Mandy Morris – EME Integration Certification Program


Mandy Morris EME Integration Certification Program
And this is what so many life-coaches fail to do… And consequently why they lack the confidence, skill, and expertise they need to create real, lasting, and deep impact in the lives of others.

“This course is available and delivery within a few hours!”And this is what so many life-coaches fail to do… And consequently why they lack the confidence, skill, and expertise they need to create real, lasting, and deep impact in the lives of others.

Mandy Morris – EME Integration Certification Program

Feel like you were meant to do something “bigger” but just don’t know where to start?

“How I Discovered My Purpose Work, And In the Process, Got Paid to Change Lives Daily…”

Want to Become a Certified Coach

and Change Lives?

Watch the video below to get a “behind the scenes” look at what you’ll experience – and what’s possible for you after you go through the 16-week Life Coaching Certification program…

This 16-week in-depth, and deeply transformational, program teaches you how to discover the root cause of life’s biggest problems and remove any mental, emotional and energetic blocks that are preventing you from living the life you desire. You’ll be able to identify and break down limiting beliefs and dissolve patterns that are present in your life as a result of trauma. You’ll learn how to shift disempowering and debilitating emotions into positive and empowering emotions and how to make “core” identity level transformations.

You’re here because you are destined for something greater…

You’re meant to do the greatest “job” in the whole world
A job that transforms you into a beacon of light for others so that you’re able to give them hope during their most difficult moments.
A job that allows you to give people the tools they need to become better versions of themselves.
A job that enables you to make an impact and a difference in the lives of others, helping other humans raise their vibrations and eliminate the root of all their pain.
A job where you get to help people discover their authentic selves and inner power so they can fall back in love with who they truly are.
A job that gives you the ability to help people overcome their biggest fears, challenges, and adversities in life so that they can reach their full potential and do what they came to this planet to do.

You’re here because you are destined for something greater…

You’re meant to do the greatest “job” in the whole world
A job that transforms you into a beacon of light for others so that you’re able to give them hope during their most difficult moments.
A job that allows you to give people the tools they need to become better versions of themselves.
A job that enables you to make an impact and a difference in the lives of others, helping other humans raise their vibrations and eliminate the root of all their pain.
A job where you get to help people discover their authentic selves and inner power so they can fall back in love with who they truly are.
A job that gives you the ability to help people overcome their biggest fears, challenges, and adversities in life so that they can reach their full potential and do what they came to this planet to do.

The Key To Becoming A Confident & Capable Life-Coach Is Embodying The Work Yourself.

And this is what so many life-coaches fail to do… And consequently why they lack the confidence, skill, and expertise they need to create real, lasting, and deep impact in the lives of others.

If you want to change the lives of others, create big shifts, and massive impacts…
You first have to make the shifts in yourself.
And no, I’m talking about switching your morning latte for a mushroom superfood or making perfectly outlined vision boards…
That is the misconception that sabotages the success of most life-coaches.
Because their idea of embodying the work is focused solely on “self-development” practices, you know the ones…
Mantras, meditations, books, seminars – all of which are great, but they alone are not enough to create a real transformation that actually lasts.
Because these things are only addressing one area of our transformation – the mind.
Now don’t get me wrong, shifting the mind is a powerful, and essential, part of the healing process.
Your mind can be one of the biggest sources of pain, fear, struggle, and unhappiness in life.
And oftentimes the mind has been so programmed by society, childhood traumas, and limiting beliefs that it actually controls you and keeps you trapped in a vicious cycle of toxic patterns, lack, and limitation…
So yes, in order to be an embodied life-coach, you absolutely need to address the mind.

When you shift the emotions, mind & energy, everything you desire in your life will come to you instantly and with incredible ease…

Because when you go this deep, you are able to eliminate the very things that caused the problem to occur in the first place so they never occur again.
Over the years of my extensive study and research, I have developed dozens of unique processes and methodologies that combine love with neuroscience, to effectively transform a person’s life for good.
This one-of-a-kind approach to healing has the ability to dramatically shift and rewire the neurotransmitters in a person’s brain, so they can achieve true and lasting transformation in as little as one hour.
My methodologies have been studied by top scientists, doctors, and psychologists in Norway, Sweden, the UK, and the USA. And a university event asked me to teach my methodologies to university students.
But I stepped away from the promises of fame and success in the psychology industry because I didn’t want my techniques watered down, altered, or hidden from the masses.
Because I want to teach the world the truth about achieving instant and lasting transformation.
So I spent years perfecting my methodologies, teachings, and techniques and created a world-class life-coaching program that teaches people how to combine love and science to make a profound difference in their own life, and the lives of others.
And I call this program EME Integration Certification Program (Stands for: Emotions, Mind, and Energy).
But contrary to most coaching programs out there today, my goal is not to train as many people as possible…
My goal is to train those rare and special souls, that are ready, how they can be the most embodied, effective, and confident Life-Coach in the industry today.

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