Lindsay Padilla – Build a Better Beta


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Lindsay Padilla – Build a Better Beta

Sell, create, and teach your course 
With ease
You were made to teach.
But internet marketing won.
Marketer after marketer said you should get more sales. Don’t worry about “how to teach” later.
It felt strange for you. It felt like you were too focused on the wrong things.
Imagine if you could both enroll these students and guide them through their studies. a You listened to their feedback and created a course that helped them get results.
I can show it to you.
Because we all know…
Successful courses aren’t born out of PowerPoints, they’re born out of co-creation.
You don’t need to waste any more time…

To validate what you already know, purchase every course available.
Listening to all the advice about webinars, funnels, scaling…none of these will help you teach.
Making slides, worksheets, and videos that no one else will see.
Flip flopping across course platforms, as though one will magically make it possible. a Good teacher.
Worrying that your students won’t get the results you’re promising.

You must TEACH.
If you’ve been thinking about having a Course for a while now but haven’t made it happen, NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME To create your virtual classroom.
How? By Building a (Better) BETA.
The term ‘beta’ Refers to a Testing period a Product or in the world? a co-Creation phase. It’s when you take what you know, put it out there and teach it live. You can then improve your teaching and content by getting student feedback.
The best parts Beta testing? It…

You can position yourself as an authority
It provides insight into your target audience and who is consuming your content.
Validates your product. This will allow you to create a course in your virtual classroom where you’re PAID to teach, instead of just creating slide decks that may never see the light of day.

It’s now that you can get your course out there. Like yesterday.
 You may be able figure it out on your own.

But how long is that going to take?
Are you confident that you can present yourself for your students, collect data, and make the beta the best evergreen program?
Do you know how to create online courses so your students get real results?
Do you have a Process in place to provide the best learning experience, so you get screenshot after snapshot of student wins?

Build a Better Beta The fastest And Simplest How to create a Learn how to use your time effectively so you can grow without having to take on more 1:1 clients.
You don’t have the skill set to create courses. The BETA framework will walk you through every step of the process.
Once you’re done, you’ll be able to continue the process over and again. You can then create courses or teach content. a You can whimper whenever your audience needs it.
You must be confident in your pricing and your ability to deliver your courses.

If you’re thinking “Ok, this sounds legit — BUT, HOW?!” 
I’ve got you.
It is a No-Fluff course that guides you through the process of 
creating, planning, enrolling, teaching, And Optimising Your first course…

It is the course creation course taught at a For teachers a teacher.

(Because, TBH the marketers had nothing on us teachers!)
Build a Better Beta​This guide will help you create. a You won’t feel stressed, exhausted or overwhelmed.-Working or losing money.
Build a Better Beta will teach you how to sell your course before it’s created and show up and teach in a Create a way to serve your community. a Classroom, and thrive a teacher.

What will you learn?

      The Build a Better Beta Mindset
      Blueprint for your Course
      Register Your Students
      Teach the Content
      Analyze the Experience
      After the Beta

​Avoid making mistakes when building your MAC 
Write storybook endings to share with your students
​Learn how to create engaging content

​Identify the feelings of students in your course
​Learn the metrics that will help you assess your MA’s success
​Create your course topics.

​Set up a Collect your payments
​The right price for your MAC
​Learn how to attract students
​To sell your MAC, you will need to create benefit statements for your course.

​Set boundaries and expectations 
​How to set-up and use the tech while teaching
​Learn what to do your first day (which sets a tone!)
​Know when and how to gather feedback

​Recognize and answer common questions
​Use your classroom data to create testimonials
​Use feedback loops for content updates

​How to improve your course with our proven tune-up process
​How to convert your course to an LMS
​How to make the transition from MAC to Evergreen while still taking care of your students

         It’s time to meet your teacher.
         Hey there,

I’m Dr. Lindsay Padilla,
         After years in academia, I stepped into the land of

entrepreneurship and found that many of the people selling courses don’t actually know how to teach. My mission is to help entrepreneurs become better teachers.

What I know is that learning how to teach doesn’t come from hiding behind a laptop. It comes from being open to feedback and interacting with students.

This is precisely why I created Build a Better Beta.

This course will help you to get started.

Teaching in a They feel that it is easy and intuitive for them (no barriers like hours spent creating content before launching) and they get high quality results.

Teaching doesn’t have to be hard, but it can be scary to step into it. I’m here to be your guide into the wide world of internet academia so you can serve more people and share your message.
         I’ve made the investment for this course EXTREMELY affordable so anyone can do it.
         60-Day Money Back Guarantee
         I’m 100% committed to helping you enroll your first students, teach like the boss you are, and create a You are proud to teach a course!  My program attracts the best students because I have a reputation for being a great teacher. a It is strictly prohibited “do your homework” Policy in place
         I am totally confident that if you do the work and implement, you WILL get results. If you can show that you have implemented the system and made it a priority to launch your course, you will be able to demonstrate this. a If you are not satisfied with your priority, you can request a refund by emailing [email protected] within 60 days of purchase.
         This program is ONLY for those who are committed to giving it their very best shot. 
         Your success matters to me…please enroll mindfully.

What does it do? Build a Better Beta include, exactly?

No-Fluff COURSE with 6 Modules (Value: $3997) ​Videos, audios, summaries and templates, as well as workbooks, are short and easy to follow. As soon as you sign up, they will be available. I’m going to give you everything you need so that you can teach!
Weekly Coaching Calls ($1997 Value) Ask your questions LIVE and get the support that you need to launch. These calls are for you to get unstuck!
A COMMUNITY OF Dedicated Teachers + Our TAs, AKA course creator pros ($1997 value). Private Facebook group because learning happens in community. FULL STOP. We have a community manager (we like the term TA around there) to ensure that we do not a single question goes unanswered. We will host group challenges, hot seat, and accountability to help you achieve the results that you desire.
Student orientation ($997 value). We will meet you and your classmates on Zoom to answer ALLLL of your questions, review the course material and set your launch date. Sorry for the lame teacher joke. That policy was not fun in the US. anyhoo….)
​Monthly Audience Building Call ($497 Value)Discuss what’s working, and get ideas to improve your social media reach! Talk to other students with similar goals and set goals for the future.
Sprint Launches Hot Seat call with ME ($997 value). This is the real deal a Call you must earn a Special call with ME the rebel professor. I will help you get launching faster that you can say BETA.

This course would not be EPIC if it didn’t have some EPIC bonus!
Bonus #1: 7-Day SPRINT Launch Checklist ($297 Value)
This is your first step-By-Step-by step guide to becoming your first paying student within 7 Days of purchasing this course. The goal is to make your investment back. a week. This has been used by many students to launch successful businesses. This amazing bonus even includes a You can use the trello board or asana template to rinse and repeat every launch. a VA!
Bonus #2: From Zero to 100 to 1000 (Value $297)
Teachers like us are aware that we are TRUE specialists, but we may not have the online authority yet. This bonus will change everything. This bonus will teach you how to create. a How to create a social media content machine and how to add people to your email list (or delete those you already have) without spending any money or wasting time. It’s time for you to Market Like a TEACHER!
Bonus #3: The Tech Vault ($997 value).
This bonus will answer all your tech questions. We share all of the applications that you need for your computer. Beta The course; their best uses; and how you can implement quickly. It’s very comprehensive and covers such applications like Zoom, Paypal Grytics, Clickfunnels and Membervault. (And many more will be added in future). 
Bonus #4: Masterclass Mania ($1997 value)
What if you had the ability to go?-Experts in Digital Marketing at your disposal?  I invited some of my favourite leaders to host live trainings at BBB students’ expense! We are bringing in new experts to share their knowledge.-How frequently. Here are some masterclasses that we have: 
Facebook: Creating an Online Community Joanna Novelo 
Conversational selling Amanda Bond
Up-Leveling your Worksheets & Course Assets Seema Bharwani
Make killer slides that won’t bore your students Echo Rivera
Growing a HUGE Faceboook Audience Rachel Miller 
Facebook Ads to Sell More Courses Emily Hirsh
Gamifying your Course to Increase Your Completion Dave Eng
Still not sure?
It’s something I completely get. There are. a There are a lot of marketers that sell anything and everything to make money. a You get a bang for your buck and they then let you go. They will not care if your results are good.

It’s not me.

I teach first. Market second.

You are likely to be interested in that too…which is why your here;)
Do you have any Qs? I’ve got the A!

Is this course really worth it?

YES! The course is designed to make you money by selling two beta spots. Only two! And if you hear crickets, it’s not a waste of time or resources. a It was not what anyone wanted. The process also includes the ability to adjust to find out what your audience really wants.

What if I don’t have an audience?

The Better Beta Framework helps you expand your reach and discover what your audience wants before you spend time creating the course. It is possible to sell spots in your course by first understanding their needs and being a good teacher.

What do people really want? a Buy a beta course?

Absolutely! Your beta is very high-Students have more access to you than if the course was evergreen. Do your students want to have access to you? If they do, then they will want to have access to you. a beta course.

When should we start? What time do you have access?

This version of the course will be available to you for as long as I offer it.

I may or might not revoke your access to the main FB Community at some point in future. You will never lose your access to each others or the content. I will likely establish an alumni group for everyone who has taken the course.

I have already created courses. Can this help me?

You’ll find the best-Top teaching strategies that you didn’t learn in your most recent course a marketer. Don’t take my word for it. See what else? a Student of BBB had this to say…
 Download Lindsay Padilla – Build a Better Beta –