Leo Savage & Summer Huntington – Steel Mace Flow



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Leo Savage & Summer Huntington – Steel Mace Flow
Are you wanting to learn how to find mobility and stability as a Steel Mace athlete?
Has Leo Savage inspired you either online, in person or at a workshop and you want to explore his entire body of work thus far?

Leo Savage has been leading sold out Steel Mace workshops around the country teaching people how to access flow. His signature style is transformative, and can take any absolute beginner (we are talking never even picked up a mace beginner) to Flow Artist in a matter of hours. The Steel Mace flow™ course covers everything presented by Leo in his in person workshops, integrated with Mobility Expert & Founder of Clubbell Yoga Summer Huntington’s teachings on mobility and loaded yoga.
Leo and Summer pride themselves on high caliber coaching, and this 52 video course is geared toward anyone wanting to transform their movement with the Steel Mace. All levels are welcome, no experience needed, simply a Mace and a place to swing and we cover the rest.

Key Benefits of Steel Mace Flowâ„¢ course:

Improved Posture
Increased Athleticism
Increased Hip Mobility
Toned Core and Shoulders
Learn Self Myfascial Release techniques that work
Increased strength in shoulder stabilizers
Learn the language of cueing steel mace
Master the Savage Steel Mace Flowsâ„¢
Transitions with the Mace become easier
Learn to express yourself through Steel Mace Flowâ„¢

We as a species need to train and move with a purpose. As we evolved and began to sophisticate our training by integrating the Steel Mace, a leverage tool modeled after the ancient Gada, we saw that there were countless transitions, flow sequences and combinations. That once we knew the foundations, we were able to create mini-flows that felt good, soothing to the brain, gratifying.

Steel Mace Flowâ„¢ Course is a follow along tutorial/instructional style course, which goes into depth in the following areas.

Mobility for the Steel Mace Athlete featuring RAD Roller (6 video classes)
Foundations of Steel Mace (12 instructionals)
Savage Flows (20 breakdowns)
Advanced Flows (25 videos)
Steel Mace & Asana (5)
Rhyhmic Yoga (5)

You will also receive with this course:
$100 Off of any upcoming workshop with Leo (Including Flow State Summit // July 27-29)
15% Off of RAD Roller Equipment with code SH at www.radroller.com

Leo has taught this material at workshops in Los Angeles, New York, Austin, Dallas, New Mexico and beyond, and has reached his students on a very deep level. His own Steel Mace practice, and the practice of being in Flow brought him out of a state of depression, and he wants to share this practice with any human who wants to feel better, move better, love better and be a better human.

Leo’s passion for this work shines through in every tutorial, and it is just as intimate as being with him at a workshop (well almost… you’ll have to come train in person with him soon! Check his schedule here). He shares to floor with Summer Huntington, founder of Clubbell Yoga, Fit Body Wellness and the Flow Shala which brings even more depth and educational focus to the Steel Mace Flow™ Course.
Summer, longtime student of Scott Sonnon, has been swinging heavy weapons (Clubbells) for about a decade, and came across a video of Leo swinging mace and was mesmerized. Immediately she saw the Savage Steel Mace practice as an evolution of loaded martial arts and flow arts style movement. She was so intrigued that she and Leo started collaborating on several potential projects together, including her hosting him in Bellingham and also creating the Flow State Summit with him as a headlining teacher.

Leo and Summer have a great dynamic in this course as skillful coaches, and will give you everything you need to be successful in owning the fuck out of your steel mace.

Common Reasons why people hesitate to get started with Steel Mace:

Thinking the Equipment is expensive… did you know a Steel Mace is only $37?! A huge investment.
Thinking that they can’t move like a ninja // guess what? Yes you mother-fucking can. We will show you how.
Thinking you can only get ripped from Lifting Heavy // simply not true, 95% of Leo’s training is with a 10lb Steel Mace
I am too out of shape/sad/depressed/lazy to start something new // well we have made it so incredibly easy to learn this that you can literally train in your underwear at home and learn it.
I have shoulder issues, I can’t swing that thing overhead // there are many many exercises that will help you develop strength first before ever swinging it overhead.

Course Curriculum
Welcome To Steel Mace Flow

PreviewIntroduction to Steel Mace Flow course (3:36)

Mobility and Recovery for the Steel Mace Athlete

StartJoint Mobility with RAD Roller // 21 minutes (21:10)

StartRAD Roller Shoulder & Pec Mobility // 24 minutes (25:24)

StartRAD Roller T Spine & Lat Mobility // 26 minutes (25:58)

StartRAD Roller Hip Flexor Mobility // 29 minutes (29:20)

StartRAD Roller Hip & IT Band Mobility // 25 minutes (24:29)

Foundations of Steel Mace with Leo

StartFlow Foundation (22:53)

StartLandmarks and Anti-Rotations (23:30)

PreviewArrows (7:05)

StartUpper Cuts (12:57)

StartPress & Rows (16:25)

Start360 Swing (14:11)

Master Class Flow

StartSwitch March Flow (5:33)

StartWarrior Walk Flow (6:49)

Start3 Step Flow (4:37)

StartDiamond Flow (3:03)

StartKnight Shield Flow (4:20)

StartPower Archer Flow (4:42)

StartTree King Flow (5:00)

StartRising Flow (4:02)

StartMaster Class Flows (2:04)

Advanced Mace Movement

StartDrop in 360 (3:47)

StartTop Load (4:47)

StartTop Switch & Side Switch (10:00)

StartShaolin Wrist Control (5:04)

StartInside Mill (5:29)

StartGuillotine Swing (5:25)

StartTornado Swing (3:39)

Steel Mace Yoga flows with Summer

StartPrimal Breathing (5:29)

StartShoulder Mechanics with 7lb Mace (11:40)

StartSun Salutation A (11:55)

StartSun Salutation B (9:32)

StartRhythmic Yoga Flow / 15 Minutes (15:09)

StartSteel Mace Closed Hip Flow // 12 minutes (12:17)

StartSteel Mace Hamstring Flexibility Flow // 13 minutes (12:45)

StartRhythmic Yoga Open Hip Flow (12:34)

StartGround Work Flow (9:41)

StartOpen Hip Mace Dance (4:45)

StartSteel Mace Open Hip Mace Flow (8:14)

StartClosed Hip Mace Dance (6:02)

StartMaking Sexy Lines (1:15)

Leo Savage Mace Artist Flow Vault

StartSavage System Flow (9:26)

StartExecutioner Flow (5:29)

StartGypsy Flow (1:21)

StartCoin Flip (5:36)

StartHip Hinge Swing- Upper Cuts (4:22)

StartHip Whip Flow (5:05)

StartSword Catch (3:56)

StartSword Switch Flow (3:58)

StartRonin Blade Flow (2:18)

StartCombat Flow (3:54)

StartSpear Catch (5:53)

StartSword Swing (8:18)

StartSummer Rising Flow (5:17)

StartWaterfall Flow (6:49)

StartSavage Samurai (3:24)

StartCross Fighter Flow (4:05)