Leonie Dawson – Work Less, Earn More



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Leonie Dawson – Work Less, Earn More
Whenever I tell people I’ve created over $11 million in revenue, while only ever working 10 hours a week, the response is always the same:
“HOW??????? HOW DO YOU DO THAT??????”
This workshop is my answer. In it, I’m going to take you through everything I know about creating a high income, low work business and how you can do the same.
There’s a lot of reasons you may want to work less & earn more. Like me, you might want to spend more time with your family. Like me, you might have health conditions which mean you can’t work full time. Like me, you might need to set up your family for long-term financial security. Like me, you might want to create amazing things without sacrificing your life, health, family or sanity.
I want you to know: I don’t have a large team either. I have two part time assistants currently who work less than 25 hours a week in total.
Work Less, Earn More will give you all the tools, insights & strategy you need to start taking back your life, health & sanity while creating even more abundance & profit in your business.
I can’t wait to share it with you.
This is FOR you if: 

you can afford this course without putting yourself in financial harm
you honour and respect boundaries
you commit to doing the work and taking full responsibility for your own success

This is NOT for you if: 

you find it hard to even navigate a computer or the internet.
you need 1:1 handholding and guidance
you aren’t able to respect boundaries
you are a conspiracy theorist, into Q-Anon, vote for far right extremists, don’t believe in science or are not actively involved in anti-racist and LGBTQIA+ education.

Why learn from me? 

I’ve sold over $11m in revenue while only working 10 hours a week.
I’m a multi award winner entrepreneur – I’ve won Ausmumpreneur’s People’s Choice
Business Coach, Global Brand & Businesses Making A Difference Awards.
I’m an internationally best-selling author with my books used by over 450,000 people worldwide.
I can break stuff down to be easy to understand, simple (and even enjoyable!)
I’m not going to upsell you into some massively priced mastermind to give you the REAL information… I’ll just give you everything I know in this course.
Proudly neurodivergent with ASD. Pronouns: she/they