Low Stress Trading – Low Stress Options Trading


Low Stress Trading – Low Stress Options TradingNavy Nuclear Engineer-turned-world renown traderreveals how business owners can use Options Trading to…In as little as just 1-2 hours a week, potentially collecting payouts each and every week. You can then conceivablycompound those weekly wins over and over again.Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Best of all, it’s a framework so simple that the biggest challenge you’ll likely face is to not overcomplicate it.See, here’s what many traders in this industry won’t tell you. They are inherently good traders, if not exceptional traders. And even though they can produce phenomenal results, it doesn’t mean they can teach you to do the same.John and I have experienced this first hand. We’ve paid tens of thousands to Options gurus that, while great traders, were lousy teachers. Most of their teachings were chest-thumping ego trips showing how good they were at everything.Look, it doesn’t matter how well we can trade this framework. What matters — the only thing that matters — is how easy is it for YOUR Business to get results! We’re all adults here and you know we cannot guarantee anyone will repeat our exact performance, of course.We do not try to impress you with our knowledge of Options. In fact, we completely avoid that entirely. We don’t confuse you with tons of jargon, keeping it to a minimum. Of course, there is some learning required…We focus on a 1% approachThe 1% focus is super important in this framework. It doesn’t just apply to goals though, it applies to our entire low ball mindset and philosophy. It is a mantra that carries through in everything that we practice and teach and one that is the key to YOUR success:We don’t overwhelm you with trading insanity. We focus on the bare minimum you need to know to help you produce consistent weekly resultsmany.We know you’re busy. Hell, we’re busy too. John has another company, and I run five companies. This has to be a minimal effort program for us to do it, too. That’s why we’ve designed it to be a program that can potentially be run in just 1-2 hours of time per week.The target of the framework is for you to grow your portfolio by an average of potentially 1% a week. Some weeks may be more, some less. Some weeks you may have no capital to trade and make nothing. But our core goal is to set a low expectation that we can generally hit and keep that account size compounding week after week. Neither John nor I, nor many of our students trading this strategy, rarely have losing trades or, even rarer yet, a losing week. Since we are paid cash premiums the moment we sell the option, we are setting ourselves up the best way possible to potentially generate positive results over and over again, potentially every week.In the Low Stress Options Program™, we teach you how to USE the stock market to potentially create cashflow, NOT by owning the stock(unless you want to, in which case we’ll show you how that can work too, it’s just not our preference), but rather…teaching you how to capitalize on market trends so you can ideally succeed, potentially each and every week.It doesn’t always work out that way, of course. In the beginning, if you have a small account, you may not have any results in some weeks. It is also possible that you could lose money if a company you are trading goes out of business, or gets delisted from the NYSE/NASDAQ, or something equally odd. Trading is fickle that way, and there certainly are risks.We’re not greedy, but we simply don’t believe that a 30-35% losing rate is acceptable — that is why we just loathe day trading.If you’re going to be a day trader, well, you have to accept that. You have to get comfortable with losing 30-35% of the time. Day trading is all about winning a little more on your wins than you lose on your losses. Some day traders only win about 55% of the time. Sadly, most day traders blow up their accounts because of the insane amount of mental discipline that it takes to be successful, not to mention a massive amount of experience and experimentation.We avoid nearly all of that stress and drama.We’ll cover brokerage selection, account setup & helping you get authorized for Options tradingWe’ll teach you the simple trading approach we use and nothing more — this is all about keeping it simpleTraining on how to select the right stocks to trade Options on so you can pick your ownWe’ll cover how to implement this particular type of Option strategy on both platforms we supportWe’ll teach you the Charting Best Practices used to select the right stocks according to our framework as well as the best likely entry point strategies to avoid as much future drama as possibleWe’ll also teach you Troy’s Charting Best Practices to document and manage your trades visually if you likeWeekly live coaching with John and Troy dedicated to Options. On the call we will do live Options trading, and you can place your trades at the same time, if you want. We’ll do the call during live trading hours, but if you can’t make it because of work and such, it’s not a problem. You’ll get the recording and can enter your trades later. After all, you’re only trying to get a 1% potential yield, so if you miss the early morning entry you can get them the next day. It’s really not that big of a deal.A very consistent schedule. We’ll tell you when to place orders, and when not to. We’ll give you the absolute framework for when to push out the expiration date of our positions(don’t worry, we’ll explain it)and what time of day to double-check your open trades.We’ll go into detail about the“assignment”process and why we prefer to avoid it, but how, even if it happens, it’s not a big deal and can potentially be very profitable.We’ll teach you the strategy of how to get your fees reduced if you’re on our fee-based platform recommendation.We’ll cover how to leverage Covered Calls if you prefer to take assignment and hold the stock. And yes, we’ll explain the pros and cons of it all and why you may or may not want to as well.You’ll get access to the training for a minimum of six months, or for as long as you stay subscribed.And, of course… a whole lotta us…“priceless”… haha… on weekly live training calls showing you exactly what we’re doing and the Options we’re selling!