List Grow 2.0


Course “List Grow 2.0 – Mike Dillard ” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.This review will show you why you need a list, why you must use email marketing and why those that do find success within the industry.My ListGrow 2.0 covers the fundamental basics of newbies need to learn when it comes to marketing.I do recommend after this you turn to the original ListGrow Review Here and read about it.Then move on down the page to find the special goal nuggets of why List Grow is a bit of training that might help you within your marketing arena.What Is List Grow 2.0 About?A Funnel Is EverythingWhen you have a email system that works, and it is given to you step by step…It is time for you to hop on. The funnel system is something I use each day. So even though I don’t promote Mike as an affiliate. I do recommend learning what he has to offer.I do advocate that you begin to follow those around you that are doing well. And then model what they do. Extensively! Reason why? People who have made millions generally know what they are doing.You not only need a list, you need a targeted list and one that is within the exact niche you are working within. What it means is don’t build a list that has nothing to do with what you are invovled in. What would be the point or purpose?The List Grow Blueprint Is This:Build a list of subscribers through use of a working funnel that can convert your subscribers to take action. List Grow 2.0 teaches this to the exact point of science.Mike says If you have this information. You don’t even have to have a product yet. Anytime, later on, you do come up with one, you will know exactly what needs to be done to create wealth by being able to put together this easy 3 step business model.List Grow: Creating Your List Of SubscribersMike’s List Grow 2.0 starts out covering how important having a list of subscribers is to us. And he even reiterates what he covered within his webinar to help demonstrate how important having a list is to those wanting to be a successful marketeer.The first List Grow ads that were created made Mike 1.2 million dollars in just a couple of weeks. It’s gone on to help myself along with many others. Of course his success now is evidence that having a huge list is very important. We will not be able to have this kind of result at first ourselves, of course.Most people think a list is a list is a list and that they can buy that list for a couple hundred dollars. Yet they would be way wrong. it is not the size but the quality and relationship you have with your list. And how relevant that list is to your actual niche base.Mike teaches us how to create a quality list, build a relationship with that list, and then be able to move massive offers daily using it. With these case studies and science of how it is done…Anyone could change their IM game to top notch!And as always sales from having a good quality list is way more valuable than taking ten hours per day and interacting socially on networks such as Facebook. Social Media will help us get leads, and we can transfer these leads onto our list, but as far as trying to make money using social media? Or any type of free marketing aspect…DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.I’ve never done well nor do I know of anyone who has done well trying to talk people into buying things using social networks. Sure some do okay that have sales inclined attitudes. They are socialites themselves. And may lack business skills. Or having the bones of a system working for them night and day even while asleep.Is List Grow 2.0 A Scam?List Grow Original…The first one…Changed my way of thinking, and my business success. List Grow 2.0 will help you come up with ideas on your next business niche as well. The model and training here that List Grow 2.0 goes into has much more detail and talks extensively about niches even more than the first List Grow.This means you can learn about marketing niches as well and come up with some pretty good ideas for a business. So is List Grow a scam? Most assuredly not. In fact it probably gives more value than anything I’ve bought over the last 5 years here online. Other than Mike Dillard’s first List Grow Course.This will work for you by helping you decide on what you will be doing in the future! List Grow helped me make a some major decisions several years ago. Do I promote and brand myself, or do I brand and promote a new product I don’t have yet? Mike gave me ideas on this and I quickly put it all together after getting his first List Grow Course. It’s like having a recipe on creating an elaborate dinner. Yet it is with simple step by step instructions, even if you don’t know how to cook!Should you buy List Grow 2.0 if you’ve already paid for List Grow? Most assuredly. Listen intently to anything Mike tells you. He didn’t get to be a millionaire overnight. He has had to work hard and long hours to make all this come about. Now he is giving you even more info and advice here, then he did in the original List Grow. And you will see what I mean further down. Keep reading.Creating A Super-Sized ListWhen Mike sends an email to his list he will make more money by this means than anyone else could possibly do these days by any other strategy. Emails grab your users attention and you can talk to them instantly! Email. I live and breath it and earn lots of income using this method. And just really like using emails! They are fast and easy work. I learned the foundation below…Read my #1 review on How To Earn Income OnlineWhat Is List Grow 2.0List Grow 2.0 is a specialized list building course. If you don’t yet know the importance having a list has, you must check out the Training I wrote about in the above link.First and foremost the thing about growing a list is that you need the right software. The list of software required is listed below. You will want to sign up to these as he goes into detail about attaching and linking all these together to make you a super funnel.Click Funnels.You can combine a web page builder with a merchant account. Not like before with List Grow where we used Samcart. So for anyone signing up for 2.0 Mike has set up a free 30 day use of Click FunnelsMail Chimp. Easy to use and cheap. Mike loves this!Stripe. Online merchant account that is free to use and only charges a small percentage of charges with use. A great platform.Screen Flow Or Camtasia. I use Camtasia which is for pc users. Mac users have Screen Flow. You can use either and follow along.Jing & Snagit. A way to create screen captures and various editing with up to 5 minute videos. We use snagit to grab images and modify them size wise. We use it to create our logo within List Grow 2.0.Blue Mic. I use a Blue myself and it makes up all the difference in the world compared to using a built in computer mic.These accounts llist above should be ready and running so you can stay up with Mike in his List Grow 2.0. Covering Click Funnels will be the main base part of this course. But it is easy enough. To build a list you must have the right tools and use them correctly with one another. But there is a much cheaper way to start your education if you are wanting to learn the basics of marketing…Go Here to Get My FREE GUIDE FOR 2019How List Grow 2.0 WorksThe key to having an internet business is to make enough to be able to pay for more and more advertisements…If you are using some type of free marketing or social media. Stop. I spent 3 years when first starting out using SEO and various connections to social media daily posting ads and what-not. I became frustrated and even newer members passed me up using paid ads!Once you understand paid advertising is always been where it’s at, and you create a system that makes it work…You will grow like an avalanche down a steep mountain! Mike also talks and teaches us the importance of offers and providing these offers as action based links so we can steer our traffic source and turn them into buyers. If we do it as well as he does, our advertising becomes paid for and Our list grows as our buyers allow us to get even more sign ups to our list!Your Front End Product/PageEntice a stranger into becoming a customer. This is the beginning of the funnel system.You will want to create a front-end product that is cheap or even free. Also known as a trip wire page or product.  Which is called the bait or the very thing to get a person to pull out their wallet and buy it.But Mike shows us how to set this up and create it within 2.0 However if you cannot afford $300.00 dollars…Consider one top marketing specialist in email marketing that can possibly get you everything you need here: JayKay @  Funnelize!-Read the review The simple truth is you need something of valueAnd that means something people really are going to want. If we give value, people will trust us, buy from us, and expect big things to come. That front end product needs to be awesome and it needs to deliver value.Because that is how you go about grabbing up traffic. It is our way to introduce them to ourselves, our brand, our offers our memberships courses the buying power.The 2nd Offer/Page:This offer will cover your advertising so you can provide more ads which bring more people to your front end offers. At a value of $197 to $497, Mike says the majority of this money earn here will be put back into the advertising campaigns.The 3rd Offer/Page:This would be a membership type offer that comes in passively month after month, around $19 to $97. A news letter, some software, a dozen different product types or membership groups could be thought up and this would give you a constant revenue coming in.Without it you would need to continually create new products that earn you more income. A recurring revenue should be considered in any event, due to it being a continuous profit source that pays well. Or if no that then something to the equivalent. Steady income is important these days. It will provide your main income over the years.How Much Time And Money Will It All Take?Fortunately, Mike has many group memberships as examples He talks about. LFP. Live Free And Prosper, is one. Yet it is no longer available. For training and education, you could create such a group and it is really simple. Having a mentoring type community worked well for him and made his money. And any education group could be a massive money maker for you as well. Creating continuous income potential for decades to come.Solutions: You can create a private Facebook Group where you can critique others marketing, mentor them and charge $37 per month. You could do live webinars, and your members would pay for this and you could set all this up very economically.The key here is to maintain said membership into getting more traffic and interest daily. All this and more is taught within Mike Dillard’s List Grow 2.0.Self Made Man is a learning platform which has become a real winner and became much larger than Mike’s LFP group ever thought about becoming.Once you build your own membership site, you will have more than enough interest for just about any niche you want. And even when I purchased the first List Grow I learned exactly what I needed to do to become larger and brand myself and earn more income.List Grow 2.0 is going to teach you to grow a list of thousands upon thousands of subscribers which will change everything. You’ve only to put it into action and go to work!Conclusion: List Grow 2.0Mike teaches you how to create these same business models he has used over the last decade. Creating millions in revenue in a very short time. He does this in both List Grow and List Grow 2.0 He goes on to explain that this business model can be applied to any business model. In fact, List Grow 2.0 is in effect the results of List Grow and how well it did on it’s on.List Grow Original is awesome. But if you have not gotten it, then go with List Grow 2.0. List Grow 2.0 is even better and provides more information that will help you within different niche areas. List Grow 2.0 is the double meat version of List Grow 1.0.If I’ve helped you in any way, please leave a comment before and or after going over this course. List Grow 2.0 with Mike Dillard is all about helping you become a super internet marketing guru type yourself. Whether you want to train and help others like I do, or whether you want to video stream your fishing experiences in the outback and sell affiliate camping and fishing products…Mike does change lives with his courses. It’s a given to get the training he himself has learned from.Here is my most recent recommended way to grow a list: Funnelize & UniversityList Grow ReviewWhere I got my start online for free: For those that cannot yet afford List Grow. Read the #1 rated review for Wealthy Affiliate Once you start making commissions with the training WA has to offer, you can easily scale up and then get the List Grow 2.0 . I’m not associated with List Grow, List Grow 2.0 or Mike Dillard. Met him once in his hometown of Austin Texas back in 2016. He’s genuine.And he is the perfect model of a marketer to follow in the years to come.Get List Grow 2.0 – Mike Dillard , Only Price 95$Tag: List Grow 2.0 – Mike Dillard Review. List Grow 2.0 – Mike Dillard download. List Grow 2.0 – Mike Dillard discount.