Linda – Essentials Kit – Product Toolkit



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Linda – Essentials Kit – Product Toolkit
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Note from Linda
Quick question
Career Strategy, Planning, Execution
How to use the Toolkit
Two challenges

Negotiate like a baller

Proven tactics to negotiate with confidence

Myths that hold you back
Upfront negotiation: start early + example scenarios
Ongoing negotiation: what to expect + example scenarios
How I got big raises in 3 years
Further reading

Thrive in your first 30/60/90 days

Learn the right context and establish credibility without ruffling feathers

Career cold-start
Step-by-step guide: make the most of your first 90 days
Examples: starter projects & business equations

Manage your manager

Manage expectations, and grow your trust battery with your manager

Making your manager’s life easy
Video: walk through examples of building trust
Navigate hard conversations with example scenarios
Further reading

Advance your career

Proactively manage your career and advance faster

Treat your career like a product
How to advance your career
Template & example: goals and career roadmap
Should you leave your company?
Should you leave PM?
Further reading

Lead planning

Instill clarity and preserve sanity during planning

Why planning is a golden opportunity
How to stay organized and sane
Template & example: track progress, increase transparency

Run productive brainstorms

Do the right pre-work to make the most of brainstorm time

Why brainstorms get a bad rep
Video: how might we questions, jobs to be done, strategy and more
Template & example: brainstorm materials, email
Set-up, tools, voting

Compose a coherent roadmap

Prepare the roadmap and identify major themes

Organizing ideas into a roadmap
Video: how to turn brainstorm ideas into a roadmap
Template & example: unprioritized roadmap

Prioritize like a portfolio

Identify and score winning opportunities

Creating compelling big picture
How to pick opportunities: types, allocation, portfolio
Video: how to turn a laundry list into opportunities
Video: how to score opportunities
Step-by-step guide: prioritizing roadmap, collaboration
Examples: prioritized roadmap

Set focused OKRs

Create clean, focused OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)

The truth about OKRs
Video: how to structure your OKRs
Video: how OKRs change based on company lifestage
How to structure OKRs and drive accountability
Template & example: sharing OKRs
How seriously should you take OKRs?
Metric precautions, bad OKRs, getting to real numbers
Further reading

Track and report on OKR progress

Learn a system for tracking, reporting on progress, and staying ahead of the game

Know where the ship is headed
Video: how to track and present OKR progress
Template & example: tracking system
Template & example: presenting OKR progress

Project manage with pizzaz

Learn a system to easily keep tabs on every project and drive accountability

Jobs to be done for tracking projects
Template & example: track projects, manage delays

Interview customers with purpose

Ask customers the right questions to de-risk your product at every stage

Types of customer interviews
Cautionary tales
Video: how to find the right questions for your customer interview
Templates & examples for each type of customer interview
Video: how to find customers and incentivize them to talk to you
Source & incentivize customers for new and existing products
Video: when to use interviews vs. surveys; example of survey questions
Interviews vs. surveys: when to use which
Further reading

Case study: how to turn an idea into a launched product

Applying everything we’ve learned about customer outreach and interview

Putting it all together
Example: clarification of problem, solution, how it will work
Example: customer outreach
Example customer interviews: questions, notes, takeaways
Competitive research / benchmarking

Scope features to 10X your impact

Become a positive force multiplier through impeccable execution

Becoming a force multiplier
Kick off: what to focus on, email and PRD
Hand off: precaution, email and PRD
Examples: new vs. existing features
To ship or not to ship?
Further reading

Design winning AB tests

Improve your odds of designing a winning experiment

Why you should do experiments
Mini-stats lessons
How to find promising experiments
Visual examples of winning experiments
Template & examples: new vs. existing features
Preventable failures, when to not experiment
Further reading

Create insightful dashboards

Define the job of your dashboards, and design them to maximize insight

Types of dashboards
Visual examples of bad dashboards
Templates & illustrations by dashboard type
Further reading

Run effective meetings

Run meetings that keep your team accountable and nimble

Treat meetings like a product
Staying nimble through weekly sprints
Template & example: sprint meeting
Stand-up: for vs. against & how to run a tight ship
Working sessions: defuse disasters & create a game plan
Tame the meeting monster and maintain reasonable working hours

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