Library Profit System [Real Fast Library Marketing] – Amy Collins


Dear Friend:I talk to authors all the time and I know your struggles to sell your book. Does this sound familiar…“I can’t get my book into bookstores.”“Nobody buys my book on Amazon. And when they do I barely get any money after Amazon’s cut.”“I wrote an ebook but nobody can find it.”“I can’t make enough money selling my books to individuals.”In this letter I’m going to show you how to overcome all your struggles when it comes to selling books… by selling them directly to libraries.YES! Libraries, because in my opinion for most authors…When you know how to sell into the library system the way I’m going to show you, you have the opportunity to…Get paid ABOVE retail price for your ebooks…Receive ongoing licensing fees (each one up to 8 times HIGHER than the retail price of your book) that renew every year…Create a passive income stream that can go on for years and years…Build a nation-wide team of advocates for your book who can build the buzz to make it a bestseller…And much… much moreYou can’t get these insane profit margins and exposure from bookstores… traditional book wholesalers… online stores like Amazon or anywhere else on the planet.Only libraries offer these advantages to authors.Libraries Are Among the BIGGEST Book Buyers on the Planet(So Why Not Sell To Them?)Lots of people wrongly assume libraries are “Old School” and few people visit them nowadays. But the exact opposite is true…Almost 40% of Americans have been to a library in the last month. But only 5% have been to a bookstore.As bookstores go out of business, libraries keep growing. Today there are far more libraries than bookstores in the U.S.And library budgets are going up.Budgets for many libraries are over $800,000 per year. And in cities serving populations over 500,000, library budgets average $4,437,000 annually.So year after year, libraries get millions of dollars of fresh cash to buy more books.And these are “Use it or lose it” budgets. So they must buy thousands and tens of thousands of books.Why Libraries Will Pay 8 Times More For Your Book Than You Can Sell it For To Amazon(Not Just Printed Books… Ebooks Too…)And here’s another interesting thing about how libraries buy books…They often pay licensing fees. For example…If you sell an ebook on Amazon for $7.00 per copy… a library may license that exact same ebook from you for $60!That’s 8 times more for the same book than you sell it for on Amazon.And then the library may relicense that ebook the following year for another $60… year after year!And that’s just for one copy of your ebook. Many libraries buy multiple copies … each with its own licensing fee.That’s the definition of passive income: write it once and get paid again and again for it… without having to do any extra work.And 90% of libraries now lend ebooks, so you can see how huge this market is.Get Library Profit System [Real Fast Library Marketing] – Amy Collins only Price $59 But Will This Work With Your Book?That’s the question right?Will libraries buy the book on the topic you’ve written or are planning to write?And will they buy from a new or unknown author?I’ll answer the second question first.YES!Almost 80% of libraries buy books and ebooks from self-published and unknown authors.So there is no such thing as too small to sell to libraries.In fact, as you’ll see in a moment, many totally unknown authors have used the library system to turn their books into bestsellers.As for your topic, chances are libraries are looking for books on your topic. Right now, the books libraries are buying most are:Memoirs.Biographies.Business books.Leadership books.Self-help books.And they’re always looking for fiction books (which are still king at the library).If you’re writing on any of these topics, then libraries want your book.And there’s an unexpected upside to getting your book into libraries…Getting Your Book Into Libraries Can Lead To Increased Sales On Amazon and at Retail StoresOften, especially in the case of business and self-help books, library books lead to sales on Amazon and in bookstores.Turns out, many people go on to buy the book or recommend a book they read at the library to their friends and colleagues… who then go and buy the book.Specifically, on average you’ll see a 22% increase in Amazon book sales after your book gets into a regional library.In addition…When your book first gets accepted, it will be featured at the front of the library in the new arrivals section. This is one of the most popular areas of the library… where almost everyone entering the library gets to see it.And speaking of sales…Getting your book into 1,000 libraries is VERY possible with just a little effort. When you add up book purchases and licensing fees for those 1,000 libraries… you’re looking at between $50,000 and $80,000 — just in your first year.Meet Amy Collins… The Expert On Helping Authors Sell Their Books To Library SystemsA little while back I was introduced to Amy Collins. Amy has probably sold more books and helped authors sell more books to libraries than anyone alive.Specifically, she’s been a book buyer for a chain of bookstores, as well as a sales director for a large book and magazine publisher. Over the years, she has sold to Barnes & Noble, Target, Costco, Airport Stores, Books-A-Million, WalMart, and other major chains.She helped launch several hugely successful private- label publishing programs for Borders, PetSmart and CVS. All told, she has sold over 3 MILLION books and over 800,000 of those were to libraries.And she’s also “one of us.” That is, she’s a professional speaker and is the author of It’s The Little Things (2003) and The Write Way (2015).But most of all, Amy has results. Here are just three formerly unknown authors Amy turned into bestsellers by selling their books to libraries:When the author of A Cup of Comfort came to Amy, nobody knew who she was. By getting the book into libraries, it became a best seller. Today there are 20 books in the Cup of Comfort series. But it all started with the libraries.Amy took the author of Why Men Love Bitches through the library system and got her in libraries throughout the country… which made the book famous… and today it has sold well over 1 MILLION copies. But it all started with selling to libraries.Have you heard of The Lace Reader? This was a self-published book that Amy got libraries to buy. The momentum from libraries landed the author a deal with a major publisher and the book went on to become a New York Times Best Seller.Amy has put together the ultimate course and coaching program for helping authors sell their books to libraries and build a lasting passive income stream.It’s called The Library Profit System.And before I show you how overboard Amy has gone in what she’s going to deliver to you, here’s what others are saying about Amy’s amazing program and how she’s able to get libraries to buy books from authors…Amy’s Library Profit System gives you everything you need (and much more) to sell your books and ebooks to librariesYou’ll get a complete Master Plan that includes:How To Prepare Your Books For Library SalesLibrary Distribution And Submission SecretsHow To Plan And Execute A Marketing And PR Plan Librarians Will LoveHow To Sell Print On Demand Books to LibrariesLibrary Assisted Viral Book Marketing (How to turn librarians into publicists for your book)How to Become an Approved Library Book Vendor in as little as 20 minutesSample Letters and EmailsMarketing PlansTemplates for Sales Materials Including Emails, Cover Letters, Press Releases, Author One Sheet and Book Data TemplatesRecordings Of Actual Calls That Are Made To Libraries (so you can hear exactly what to say – it takes all the guesswork out of the equation)Access To Amy’s Private Marketing Facebook Group (where you can ask in-depth questions about the training and speak with other students and authors)The Kindle Author/Publish Marketing Plan (Shows you how to sell Kindle books to libraries)Access To Amy’s Implementation WebinarsHow To Outsource The Entire ProcessState By State Library DatabasePublic Library DatabaseTop 20 Public Schools DatabaseUniversity Libraries DatabaseInternational Library Database For US, Australia, U.K. And CanadaAmy and her Team will FILL OUT YOUR APPLICATIONS for the Top 8 Companies FOR YOU1 On 1 Consult With Amy CollinsFull Email Support From Amy CollinsAnd much, much moreGet Library Profit System [Real Fast Library Marketing] – Amy Collins only Price $59 You Get Step-By-Step Videos on Everything You Need To Get Your Book Into the Library SystemIn addition to being a genius when it comes to getting your book into libraries across the nation… Amy is a gifted teacher and communicator. She’s broken down the Library Profit System into 19 easy-to-follow, fun-to-watch videos, including special trainings on…How to get your book ready for librariesHow to price your book so librarians are more likely to buy itGetting your book listed with distributors and making it easy for libraries to buy your bookThe secrets for creating local demand for your bookHow to turn librarians into your own personal publicistsPreparing your ebook for library salesAnd much, much moreIn ADDITION to the video training…You Also Get A Complete Library Database -This Alone is Worth The Entire Price of Enrollment!What else could be included to make this process even easier for you? We are including a vetted database of libraries nationwide.Over the past seven years, Amy and her team have personally called public libraries, public school libraries, and some university libraries. And just not once but multiple times. They’re on the ground floor of knowing what libraries all across the nation are buying. She believes, and I agree, that this is the largest, most accurate library database in the industry.She’s never sold it before. And you cannot get this database anywhere else. So you can see this is not something every author has. This is a proprietary database and definitely worth the entire enrollment to any author who wants to get their books into libraries.PLUS…One-On-One Consultation With Amy Collins Once You’ve Gone Through the Course to Fine-Tune Your Library Marketing CampaignThe video training and the database are more than enough to show you how to get your book into libraries. But Amy wants to make sure you get ALL your questions answered, so she’s also going to give you a consultation…Once you’ve gotten through the course and you’ve actually started pitching your book to libraries, you may have questions. So when you sign up for the Library Profit System, you’ll get a one-on-one consult with Amy for proper implementation of your campaign.You can either get on the phone or on Skype. And Amy will even record the consultation so you can listen to it whenever you want.And the consultation is in addition to getting her and her staff’s email address. So after the consultation when you have other questions, you can simply email her. And the email service is available for two years! Seriously, I don’t know anyone who gives two years of email service. Especially at the special low enrollment price Amy has agreed to.So What Does The Library Profit System Cost?Answer: Not much compared with what you can make selling (or licensing) your books and ebooks to librariesPlus, you’ll save up to $500.00 when you enroll by Tuesday, August 16th at 6 pm EasternAs I showed you, Amy has sold OVER 800,000 books to libraries. She’s helped both name and unknown authors sell books to libraries. She’s enabled first -time authors to become bestselling authors by first getting their books into libraries.You can plainly see her training works. The regular price for her complete system is $997 and at that price it’s a bargain when you consider the profit potential of selling and/or licensing your books and ebooks to libraries.But Amy has generously agreed to dramatically slash the enrollment price for my people.So if you enroll today, you’re going to get an absolute bargain. You’ll save up to $500 when you enroll by 6 pm Eastern (3 pm Pacific) on Tuesday, August 16th. You will love the Library Profit System… you will be delighted with your investment in yourself… but if you’re not, then just let us know within 30 days of purchase for a complete and no-hassle refund of your money.Click here now to enroll online.It doesn’t matter where in the publishing process you are.Amy’s strategy will work if you’re…A first-time author who’s just self-published your book.Only have an ebook and don’t even plan on a physical book.Just starting to write your book and are still a year away form actually publishing it.Your book was printed three years ago, didn’t even sell a copy and you have hundreds of books stored in your garage. Amy’s program can breathe new life and sales into an old book. Libraries don’t discriminate against old books.As you can see, the Library Profit System is a tremendous value. It’s changed the lives of authors and can do the same for you. Click here now and get started because the special savings expire at 6 pm Eastern (3 pm Pacific) on Tuesday, August 16th.And I highly encourage you to enroll right now so in addition to the $500 savings… you can also be one of the first 25 and get the special bonus training on how to get your book into retail stores.Get Library Profit System [Real Fast Library Marketing] – Amy Collins only Price $59 Tag: Library Profit System [Real Fast Library Marketing] – Amy Collins Review.Library Profit System [Real Fast Library Marketing] – Amy Collins download. Library Profit System [Real Fast Library Marketing] – Amy Collins discount.