Leila Gharani – Black Belt Excel Package – XelPlus Academy



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Leila Gharani – Black Belt Excel Package – XelPlus Academy
What Would Your Life Look Like if You Became an Excel Black Belt?
Introducing an online course package that takes you from Excel newbie to grand master

The potential for you to grow into a new person
The potential for you to sharpen your skills and increase your knowledge
The potential for you to become downright dangerous (in a good way) with Excel

How might your life be different? Pause for a second and think about it.

How would your average day at work change?
How much time would you save inside Excel?
What would your co-workers say about your new skills?

It’s safe to say that if your dashboard resembled that second picture, you’d be a completely different person.
You’d have grown far beyond your current capacity, freeing up time, decreasing your stress, and improving your overall well-being.
That’s what happens when you advance your education. That’s what happens when you become an Excel black belt.
“But Leila, becoming

a Black Belt is Hard.”
“Just look at all those courses,” you’re probably thinking to yourself.
Yes, it is a large bundle of courses. Which on the one hand, is what makes this package so awesome — you get a bunch for your money.
On the other hand, it’s intimidating.
“Where will I find the time to complete these courses?,” you wonder.
First, a question: Do you really think you need to become a black belt to start seeing the difference? In our experience in training over 340,000 students, the answer is a resounding, “Heck no.”
You’ll see the benefits far sooner. Think of it this way…
Very few people ever step foot into a karate dojo. Far fewer stick with their training and advance beyond a white belt.
Which means in karate, if you simply advance beyond the first level, you join an elite group.
Now maybe, you can’t take down a master black belt. But you can certainly deliver a good spanking to any ordinary person who dares mess with you.
It’s the same thing with Excel.
Even a minimum amount of training puts you in an elite group. You don’t need to be a master black belt: You simply need to be better than most.
And it isn’t that hard, really. Especially not when you have this package of courses with their step-by-step videos, quizzes, challenges, and a friendly community in your corner.
Not to mention, a sensei who cares about your success and wants you to win.
Hi, I’m Your Sensei
I’m Leila Gharani, founder of XelPlus, and if you enroll in our Black Belt Package, I’ll be your sensei.
I’m a Microsoft MVP (Most Valued Professional), which is type of “black belt” from the Microsoft world.
It comes with nice perks, too. Like flying to Redmond, Washington once a year for the annual conference, plus monthly online updates with the Excel team to see the new features coming down the pipeline.
But most importantly, my MVP certification means you’re getting a legit Excel sensei. Not some rookie.
And like the ultimate sensei, Mr. Miyagi, I don’t mess around.
If you’re ready to take Excel seriously, I’m ready to teach you. After a brief time in my dojo, you’ll find yourself:

Completing Excel tasks and your workday faster than ever
Whipping up beautiful dashboard and reports with ease
Reaching into your toolbox and pulling out formulas other people don’t even know exist
Automating workflows, importing large data sets, and cleaning data with the flick of your wrist
Discovering new insights in your data and seeing what everyone else has overlooked

Your friends (and foes) at work will wonder what the heck you’ve been doing in the evenings. Feel free to tell them about your late-night Excel dojo.
Or better yet, let it remain a mystery
I’ve Made It Easy for You
No student of mine will be lost or overwhelmed. I’ve made it easy for you to know exactly where to start in your training and where to go next.
You’ll get this learning path:
All Courses Learning Path XelPlus

Take a minute to study that graphic: Where do you feel like jumping in?

Do you want to jump right to the hard stuff, with Macros or VBAs?
Are you the type to want the foundations first? In that case, you’ll begin with Excel Essentials.
Or maybe you need to whip up a dashboard, fast. In that case, you’ll start in the middle of the learning path, with our Dashboards course.

OR you can take a minute and answer these questions and you’ll get your very own customized learning path!
Where you begin is your choice. But at least you have a map to guide you, instead of being tossed into the dark (like some instructors do to you).
What’s Included
When you purchase this Excel Black Belt Package you’ll be automatically enrolled in these nine courses:

Excel Essentials for the Real World
Advanced Excel
New Excel Functions in Office 365/2021
Excel Charts & Visualization
Visually Effective Excel Dashboards
Ultimate Excel Waterfall Charts
Unlock Excel VBA & Macros
Power Query – Beginner to Advanced
Power Pivot & DAX

Work Got Easier

Andrea DeGennaro
My Excel knowledge is improved a lot after 8 courses.
My work is much faster and easier prepared and the presentations are much more appreciated.
Got Her Dream Job

Amrita OSullivan
Leila has changed the course of my career. Her teaching skills are unmatched.
I used to direct live news and have a master’s in communication. I am now a Business Analyst and manage reporting requirements for my company.
Improved Productivity

Tom Kossler
I picked up more than a dozen new ways to do the same things quicker and better.
Leila’s comfortable, calm and delightful teaching style removed any chance of drudgery I’ve encountered in other courses.
Who do you want to be?
Surely you have a “That guy” (or “That gal”) at the office. You know who I mean.
The one who navigates Excel with lightning speed. Jumping one tab to another, pressing buttons, creating charts, exporting PDFs.
The boss can’t stop raving about him.
You don’t dislike the guy. He’s actually quite friendly.
But he makes you nervous when you work together. When he’s standing at your desk, watching you navigate Excel, you feel he’s judging you and your skills.
“Why isn’t this automated?”
“Why is everything soooo slow”
“Why are their formulas written like this?”
And do you know the worst part?
You know there are better ways of working with your data.

Better formulas you could use
Better automations you could add
Better dashboards you could create

This Excel Black Belt package is your answer. Gain the confidence that comes with completing this Excel training.