Lee Holden – Life Force Energetics


This class is all about your inner radiance. Lee’s breathing exercises help to move your qi into your body’s energy centers, Format File: 6 MP4; eBook – 1 PDF; WebRip – 8 MP3 File size: 5.678 GB

Lee Holden – Life Force Energetics
This masterclass will be taught by Lee Holden was created exclusively for The Aware Show’s Radiant Body Summit. This class will not be found anywhere else.
This class is all about your inner radiance. Lee’s breathing exercises help to move your qi into your body’s energy centers, and his guidance helps you flow energy throughout your Radiant Body. Follow his simple guided movements and you will feel rejuvenated and recharged.
Radiant Qi Master Class starts with simple breathing exercises. It then moves on to flowing movement postures that are accessible to everyone, regardless of physical condition.
What you will learn:

How to connect to your energy sources
Breathing patterns to activate your inner energy field
Moving exercises to open your energy channels
Acupressure points to ignite your fire meridians
Shine your light and radiate your radiance out to the world

Lee Holden After suffering injuries that almost ended his Varsity Soccer career at University of California, Berkeley, he discovered the healing power of QiGong & tai chi. After being impressed at the way these ancient practices helped his body heal and allowed him back to playing, he made it a priority to study them. He is now a world-renowned instructor in meditation and tai chi and Qi Gong. He is also a licensed herbalist, acupuncturist, and author (7 Minutes of Magic Penguin 2007). His Qi Gong DVD library has made him a regular on American Public Television as well as over 105 PBS stations across the U.S. and Canada. Lee’s unique QiGong programs have been seen in over 50 million households.
Lee’s expertise and down-To-His earth teaching style has made him a popular speaker, workshop facilitator, and trainer. He’s worked with world-Deepak Chopra, a famous healer, and Mantak Chia (a highly respected QiGong expert), are also well-known. Holden She is also a stress-management consultant to top Silicon Valley businesses like Apple, 3Com, Cisco, and others.-Assist as a Wellness Consultant for several Hollywood Film Productions.
Lee She graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a BA degree in Psychology. Lee , “Doctor of Chinese Medicine,” He is a graduate at Five Branches Institute Santa Cruz (a top acupuncture college)
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Lee Holden’s Appearances on The Aware Show

Every day you practice Qi Gong, you are living more in flow.
Most people don’t have access to a teacher they enjoy in their area. Even if you live near a great teacher, classes aren’t always at a convenient time.
Without consistent training and some sense of progress, it’s hard to keep it up. You get bored of the same old DVDs or routines. Ultimately, your practice suffers.
Now, thanks to the internet, you can finally take classes with a master from your own home, whenever it’s convenient for you!
You can always count on a teacher to be there for you when you need them. Logging in Holden QiGong will bring you back into the recorded live classroom of Lee HoldenYou can choose from six of his most recent recordings at www.-Qi Gong classes for people. He will demonstrate qi exercises to help with stress and build on the concepts covered in the previous class.
Each class contains one.-Hourly routine and optional fifteen-Minutes of meditation at the end.
Your physical body is obvious. You may not know it but you also have a body of light. You can unlock the miracle in your own life by understanding and harnessing this energetic essence.
In ancient times, the Taoist path’s sages taught their disciples how to perceive and expand the Body of Light, and how to step into the eternal flow of all things.
This course will teach you how to: Lee Holden Guides you through meditations and exercises that will help you cultivate your highest potential and discover your inner truth.
What you will learn:

The Inner Smile—an on-The-spot technique for neutralizing stress
The Pearl of Consciousness: Connect to your personal computer by creating the Pearl of Consciousness “power place” In the universe
The Breath of Life—exercises for mastering the flow of qi (life energy)
How to work with your organs & meridians to harmonize mind and body.
The Three Treasures Practice for Health and Longevity
Constructing your vehicle for adventure after this lifetime
Over eight hours of Taoist philosophy, energy practice, and guided meditations to cultivate your soul “body of light”

How you start and end your day can have a big impact on your quality of life.
With Lee Holden These gentle, slow steps can be your guide.-honored Qi Gong practices to give yourself a flash of vitality each morning to fill your body with energy, and a relaxing expansion before bedtime to help you sleep peacefully the entire night.
Qi Workout AM/PM offers a way to fully feel the energy-A daily practice of Qi Gong can help you increase your health and lead to incredible health.
What You’ll Learn:

You can increase your physical energy and emotional balance in the morning, or throughout the day.
To improve organ function and internal energy flow, release stagnant Qi (life-energy) and blockages from the body.
You can improve your overall fitness with safe, low-impact workouts-impact exercise.
Clear out tension in the muscles and nerves to calm the body and mind and allow for deeper sleep at night.

Get Haled immediately! Lee Holden – Life Force Energetics

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Lee Holden Testimonials

“Lee’s Qi Gong DVD’s are the perfect tool to help refocus and energise the mind, body and spirit. I found them to be a wonderful aid in connecting me to my body’s natural rhythms and to relax, especially in such a fast-paced world…he’s cute too!“
Hayley Atwell

“It’s the most do-able and relaxing thing that I’ve seen in a long time. You don’t have to turn yourself into a pretzel or anything, and it doesn’t seem like exercise. It’s good for your body. I love the Upper Back DVD. I feel great, relaxed and open.“
Willow Brown

“I began my Qigong study with Lee In the autumn 2005, I joined Five Branches Institute. I completed the Qigong Instructor’s course with him and went on to study Buddha Palm and Six Healing sounds over the following years in workshops with him and GrandMaster Mantak Chia. I was in Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China in 2006-7 and did morning exercises in the parks. The accuracy and depth of the exercises are amazing. Lee’s teaching, I was oftimes complimeted on the execution of Taijiquan or certain esoteric and difficult Qigong forms. My praises for Lee Holden There is no ceiling. He is Master Holden.“