Lucinda Bassett – Attacking Anxiety & Depression Program


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Getting Beyond a Growth Spurt Don’t let a set back discourage you… comfortable relaxing. For optimum results, the relaxation session should be used initially a minimum of twice a day.
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Lucinda Bassett – Attacking Anxiety & Depression Program

1) Anxiety & Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears ;
2) Six Steps That Will Put an End to Panic Attacks ;
3) Self Talk: The Key to Healthy Self Esteem ;
4) Expectations: How to Expect Less and Get More ;
5) Eat and Exercise to Rid Yourself of Anxiety and Depression ;
6) Stop Being Angry and Control Your Mood Swings ;
7) Assertive Behavior: Speak Confidently, Gain Respect Respect yourself enough to stand up for yourself;
8) Put an End to “What If” Thinking ;
9) Get off the Guilt and Worry Treadmill ;
10) How to Stop Obsessive, Scary Thoughts ;
11) High Anxiety: The Truth About Medication and Alcohol Pros and cons of medication;
12)The Courage to Change ;
13) Time Management: 12 Steps Toward a Balanced Life Bring order back into your life, stop running and feeling overwhelmed;
14) How to Keep Stress From Becoming Anxiety ;
15) Getting Beyond a Growth Spurt Don’t let a set back discourage you… comfortable relaxing. For optimum results, the relaxation session should be used initially a minimum of twice a day.
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