Linton Ye – Framer X + React (Retired)


Linton Ye – Framer X + React (Retired) Course Curriculum1. Getting started1.1 Welcome (1:50 )1.2 What Can You Do With Framer X? (2:48 )1.3 All Source Files2. Wireframing2.1 Link Paper Prototypes (12:20 )3. Visual design3.1 An Overview Of Visual Design Tools (1:46 )3.2 Frames, Images And Graphic (8:17 )3.3 Draw a bird – from hand sketch to vector (16:17 )3.4 Text (4:01 )3.5 Layout The UI – Frame & Stack (11:05 )3.6 Design Faster With Components (14:59 )4. Interactive design / High-fidelity Prototyping4.1 Add interactions without coding (10:27 )4.3 Don’t Poke Mr. Skinny In The Face – Add Code Override (8:16 )4.4 Skinny Spin-around – Animate Another Property (8:53 )4.5 Code Component (6:23 )4.6 Animate Code Components (8:35 )4.7 useCycle (13:22 )5. Build your own React components!5.1 Hello World! – Build A Code Component (10:05 )5.2 Skinny Wants More Colors – Add A New React Prop (12:33 )5.3 The Coloring Buttons – Components And Code Override (8:31 )5.4 Attack Of The Clones – Components Made Up Of Components (11:45 )5.5 Color The Squad – React Data Flow (8:24 )5.6 Real World Example- Feed Components With Data (16:51 )5.7 Design With Production Components – Environment Setup (8:46 )5.8 Design With Production Components – Wrap A Lottie Component (16:36 )Your InstructorLinton YeI’m a full-stack developer and I love design. I’ve been teaching designers React since 2017 and I’m loving it! I’m also the author of a couple of courses at Treehouse and Lynda.My dark little secret: creating this course is also my special way to learn all things about design and React — trying to explain things clearly has taken my understanding of the concepts to a whole new level.Thrilled to be on this journey with you!