Local Contest Blueprint – Mike Cooch’s


Product “The Simplest and Cheapest Way to Generate Leads and Customers for Your Local Marketing Clients!”You’ll learn:The exact process we use to generate hot leads quickly and cheaply in any industry niche!How giving away your client’s products and services may be the most profitable thing you’ll ever do for them!How to package, price and sell these services so you generate recurring revenue from getting leads for your clients!How you can apply this same system to generate leads at YOUR business!Plus much more!*FAQ’s*Of course, you guys have a lot of questions, so I’ve done my best to answer them below (which makes for the longest email I’ve ever written!):Will contests work in my industry/market?The short answer is YES! The only industries I’ve drawn a blank on are funeral services and lawyers. Otherwise, every single industry I’ve looked into are using sweepstakes and contests successfully.What industries have you successfully run contests in?Kitchen remodeling, IT Services, photography equipment, skin care products, gyms, medical spas, restaurants, moving companies, professional speakers, book fairs, information products…and I’m sure others.Are there industries that are best for using these strategies?We prefer to go after industries where the average lifetime value of a customer is at least $1,000, which includes any home contracting business, medical, cosmetic, gyms, auto dealers, and many, many more.Are sweepstakes and contests just some latest fad technique?No, contests, giveaways and sweepstakes have been used for as long as the direct marketing industry has been in existence. Just about every major consumer products brand uses them as a cornerstone of their marketing in one way or another.In ‘Secrets of Successful Direct Mail’ by Dick Benson, considered one of the ‘Bibles’ of direct response marketing, he states 31 rules of thumb regarding direct response marketing. #3 is that ‘sweepstakes will improve results by 50% or more’.This approach works. It always has and it always will!Do I need to have a lawyer draw up rules for all of the contests I run?I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice, but Contest Domination has a great set of rules built into their system for you to use. If you are doing a massive, very public contest – sure, I’d have a lawyer review your rules before you launch…silly not to. But if you are running a more typical local contest, I personally feel confident enough in Contest Dominations rules to just use them.Why do you like/suggest we use Contest Domination?We’ve tested and reviewed a ton of different apps, and this one came out on top for several reasons.First, it’s easy to use. It’s kind of the ‘Lead Pages of Contest Management Apps’ in my mind. You don’t have to be a technology genius!Second, it’s very well supported. I’ve been able to get access to a support team or the owner any time I’ve needed help.Third, it has the features we need to run the contests we want to run, including good reporting.What’s included in this version of Contest Domination?You get the ‘Business Plan’ license, which is designed for Startup Agencies or Individual Businesses.If you’d like a detailed breakdown of the features you get, please see the FAQs on our order page where I list them out…too long for an email!Get Local Contest Blueprint – Mike Cooch’s, Only Price 45$Tag: Local Contest Blueprint – Mike Cooch’s download. Local Contest Blueprint – Mike Cooch’s discount. Local Contest Blueprint – Mike Cooch’s Review.