Lee Harris – Abundance Upshift


Do You Want to Upshift Your Abundance and Live a More Prosperous Life?


Get the Guidance and Practical Tools You Need in This Powerful Online Experience!

“Abundant living is when you are fully on your path and truly receiving all that your life wishes to offer you. This could manifest as a great partnership, great material wealth, great spiritual connection, great work that fulfills and nurtures you as much as it gives to those around you, great love of nature, or simply a great life experience upon this Earth.”

So many people I’ve worked with over the past 20 years have complained of struggling in these areas and have grown frustrated that they aren’t living the prosperous life they want. I too spent many years in my twenties and thirties studying abundance and working on developing my own. I can honestly say that today my life is more abundant than ever, in all areas, and I’m extremely grateful for that. But I had to make several shifts in my psyche, and heal certain patterns and beliefs, which I continue to stretch and grow through even today. I also see how abundant circumstances are underpinned by a way of living, seeing, and exploring life every day with a more open heart and mind.

I designed Abundance Upshift to teach you that these states of abundance are available to us all. It just takes willingness to grow, intent to change, and the right guidance. During this online experience, I will guide you through 7 daily practices to show you how you can thrive and achieve happiness across all of these areas. These are given in short (under 10-minute) video and audio guides that you can use quickly every day, alongside more expanded video teachings that you can explore at your own pace. This is an interactive experience that includes video teaching, practical exercises, Qigong and wellness teaching from Steven Washington, private discussion boards for course members, and so much more. And every video is also available as an audio download in case you prefer to listen.

I invite you to join a community of over 1,300 seekers from over 40 countries around the world who have already signed up for this enriching experience to bring more abundance into your everyday life. I believe that everyone benefits when we allow ourselves to become more abundant, and that is the principle from which I teach abundance.

I’ve recorded an exclusive channeled audio recording called Ambassadors of Abundance, not available anywhere else, which you’ll find as the starting point of your journey after you sign up.

I hope you’ll join us for this important journey.



Your Guides for This Experience…

Here’s What’s Included…

7 Abundance Video Modules

7 powerful Abundance Video Teachings from Lee delivered every other day to help you upshift your abundance in all areas of life (20-30 minutes each).

7 Daily Practice Videos

7 Daily Practice Videos where Lee will teach you specific techniques, each to be practiced daily for one week at a time, then re-used as needed (5-7 minutes each).

Private Community Forum

You’ll have access to Private, Members-Only discussion boards where you can ask questions, get support, discuss the teachings, and form community.

Qigong and Wellness Teaching

Wellness expert Steven Washington brings his Qigong teaching, heartfelt guidance, and mindfulness practices to the course in his own video module.

Downloadable Audio

You’ll get Downloadable Audio Files of every module so you can listen to the teaching on the commute or anywhere you go.

Private Members Area

All of your course videos, audios, community forum, downloads, and bonus materials are neatly stored for you in a private members area, accessible via desktop or mobile.

Special Bonuses!

You’ll get access to an Exclusive Bonus Audio Channel from Lee (not available anywhere else) called AMBASSADORS OF ABUNDANCE. As the course unfolds, you’ll also have access to 3 Exclusive Interviews where Lee goes deep with abundance experts on breaking old patterns and allowing more abundance in your life. You’ll also get access to a powerful 1-hour teaching from Lee called 7 Ways to Welcome Abundance.

The Course Modules Include…

Ambassadors of Abundance

This Exclusive Channeled MP3 Serves as a Powerful Introduction to the Course

Entering the Abundance Mindset and Breaking Up with Scarcity

Cleaning Up the Past and Letting Go of Anchoring History

How and Why You Are Already Operating in Abundance

Allowing the Art of Receiving to He



Delivery Method

Upon completing your purchase, we will send you
download link, through Mega.nz or Telegram.

Given that this is a digital copy, we recommend downloading and saving it to your hard drive. Should the link become broken for any reason, please reach out to us, and we will promptly resend a new download link.

If you are unable to locate the download link, there’s no need to worry. We will update and notify you as soon as possible, typically within 24-72 hours.

Thank You For Shopping With Us!