you’ll discover:A deeper understanding of the throat chakra of communication and expression and when and how to communicate your vision to othersHow to dialogue about your vision and use that feedback (whether positive or negative) to maximize the creative process and refine your intentionsOne of the most effective ways to enroll and inspire others into your visionAn easy and fun goal-setting process to keep you on track and achieving “wins” along the wayHow to befriend and eliminate the negative voices withinHow to hone your message into a concise and effective “elevator pitch.”Module 4: Love Launches Bringing Heart to Your Work & Relationships for True Co-creation(March 20)After you’ve found the best way to express your vision, you enter the realm of relationship (Heart Chakra) to find the right partners and allies to help bring your inspired ideas into the world.In module four, you’ll discover:The Heart Chakra and how the key to fulfilling your dreams is having heart in all you doHow to find the right people to fulfill key positions in your dreamA potent practice to cultivate the most important relationship in your life (Hint: look in the mirror!)How to align your dreams to be in service to the greater goodHow to create your very own “dream team” and build a supportive network for your visionary processHow to harness the power of co-creation and find collaborative others to give flight to your dreamsHow effective networking helps you reach clients, customers, and audiences that are perfect for your dreamA potent manifestation to the heart chakra’s “Wish Fulfilling Tree” that bestows even more than is desiredModule 5: Power ProducesHow to Stick to a Plan & Strengthen Your Will to Get Things Done(March 27)Once you have established your network of supporting relationships, you begin to focus your will (Power Chakra) to consolidate your energy and bring laser-like focus to the specific goals and tasks necessary to translate your vision into reality.In module five, you’ll discover:How to use diamond-like energy of the Power Chakra in your body to stay focused and effective, so you can move into actions that bring resultsA highly practical process for breaking goals down into specific and measurable tasksHow to tap into the energy of action to prioritize tasks and accomplish them one at a time, every daySpecific and personal ways to “empower up” and make your energy and reserves bigger than your obstaclesHow to re-balance your power by claiming your will and experiencing the role focused action plays in keeping your energy strongThird chakra exercises to energize you when you need it mostModule 6: Pleasure Pleases Activating Your Passion & Pleasure to Move Your Dream Forward(April 3)After you have consolidated the power of your will, you then begin to cultivate your life-force energy (Sacral Chakra) and passion to generate momentum and attract the final resources you need to manifest your vision.In module six, you’ll discover:How to mobilize your creative and sexual energy center to fully manifest your dreamsA whole new way to understand the so-called “Law of Attraction,” among other universal laws, to “attract” what you need in each momentHow to activate what brings you the most pleasure and use that energy to move forward everydayThe role of “feeling your way in the dark” and how your senses can help you make course-corrections along your pathHow to make the manifestation process a truly fun and joyful experience for yourself and othersHow to precisely ask for what you want so you get it the way you want it!Module 7: Matter Matters Bringing It Down to Earth & Into Tangible Reality (April 10)Once you have cultivated sufficient momentum, you then trust your gut and follow your instincts (Root Chakra) to take the final steps in the “real” world to birth your intangible vision into physical reality.In session seven, you’ll discover:The importance of the first chakra and grounding your body in order to solidify your dreamsHow you can tap into your instincts to manifest your visionHow to work with money in a way that creates real abundanceHow to concretize your plan and joyfully commit to tasks and deadlinesTools for success in case you get stuck in the future.How to complete each step and not leave out any pesky details until you’re doneHow to fully let yourself “have” what you’ve created, and enjoy your results, which enhances the attraction of future blessingsSalepage : PreviewArichive : PreviewPurchase Manifesting Through the Chakras with Anodea Judith courses at here with PRICE $297 $85