LR Thomas – High ROI Trading


Shane Blankenship – Andrews Pitchfork Basic
Andrews’ Pitchfork is a technical indicator that uses three parallel trend lines to identify possible levels of support and resistance as well as potential breakout and breakdown levels. It is created by placing three points at the end of previous trends and then drawing a line from the first point that runs through the midpoint of the other two points.
The reason this indicator is called a “pitchfork” becomes apparent from the shape that is created in the chart.
What You’ll Learn In Andrews Pitchfork Basic?
Andrews Pitchfork Basic videos, a huge collection of videos that are collected to instruct you how to use the amazing tools included in the Advanced Technical Tools. Through the employment of advanced tools as well as indicators you are capable to get numerous trading strategies, one to corroborate the other.
These videos include a number of educational videos provided on CD, as a result you can analysis simulated trading strategies as well as examples over and over again.
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