Lee Kenny – 10 Steps to $100k



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Lee Kenny – 10 Steps to $100k
Ten Steps to $100K


Have you ever heard the phrase “It takes money to make money”?

Well let me tell you why this is categorically 100% wrong and designed to keep you broke!

For the past 2 years I have been working with some very clever individuals

These guys aren’t flashy or even that well known…But they are VERY wealthy

What intrigued me most was their ability to make money almost “at will” in a huge amount of different ways.

When we started discussing the “It Takes Money to Make Money” concept, the mood changed considerably. To say they disagreed, would be an understatement!

Rubbish….. Bull**** …. and a few other choice words were spoken by these otherwise mild-mannered 52 year-old gentlemen.

For the next 3 hours they proceeded to drill me on the many (and I do mean many) ways they started from nothing and built up huge incomes

Each time I tried to pick a hole in their plans they showed me another way.

I’d say things like “Well it’s ok for you, you are an expert in real estate/gold/cars, etc” They’d point to another method where they had zero experience

When I’d say “Well you have lots of spare time, most of our customers have full time jobs”, they’d show me something that needed only a small amount of time to get it done.

I was impressed

The thing that blew my mind though was when they showed me the?10 step formula

Starting with just $100 and doubling that money each time.

Do the Math. Starting with $100

Step 1 = $200

Step 2 = $400

Step 3 = $800

Step 4 = $1600

Step 5 = $3200

Step 6 = $6400

Step 7 = $12800

Step 8 = $25,600

Step 9 = $51,200

Step 10 = $102,400

What would $100,000 extra income this time next year do for you?

This is not a get rich quick thing! This is NOT Gambling. There is not a single part of this system that even goes anywhere near a casino or betting track!

Many of you have bought casino or sports betting programs from me in the past and while they are an amazing way to have fun and make extra cash it is not how most people accumulate wealth.

So last year I?worked out how to best to deliver this information to you without needing to sign up for my 1-2-1 coaching program which costs $9,000 (and is sold out by the way…so no big pitch coming!) Over 150 students paricipated?with amazing results.

I’m thrilled to say we recorded every call, every month for 11 months and you can now access them “netflix” style and watch them all in 1 sitting if you wish.

Remember this is not Get Rich Quick

What’s included?

– Full recordings of every monthly call (they all last up to 3 hours each) Available 24/7

– Insight in to how multiple streams of incomes work in reality and how you can set them up

– No sales calls

– No products or “stuff” to buy

Most Importantly I’m going to show you how to double your way, step by step, to $100k

I’m doing this to make a difference

Maybe when you’ve made your $100k, you’ll think 1-2-1 training is a great idea and we can work together. However I just get a kick out of helping people reach the next level.