Lone Stock Trader – Master Class: The EGM Strategy


SMB Training – John Locke Master Class Series
About John Locke:
Since 2006, John Locke has emerged as a leader in the stock options trading industry. This professional trader has designed many profitable options trading strategies like the Bull, the Quick and Dirty Broken Wing Butterfly, the Super Bull, the Unbalanced Butterfly 1 & 2, the Bear, the Bull vs. Bear, the M3.4u, the V32, the X4 Trading System which includes the X4V14, X4V17, and the X4V22 trading strategies, the Bearish Butterfly, the M3, the ROCK, and the M21 which are used by traders all around the globe. He shares examples of these trades with the public on TheWinningTrade.com series.
In addition, John has held many amazing live events such as the Trading Triangle Maui, Ultimate Income Trader, Trader Transformation Workshop, and Advanced Position Management & Advance Personal Management or APM2 which he has also recorded to help the trading performance of traders who didn’t have the opportunity to attend live.
Knowing that the current option trading training environment lacked quality, in depth courses on certain topics, he created these fantastic courses to fill a need in the industry, the Broken Wing Butterfly Master course, How To Best Utilize Calendar Spreads and the Master Class Series.
Growing up in a family of teachers, it is natural for John to be able to deliver a message with clarity and be understood. Sometimes, the receiver does not understand the concepts the first time around. So John has an amazing ability to rephrase until the concepts became clear to the receiver. He truly is an exceptional educator and he shares his knowledge every day supporting his students with live webinars and through questions he receives from members of the Locke Options Community.
In John’s pursuit to become an expert in the psychology of trading and help improve people’s lives, he has achieved certifications in many self improvement sciences including Life Coaching, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Transformational Leadership, Eriksonian Hypnosis, Transformational Coaching, Strategic Intervention Coach, and Covert Hypnosis.
What You’ll Learn In John Locke Master Class Series?
64 Hours of Premium Master Class Training

Master your market neutral options trading game with 64 hours of on-demand training sessions that were recorded over the course of 2 ½ years.
Take your knowledge of John Locke’s trades to a new level by seeing how the trades were implemented month after month through a variety of market conditions.
Hear John’s answers to questions from options traders like you.
Learn additional lessons about execution, psychology, and trade planning that you can apply to your trading.