Madalin Tudose – The Seo Checklist


The SEO ChecklistTM is your highly-efficient, step-by-step SEO framework that will guide you through actionable strategies you can use RIGHT AWAY to dramatically increase the ranking of your website and bring it where it belongs: on the 1st page of Google!Purchase Madalin Tudose – The Seo Checklist courses at here with PRICE $37 $16Madalin Tudose – The Seo ChecklistThe SEO ChecklistTM is your highly-efficient, step-by-step SEO framework that will guide you through actionable strategies you can use RIGHT AWAY to dramatically increase the ranking of your website and bring it where it belongs: on the 1st page of Google!Get Madalin Tudose – The Seo Checklist downloadCourses in this Program:The SEO ChecklistSEO tips and tricks that set any website on an accelerated path to organic growth!93 Lessons in this CourseLessons in The SEO Checklist:1 Set Up Google Analytics2 Set Up Google Search Console3 Install an SEO Solution for Your Website4 Set Up Uptime Monitoring5 Set Up Keyword Rank Tracking6 Check for About, Contact, Privacy Policy and TOS Pages7 Check for Pretty Permalinks8 Check the Site is Mobile Friendly9 Check the Site Loads Fast10 Keep URLs Short11 Check and Optimize Your 404 Page12 Make it Easy to Share Your Content13 Claim Your Brand on Multiple Social Networks14 Use Heatmaps to See What Users Actually See15 Use a Top-Performing Web Host16 Check The Server is Located Close to Your Service Area17 Use a CDN18 Check for GZIP Compression19 Check for HTTP/220 Use a Caching Solution21 Minify JS/CSS Files22 Resize Large Images at Upload23 Compress and Optimize images24 Lazy Load Images & Iframes(YouTube embeds, etc)25 Update Technology26 Optimize Database27 Switch to Https28 Check for One Single www Version29 Fix mixed content30 Create a Sitemap & Add it to Google Search Console(GSC)31 Create a robots.txt File32 Check that URLs have redirects to / or the canonical is set to /33 Check and Fix Broken Links34 Check and Fix Redirect Chains35 Fix Missing and Duplicate Meta Titles and s36 Use Redirects Properly37 Check for Index Coverage Issues38 Check for Manual Penalties39 Keep Pages at Maximum 3 Clicks from Reach40 Use “noindex” and “nofollow” Tags Properly41 Disable Irrelevant Content from Being Indexed42 Do Keyword Research43 Have a Solid SEO Content Strategy44 Create Long-Form Content45 Create 10x Content46 Identify & Fix Keyword Cannibalization47 Identify & Fix Duplicate Content48 Create Content Hubs49 “Feed” the Hubs with Supporting Content50 Update Content on a Regular Basis51 Add Content to Your Categories52 Build Up E-A-T53 Write for People, not for Search Engines54 Check the Target Keyword Matches User Intent55 Have the target keyword in URL, Title and Heading56 Use Focus Keyword in 1st Paragraph57 Use a Single H1 on Each Page58 Set an Enticing, yet SEO-Oriented Meta Title59 Write a Compelling Meta 60 Use Subheadings for Content Hierarchy61 Format and Style the Content Properly62 Link to Relevant Inner Pages(Internal Linking)63 Link out to Relevant, Authoritative Websites64 Never Link to a Page/Website with the Same Anchor the Current Page is Targeting65 Name Your Images Properly66 Set Images Alt Text67 Check for Social Markup68 Check Dwell Time and Optimize It69 Strike for the Featured Snippet70 Don’t Over-Optimize71 Have a Solid Link Building Strategy72 Build Foundational Links73 Interlink Social Networks74 Guest Post on Niche-Related Blogs75 Ask Partners you’ve Worked with for a Link76 Turn Brand Mentions into Links77 Use Social Signals to Boost your Page Rankings78 Schedule Social Posting79 Claim your Google My Business Listing80 Claim Your Yelp Listing81 Claim your Bing Places for Business Listing82 Optimize Listings83 Get on General Relevant Directories84 Get on Niche-specific Directories85 Reply to Reviews86 Reach Out for Reviews87 Publish Google Posts88 Check for Site-wide NAP Details89 Have Consistent NAP Details Across the Site90 Have Consistent NAP Details on Listings & Social Networks91 Have a Content Strategy Targeting Local Topics92 Claim Brand Mentions from Local Sites93 Add Local Business Markup to your HomepageGet Madalin Tudose – The Seo Checklist downloadPurchase Madalin Tudose – The Seo Checklist courses at here with PRICE $37 $16