Lisa Barnett – Healing Emotional Pain & Trauma through Your Akashic Record


Lisa Barnett – Healing Emotional Pain & Trauma through Your Akashic RecordHealing Emotional Pain & Trauma through Your Akashic RecordEnergetic Clearings & Activations to Empower Your LifeIn these Akashic Healing Sessions you will receive quantum clearing energy to support you in releasing trauma from this life and past lives, long-standing Karmic patterns and Soul Contracts, that keep you stuck.Childhood Trauma- Session #1In this 2 hour powerful healing session, we work in the Akashic Records to clear the blocks from traumatic situations in your childhoodWe cleared feelings of fear from parent fightingWe release abandonment and feelings of being deserted by parents who leftWe work on Self Doubt and Unworthiness from parents divorceWe clear Self Loathing and beliefs that we’re not good enough to loveWe go back through our Ancestral Lineage and release Survivors Guilt and ancestral energy from the Depression and HolocaustWe continue this powerful session with clearing, physical pain, emotional pain, fear and program from Sexual AbuseWe also release the traumatic energy of Betrayal from a spouse or partnerRelease Emotion Pain from Past orPresent Relationships – Session #2In this session we worked in the Akashic Records to clear blocks in relationships.Are you attracted to people who don’t support you?Do you understand the soul contracts you have with your family members?Have you had a heart break that keeps you from moving forward?Are you stuck in old relationship patterns?Clear emotional pain from physical and verbal abuseRelease feeling of Unworthiness and self-blame from abandonmentClear emotional pain of low self-worth and fear which affects our ability to create an abundant businessDisconnect Anger at our childhood trauma and anger at self for the trauma and abuseHealth Challenges – Session #3In this session we worked in the Akashic Records to clear to energy and release blocks to health.The Akashic Beings of Light start by helping us to become aware of the emotional pain or trauma that is behind what may become dis-ease, physical pain, and illness. We go to the core point of trauma to release this energy.Released unconscious beliefs that came from our ancestral lineageCleared the energy of fatigue and learned an Energy Tool to active our adrenalsWork through some of the dis-ease that comes from abandonment and abuseReleased past life vows that are connected to weight gainPineal activation to help our Master Gland work for usCleared past life trauma of death and Fear of Life to release core issue from many illnessesClear Trauma and ConnectedAddictions – Session #4We start with clearing emotion pain and find it is intertwined with addiction.Release abandonment by parents and spousesClear old beliefs that “I’m not good enough and something is wrong with me”Work through ideas that we don’t deserve to be here and have a good lifeWe see how these feels can lead to eating disorders and food addictionWe clear abuse that creates guilt and shameClear Self Doubt and Open toSelf Love – Session #5In this session we worked in the Akashic Records to release thoughts feelings and pattern that keep us stuck in unworthiness and low self esteem, often connected to trauma.We do a healing process to clear the Three Shadows over our lives which leave us feeling separate from Creator and not good enough.We clear low self esteem from emotional abuseWe clear many past life blocks in which we are: Untouchables, Slaves, Lepers or part of a Caste System.We release teenage trauma of when we thought we were undesirable because we were: too fat, not pretty, or not smart.We work with Deserve-ability. We clear the emotional pain of being told we didn’t deserve to have nice gifts because we weren’t “smart enough” or “good in school”Release the belief that Self-care is SelfishWe work on Ageism and fear of growing old and being unloved and a burde.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be to post a review.