Make You Happy Management System – Keith Lee

They All Laughed When I Told Them I Don’t Have Employee Headaches…But Now They’re Begging for the SecretOne of my mentors Dan Kennedy says:“The purpose of being in businessis to live your life the way you want to live your life.”That’s what this is all about, living your entire life; your business life and your personal life the way you want to live it – and making a lot more money while you do that.It’s also for you if you simply want to discover a better way to manage your business and your people.What would it mean to you, to get all of your employees functioning as an effective team and functioning at a high level as individuals and, in general, getting things done consistently right by system, rather than by fighting fires and fixing mistakes?What if you could get everyone working together, going in the same direction and taking responsibility?What if you didn’t have to take care of all of those problems?What if you didn’t have to spend time on mundane, menial, everyday tasks and could work on the important?When you can do that, you’ll not only have a better, more profitable business; but you’ll have a less stressful, more productive life outside of work.If you know you could achieve more, build the business you’ve always wanted, take that vacation and actually forget about work, and have a less stressful and more enjoyable home life, if only everybody else around you could be counted on more, you are in the right place.You’ve probably been at this long enough to know that you don’t have all of the answers, and you likely have enough employees that you know the answer certainly isn’t MORE employees.  But things just don’t seem to changeBut They Can!THIS IS ABOUT CONTROL & FREEDOMIsn’t that why you became a business owner in the first place?Of course it is.But…I know, I was there.As an owner of a wholesale distribution business that grew from one employee to more than sixty, I know, all too well, that far too often the business controls you rather than you controlling it.And freedom?… That’s what I wanted, but I was never ever really free.  IT was always there – The Business – the problems, the headaches, the employees.The business that was supposed to set me free had done the opposite.Why is it?Why does every business owner have the same problems? Too many hours, too many problems – too often working on mundane, menial tasks rather than on the important, the things that lead to real growth, more profits, and the business you’ve always dreamed of.I’m sorry to tell you but the management system you use in your business was never designed to work for small business owners and IT – the system itself – is THE reason you and your fellow business owners are all in the same boat, continually wondering why you can’t get everyone functioning as an effective team and taking individual responsibility.You are managing in one of two ways, and neither works!  You are either using Management by Objectives (MBO) which is taught in every business school and “handed down” to small business owners, or you’re winging it (I call this Management by Hope and Prayer) – neither works!The sad truth is that MBO was never designed to work for the small business owner.But they don’t tell you that in business school.I know; I graduated from the, University of Puget Sound, School of Business and they certainly didn’t tell me.MBO was, and is, “designed” to work in large public corporations, taught in universities by people who have NEVER worked in, let alone run, a small business.Anyone who’s ever been in that corporate “rat race” knows that those corporations thrive on the backs of mid-level managers who are willing to give up their home life, sell their soul, become slaves to “THE COMPANY,” and work eighty hours a week to get the next promotion.But guess who’s doing that in your business – YOUR ARE!You and I both know that you could have “succeeded” in that corporate rat race.Heck, you could have been the CEO.But you want something different.You want CONTROL AND FREEDOM.  In my wholesale distribution business, we delivered 46,432 orders to 8,645 clients in the last 12 months.Every one of those clients gets this message from me many times throughout the year, “If we ever let you down please call 800-426-5708 right away so we can make it right.  If you’re still not happy call me on my direct line at 253-859-7310 so I can make it right.”Would you dare do that?Here’s the kicker – I’m lonely… like that Old Maytag Repairman.I only get about one call every other month from a client we’ve let down.If you are ready to get your employees functioning as an effective team and functioning at a high level as individuals and getting things done consistently right by system rather than by fighting fires and fixing mistakes, click the button below.Get Make You Happy Management System – Keith Lee, Only Price $37Tag: Make You Happy Management System – Keith Lee Review. 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