Local Media Hero – David Calafiore and Drew Griffin


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: https://www.localmediahero.com/Buy now $57 $197, Local Media Hero – David Calafiore and Drew Griffin Course.The Way to Get Passed The Gate Keeper Is toBecome The Gate-KeeperAfter months of prospecting and what seemed like rejection after rejection…It hit us like a Super Power Punch! (Like POW!!!! RIGHT IN THE KISSER!…LOL)We had to do something about this ‘Gate-Keeper Problem’!It was the one thing that was holding us back from successfully growing our agency and it was the one thing that we knew we had to address if we were going to continue prospecting for new clients (and growing our revenue)!To Get Passed the Gate-Keeper…we had to Become The Gate-Keeper!It was then that all things started to change for the better.When we made the subtle change in our approach, we started to experience a shift in the balance of power towards our business.When we implemented what we now call the Local Media Hero method, suddenly we controlled what all local businesses desire…ATTENTION!You see, when you control the attention of local consumers…the same attention from local consumers that local businesses crave, suddenly, it becomes infinitely easier to connect with ideal prospective businesses…because you HAVE what local businesses WANT!Which Brings Me To The Reason For This Important Announcement…We quickly realized we were onto something when we started to implement what we are now calling the Local Media Hero method!Implementing this new method resulted in more success, an easier and accelerated path to growth, and virtually no unpleasantry or rejection!Realizing this new system delivered duplicatable results, we knew we had an ethical and moral responsibility to share this with as many agency owners and consultants as possible!Today, David and I want to introduce you to a much more effective and frictionless way of building a local marketing agency in this competitive marketplace.What David and I realized and experienced were the consistent results, how easy it was to implement, the minimal time it requires, and how simple it was to connect with local businesses, we knew we couldn’t keep our Local Media Hero method a secret…For the many reading this, Local Media Hero may be the super-secret-breakthrough you’ve been waiting for to connect with and get new clients!No matter what local marketing services you offer…No matter what you sell…No matter if you have Zero Experience…No Matter if you don’t currently have a single Customer or Client…No Matter if you are just getting started, this could literally change the trajectory of your agency! (Just like it helped save our agency!)Super Easy!… We Recommend Beginners and Experienced Agency Owners Do This Instead…To Get Real Results!Let the competition do the same things all of their competitors are doing…and start focusing on what the competitors won’t!Sometimes you have to Zig while the Competitors Zag!So many of your competitors will be cold calling with the same old tired scripts and prospecting methods all while you’re getting results from our Local Media Hero method!Quickly Implement Success While Learning Our System•Rapidly Establish Authority, Celebrity, Credibility•Bypass Friction & Rejection!•Build AwarenessGet Known, Liked & Trusted•Build and Control The Trust & Attention of Tens of Thousands of Local Consumers•Build a True Asset•Position Yourself as the De Facto Local Marketing Expert• Set yourself and your agency up for years to come!There are a number of ways to get your foot in the door and get new clients…and there’s a lot of friction in most of them…We’ve tried many of them and some of them are super slick and effective but with Local Media Hero, it takes the guesswork out of it all and allows you to set yourself up from a position of power!