Linked Jumpstart 2.0 by Jeff Saucer


Linked Jumpstart 2.0 by Jeff Saucer Original Price: $999 You Just Pay: $49.95(One Time 88% OFF) Author: Jeff Saucer Sale Page:_ Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email. Contact me for the proof and payment detail: email_ [email protected] Or Skype_ Macbus87 Here’s what you’ll experience inside this one-of-a-kind program: MODULE #1 GETTING STARTED LinkedIn Sales Roadmap: The roadmap that shows you EXACTLY what to do at every step in the LinkedIn lead gen process. From logging into LinkedIn to money in the bank…. This guide eliminates all the guesswork. And It gives you a proven action plan that when executed will deliver new top-end clients like clockwork. Overcoming Expected Challenges: Why LinkedIn lead gen will reveal the TRUTH about your business. AND how to use this litmus test to build your sales funnel so it converts like it never has before. Are You in the Penalty Box?: Why people end up in the LinkedIn penalty box. How to avoid this problem. (And how to get back on good terms quickly if you do get tagged with a penalty.) Competitive Intelligence: The fast and free way to gain competitive intelligence worth thousands of dollars. And how to use that intel to attract new leads. Unlocking Profiles with LIONS: Leapfrog your way into your top prospects’ inner circle. (This simple strategy will put all your target clients in-network almost immediately.) MODULE #2 LEAD GENERATION STRATEGIES Direct-Connect: The one technique that will transform your ability to grow a valuable business network. It will put you in the driver’s seat. It will allow you to hand-pick your clients and become their trusted advisor. It can even help you recruit referral partners or attract investors. Mastering this technique will take you places those who choose to stay inside the cubicle walls will never be invited. ProFinder: The little known program you can use to get LinkedIn to send you ready-to-buy leads…. Along with the exact steps you need to follow to get accepted to this program. (Most service providers get rejected.) And a live demo that shows how to turn the leads LinkedIn sends you into sales calls with just a single message. Mining Job Posts: How to turn LinkedIn Job posts into service contracts. Listening Stations: The search-device that can help you find new ready-to-take-action leads on LinkedIn in seconds – every day! Remarketing and Lookalike Audiences: How to use your LinkedIn network to create remarketing and lookalike audiences. (You can use this simple hack to create advertising lists for both physical products and services.) Linked + Email Marketing: LinkedIn and email go together like PB&J. How, when, and why to email your leads… without violating LinkedIn terms of service. And, how to make certain your emails are well received by your prospects. Local Events: The slick way to use live events to rapidly build your LinkedIn network and bypass awkward business card or contact info exchanges. Starting with an Email List: A reverse-lookup hack that allows you to find your email contacts on LinkedIn and move them into your lead gen funnel. MODULE #3 ACCOUNT SET-UP Account types: The key to choosing the account type that gives the most bang for your buck… and… how to get access to the LinkedIn lead gen features most people overlook. Account Settings: How to position your account so LinkedIn generates FREE PR on your behalf and promotes you to your prospects. And the one thing you need to do to make sure you can track visits from LinkedIn to your website accurately. Sales Navigator: A quick hack for getting Sales Navigator to find and recommend leads for you. Public Profile Settings: The secret to turning your LinkedIn page into a search indexed, branded client-attraction-machine. Audience Insight Tag: The sneaky FREE trick that will allow you to see which prospects check out your website. (See the job title and company name of people who click through to your site… so you can optimize your site to help you close these clients, or follow up on LinkedIn with your most engaged prospects.) Which Inbox should you use: How to use “inbox intel” to increase engagement. MODULE #4 IDENTIFYING YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE Your LinkedIn AMO: Load your messages with the AMO that will make your outreach smooth, enticing and effective. The Money Connection Matrix: The lead-qualification matrix that will set up all your outreach campaigns for success. MODULE #5 CREATING A PROFITABLE LEAD LIST Estimating The Value Of Your List: How to use our calculator to estimate the value of your lead list so you KNOW how many sales you can generate before you even start your campaigns. Search Overview: The key to quickly building a hyper targeted list of prospects you can connect with on LinkedIn. Mastering Boolean: 5 Search-within-a-search, time-saving list building hacks! And how to work around normal LinkedIn search limitations. Account Search: When to build your lead list using an account search instead of a person search. And, the account based search trick that turns company lists into high value lead lists (in minutes.) Lead Search: How to avoid the common mistakes that can screw up your lead list and tank your conversion rate. Lead And Account Lists: Shortcuts that will allow you to zero in on your best prospects and increase your sales. Do Not Contact Template: The template that will save you from the embarrassment of accidentally re-prospecting current clients. Creating Your Prospecting List: A live walkthrough on how to build your MOST targeted prospecting list. (Following the steps in this lesson will help you find the absolute best prospects to connect with on LinkedIn while saving tens of hours.) Unlimited Search In Free Accounts: The clever way to get unlimited free LinkedIn searches. MODULE #6 PROFILE OPTIMIZATION Your Profile’s Role In Sales: 2 types of profile optimizations you NEED to make to attract the most leads (inbound and outbound). Profile Features Overview: How to announce that you’re “open for business” on LinkedIn so that you’ll attract more bottom-of-funnel leads. Optimizing For Inbound Leads: 4 profile optimizations you must make if you want to rank in search and get inbound leads. (And… how to KNOW if leads are finding you from LinkedIn search.) Optimizing For Prospecting: The 3-second “attention grabber” profile optimization. AND… The #1 thing you MUST do with your profile to get your prospects to leave LinkedIn and visit your website so you can drive more conversions. (It is as simple as showing off your best work in the right places.) The Company Optimization Page: Why continuity between your profile and company page is CRITICAL to lead gen success… AND, how to create that synergy. Also, How to optimize your company page to rank for right searches. MODULE #7 PLANNING THE CONVERSATION Adaptive LinkedIn Etiquette: Three guiding rules for sending messaging that pass the “friend” test. QuAD Messaging Framework: The framework that will help you find out what your prospect really wants so that your CTA is smooth and easy to deliver, AND you avoid awkward or mistimed sales pitches. Use this Framework and you’ll always come off as one of the Good Gals/Guys. Connection Request Messages: How to use the CVC method to get your connection requests accepted… and… the ONE go-to message strategy that will make your prospects excited to connect with you. Voice and Video Messages: The shortcut to building TRUST in your outreach messages. Also, the RIGHT and WRONG way (as well as the RIGHT and WRONG time) to use video in your messages. Your Message Sequence: The method behind creating a copy-paste messaging sequence that’s easy to deliver… matches your target audiences’ desires… AND… can be adapted to any conversation. Campaign Playbook: A complete action plan you can follow step-by-step to build your outreach campaigns. MODULE #8 HOW CAMPAIGNS WORK Automation & Scraping: The pros and cons of automated tools…. And the BEST way to scale your success without violating LinkedIn’s user agreement. CRM Integration: How and when to add prospects to your CRM (and the shortcuts you can use to make this process seamless.) Macros Cheat: The secret to using “white hat” automation on LinkedIn, without sacrificing quality. Campaign Calendar: THE tool that will help you stay on track and execute your outreach campaigns in under an hour a day. KPI Tracking Setup: A Done-for-You template that will help you track your MOST critical LinkedIn metrics. This template will save you from getting distracted by vanity metrics AND keep you focused on managing your campaigns to deliver revenue. Cost per Acquisition: The strategy and hard-numbers that will help you lower your CPA so you can increase your profitability. Campaign Launch Checklist: Your fail-safe, “make 100% certain your ready to launch” checklist. MODULE #9 CAMPAIGN LAUNCH Connecting: Prime your connection requests to increase your acceptance rates. And how to hit the sweet-spot between speed and quality when you send out connection requests. Messaging New Connections: Message-efficiency tactics that keep you fast yet effective, and maximize your touch points with new prospects. Replies, Objections, and CTAs: The filter you should use to make sure your leads never fall through the cracks. How to get conversations unstuck. And the “conversion message” you should NEVER forget to send. Staying Top of Mind: The one-click actions you can take on LinkedIn that will double to triple your conversion rate. When to Use InMail: When and how you can use InMail to fast track the lead gen process. (And the trick to getting credits back for every InMail you send so these messages don’t cost you anything extra). MODULE #10 CAMPAIGN OPTIMIZATION KPI Driven Reports: Using the Linked Jumpstart KPI Template to make your reporting quick, easy, and actionable. Campaign Optimization: How to benchmark your campaigns and make data-driven adjustments to improve your results. Why your outcomes will change as you campaign matures. And, the supporting assets you can use to increase the conversion rate of your sales funnel. BONUS BUILDING AN IN-HOUSE TEAM Options to Consider as You Grow: A 2X2 decision map that will help you figure out the right way to scale your lead generation process for YOUR business. Setting Exceptions: The RAW truth about the benefits and pitfalls of hiring team members to scale your LinkedIn lead gen. Hiring Roadmap: 4-Steps to get your employee(s) ready to run your outreach campaigns. The one thing you should NEVER let your employees do with your LinkedIn account. And the “virtual” solution that will help you avoid this problem. Training Documentation: The onboarding template that will help your employee(s) maintain or improve your results… (instead of killing your progress). Also, how to outsource your lead gen tasks in a way that will allow you to get the most out of your budget. Interviewing and Hiring: Pros and Cons of how and who you hire. The key to your interview process… and what to write in your job description. Training and Quality Control: 2 types of training to do with your new hires. Also, 5 quality control actions that will improve performance and energize your team. BONUS 14 DONE-FOR-YOU RESOURCES LinkedIn Sales Roadmap AMO Doc Money Client Matrix Do NOT contact Template KPI Reporting Tamplate QuAD Framework Message Map Campaign Playbook Connection Macro 1st Degree Macro Campaign Calendar Campaign Launch Checklist In-house Onboarding template Team Campaign Calendar