Lukas Resheske – The Freelancer Course (Copywriting)

Lukas Resheske – The Freelancer Course (Copywriting)Copywriting Mentorship ProgramThis 12-week intensive program teaches individuals and teams the basics of persuasive copywriting. This course requires participation, communication, hard work, and full participation.New Email Masters CourseEmail marketing is still one of the most ROI positive marketing activities a business can engage in, and Email Copywriters are needed all around the world. This program is designed to teach my special methods of email copywriting AND show you methods to getting Email Copy Clients… even if you have no experience or prior clientele.It is a very intense, but short program. It’s not filled with fluff. The second half also includes “The Gauntlet”This is the first ever email copy-specific training. You’ll test your skills in a controlled environement and get direct feedback on how effective your client outreach is.All New Email Masters graduates are eligible to be considered Alumni. They can also participate in client projects and get referrals for Email Copy-specific jobs.The Freelancer CourseI’ve gone from a complete newbie at copywriting to one of the most respected copywriters and trainers in just 7 years… and this is how I did it. The Freelancer Course Here are my strategies for getting High-End Clients to Actively Reach Out to YOU via Social Media and Simple Websites… instead of you chasing them down or applying for jobs.It’s also my exact strategies to grow a personal brand as a copywriter so that you get more opportunities, including partnership deals, business offers, and speaking/consulting requests.This is the answer to your question if you have ever wondered how I got what I did.Download immediately Lukas Resheske – The Freelancer Course (Copywriting)Marina Del Rey Workshops *Temporarily Unavailable due to Covid-19High growth companies send their core team members to our workshops in person for training and implementation cutting-edge marketing campaigns. Our workshops are multi-day events that are catered and include fun excursions that break up the focused, implementation-driven curriculum.We’ve been running these events for 3 years for independent entrepreneurs and small teams to join, and we also facilitate private workshops for larger teams that want a curated off-site experience to get their latest campaign launched.Get to Work with LukasLukas Private consultations are available on a limited basis for some projects. Please tell us about your project and we’ll return with dates, times and pricing.