Loving Bravely: Helping Clients Who are Single, Dating, & Single-Again – Alexandra H. Solomon


The new rules of relationships and dating mean big changes for how we do therapy…Online dating apps, ghosting, commitment phobia, pre-Googling, defining the relationship (DTR) …Whether you’re an individual or a couples therapist, you’re working with relationships.So when clients come to you for help with dating and relationships, do you know what to do?This online course will bring light to some of the big issues your clients are dealing with in the new world of relationships … and arm you with an effective framework and practical tools so you can help them find the healthy romantic relationship they desire.Sign up now and master easy-to-integrate tools to help clients who are dating, recovering from breakups, and figuring out when to commit.You’ll get exclusive access to eight step-by-step sessions that will teach you exactly what to say and do when working with:shifting views around sex, sexuality, and genderlong-distance and cross-cultural dating challengesbreakups and divorce, rebounding, and re-entering the dating worldknowing the difference between a red flag and an opportunity for relational growthand much moreYou’ll end this training confident in your ability to help your clients navigate today’s complex dating world.What You’ll Learn in This CourseIntroduction to Relational Self-Awareness: From Outside-In to Inside-OutWhat You Need to Know to Help Clients in All Stages of RelationshipsAlexandra sets the stages of the course and outlines the fundamentals behind using relational self-awareness in the clinical setting with both individuals and couples.Mapping Your Client’s Love Template: From Fragmented to CoherentHelping Clients Prepare Themselves for Relationships & Stop Repeating Old PatternsMost couples therapy focuses on a relationship after it’s begun to fall apart, but many therapists don’t know how to help clients prepare for love or prevent problems. This session focuses on a unique way of helping clients understand how they love and its impact on their relationships.Self-Aware Sexuality: From Silence to AdvocacyHelping Clients Develop Healthy & Conscious Sexual RelationshipsWe are a culture obsessed with sex and sexuality, but many therapists are unsure of how to address a client’s sexuality. In this session, Alexandra teaches the keys that all therapists should know about when it comes to supporting a client’s sexuality during any stage of life.Self-Aware Dating: From Ghosting to IntegrityWhat You Need to Know About Helping Clients Date in an Online Dating App WorldThe way we date is undergoing massive changes with all new rules and standards. In this session, Alexandra makes sense of the changes with online dating apps, safety, boundaries, honesty, and personal integrity. She explores the ways in which this new world of dating is both challenging and clears the way for a new level of loving relationships.Self-Aware Conflicts: From Reactive to ResponsiveHelping Clients Understand & Navigate the Roots of Relationship ProblemsIn this session, Alexandra presents her approach to handling relational conflicts in therapy from the perspective of relational self-awareness. She shares how to move to being responsive to partners without compromising your own integrity and handling conflict in a way that can strengthen a relationship.Self-Aware Breakups & Divorce: From Ambivalence to ClarityHelping Clients Make Decisions About Should I Stay or Should I Go?Not all relationships that end are failures. Alexandra will show you how to approach breakups and divorce with a variety of clients in different stages of life. You’ll walk away prepared to help clients answer the question, “should I stay or should I go?”Self-Aware Recovery: From Rebounding to ReadyHelping Clients Re-Enter Relationships after Breakups, Divorce, & Other Relationship LossIn this session, Alexandra guides you in how to help clients get ready for another relationship after breakup or divorce.Self-Aware Cross-Cultural & Long-Distance Relationships: From Role to SoulHelping Clients’ with Relationships That Cross Cultural Differences & Geographic DistanceIn this final session, Alexandra will teach you how to effectively work with multi-cultural relationships and long-distance relationships so you can navigate the unique challenges of both of these situations.Get Loving Bravely: Helping Clients Who are Single, Dating, & Single-Again – Alexandra H. Solomon, Only Price $63Tag: Loving Bravely: Helping Clients Who are Single, Dating, & Single-Again – Alexandra H. Solomon Review. Loving Bravely: Helping Clients Who are Single, Dating, & Single-Again – Alexandra H. Solomon download. Loving Bravely: Helping Clients Who are Single, Dating, & Single-Again – Alexandra H. Solomon discount.