Manifesting Real Abundance – Dr. Sue Morter and Anodea Judith


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $49 $287, Manifesting Real Abundance – Dr. Sue Morter and Anodea Judith Course.Learn from Two Master Teachers the Secrets to ManifestingYour Dreams and Creating Real Abundance in Your LifeWe all have New Year’s intentions and goals for our lives and for a better world. Making those dreams really happen, however, can be a big challenge for most of us.We procrastinate and think we need more time, money or skills to create what we truly want. But the deeper issue is that most of us have never been taught how to manifest our most important plans and dreams.You probably haven’t been handed a roadmap to help you clear the obstacles from your path, tap into your own reservoir of limitless possibility, create your dream life and experience your true abundant nature.Well, just in time for the New Year, we’re offering two of our top-rated courses – available now at HALF-PRICE – on manifesting your dreams and creating real abundance in your life.With these self-paced recorded sessions led by two master teachers, Anodea Judith and Dr. Sue Morter, weekly handouts and guided exercises, plus bonus recordings with top transformational teachers Michael Beckwith and John Friend, you’ll be on your way to creating your heart’s desires in the New Year.Clear the Obstacles from Your Path and Live Your Highest VisionWith Manifesting through the Chakras with Anodea Judith, you’ll learn a step-by-step plan – using the powerful chakra system – to clear the obstacles from your path and catapult you into the world of co-creating with Spirit and with others in your life.In these 7 sessions, Anodea will guide you in a time-tested process – from dream to reality – giving specific exercises and practices to keep you on track with your life vision.Take the Easy and More Joyful Path to Your True AbundanceWith Real Abundance with Dr. Sue Morter, you’ll learn from a true master of abundance how to reprogram your subconscious beliefs, rewire your energetic circuits and de-stress your life so you can relax into the EASY path of manifesting the abundance that is at your core.Dr. Sue will guide you in these 7 sessions to tap into the broader energies of the universe and experience your multi-dimensional essence, so that you can access a field of potential that is Infinite Possibility. Joyful. Limitless. Creative.And when you give of yourself in service in the world, you can then pour forth that abundance – without depletion! And that, in turn is magnetic to more abundance.Together, these teachings give you everything you need to create the life of your dreams while fully anchored in your divinity.Sign up now, and you can take big steps to:Identify, visualize and manifest your most important dreams – quickly and easily – using a step-by-step manifestation processCreate a shift to true self-love and real abundance as the new foundation for your lifeGain greater energy and vitality by aligning with your Divine sourceMaster your own bodily energetics to begin to break free of long-held limitationsGracefully move through the inevitable obstacles and resistance that arisesRelease the blocks you carry in your central nervous system, electromagnetic energy field and subconscious memory fieldsAttune to your soul’s calling through lifelong goal-setting skills where you know exactly how to break large projects down into manageable chunks*Includes a Printable Gift Certificate at CheckoutBut Don’t Take Our Word for It. Here’s What Others Have to Say…“I have been studying the chakras for many years, but Anodea’s approach, way of explaining each chakra, mediations, exercises, handouts and sense of humor made this experience the best one I’ve ever had. If you want to manifest your dreams, don’t hesitate to take this course!”Mariela“This has been a true master class from a true master… it has awoken me to a much better understanding of who I am and what I’m made of, and how our own loving energy is our greatest gift for our own healing.”Teresina“The Manifesting Through the Chakras course was no less than amazing. And so is Anodea Judith. She taught me that much more is possible in this lifetime — more love, more money, more time, more fulfillment in work — despite what your mind tells you. Invaluable course.”Melissa Waldron“Dr. Sue is truly magnificent! This is the first time I’ve participated in a ‘teleseminar’ that was so transformative, it felt like hands on personally with Dr. Sue. Many, many thanks.”OliviaHere’s What You’ll Learn…Session 1: Opening to Your Higher Consciousness to Create Heaven on EarthDiscover the crown chakra of pure consciousness and how everything you create begins in the infiniteSession 2: Vitalizing Your Vision and Removing Obstacles in Your PathDiscover the brow chakra of vision and how to use your intuition to clarify your life purposeSession 3: Giving Voice to Your Vision and Eliminating Negative TalkDiscover the throat chakra of communication and expression and when and how to communicate your vision to othersSession 4: Diving into the Heart of Your Relationships to Fulfill Your DestinyDiscover the heart chakra and how the key to fulfilling your dreams is having the right relationships in your lifeSession 5: Plugging into Your Personal Power and Prioritizing How You Focus Your EnergyDiscover the power or will chakra and how to use this diamond-like energy in your body to stay focused and in action, so you can move beyond just dreaming and visioningSession 6: Activating Your Passion and Pleasure to Keep You on PurposeDiscover the sacral chakra and how to use your creative and sexual energy center to fully manifest your dreamsSession 7: Becoming a Masterful and Magnetic ManifesterDiscover the root chakra and how you can tap into your instincts to manifest your visionIncreasing Your Power and Potential through Yogic Practices and Principleswith John Friend, founder and creator of Anusara Yoga — the fastest spreading system of yoga in the westOn this bonus call, John and Anodea will discuss how the principles of yoga and the chakras align for manifesting your highest dreams and truest potential. Based on the Tantric philosophy of Shiva-Shakti yoga, they will share what it means to start with the highest, and how to bring that energy down to a sacred embodiment of your divine self, the real meaning of namaste. John and Anodea have been friends for over a decade, so expect a lively discussion that will rock your metaphysical world and teach you:Yogic practices that will increase your ability to manifestHow to channel divine inspiration through all of your actionsHow you can increase your power and potential by opening your bodyManifesting through Magnetism: The Feminine Path of Creationwith Devaa Haley Mitchell, Inspiring Women Summit Founder & Co-HostBeauty, joy and pleasure are magnetic. And when you tap into your wellspring of joy, you can use that energy to manifest with grace and ease — feminine style. No more pushing to “make it happen.” No more endless late nights of working, working, working to create your life’s work. Let go of the long TO DO lists and try on a new possibility. Let women’s transformational guide Devaa Haley Mitchell show you how to:Tap into your intuitive left brain to manifest with grace and ease in your own life — whether you’re a man or a woman!Generate a “rampage of appreciation” — a critical key to this processUse the feminine moon cycle as a tool for bringing your visions into 3D realitSession 1: Awakening to Your True Self and the Reality of Your True AbundanceDiscover how you can intentionally master your own bodily energetics and waveforms to begin to break free of long-held limitationsSession 2: Determining Your True Abundant Identity and Your Highest PurposeDiscover techniques that release you from the “props” of this dimension and give you access to your true EssenceSession 3: Accessing Your Higher Council for Divine ManifestingDiscover how to weave together your conscious, subconscious, unconscious and non-conscious parts of you to create authentic, sustainable transformation in your lifeSession 4: Course-Correcting and Shape-Shifting Your Intentions, Dreams and AspirationsDiscover specific embodiment techniques for reading what your subconscious and unconscious aspects are revealing to you to awaken the core creative centers in your body for greater receptivity to SpiritSession 5: Relationships and Their Soulful Purpose in Your Grand PlanDiscover why you must gain a higher perspective of relationships and why, if you don’t, every attempt to understand or improve your experience will ultimately fall shortSession 6: The Global Significance of Self LoveDiscover how to take note of the obvious nudging from your everyday life that indicates you are not grounded in self-love and what to do about it the moment you noticeSession 7: Cultivating a Daily Practice that Produces Tangible Results and Serves Your Abundant NatureDiscover a daily practice that has you producing in the realm of infinite possibility and accessing Real Abundance in your lifeGet Manifesting Real Abundance – Dr. Sue Morter and Anodea Judith, Only Price $49Tag: Manifesting Real Abundance – Dr. Sue Morter and Anodea Judith Download, Manifesting Real Abundance – Dr. Sue Morter and Anodea Judith review, Manifesting Real Abundance – Dr. Sue Morter and Anodea Judith Discount, manifesting real abundance, manifesting abundance meaning, manifesting abundance affirmations, abundance manifest, abundance manifestation meaning.