Learn to Code in Kotlin by Building an Android App – Mammoth Interactive


Hi! My name is Nimish Narang and I’ll be your instructor for this course. In this course we build build a fully functioning app from scratch. No experience is necessary – I will show you how to use the #1 platform for Android app development: Android Studio.I will also teach you how to code from the very basics in Kotlin, the up and coming language that is exploding this year and is on the stretch to become even more popular than Java for Android programming.The project of this course you will be able to use and add to your portfolio. You will gain the skillset to build many more Android apps.You will learn how to build exciting and interactive UIs, one of the most important skills an app developer can have.Together we will build custom adapters — these open up a whole new branch of UI elements.Our to-do list app will be fully working and ready for us to use! Our product will be user-friendly, and this is a project you can put directly on your resume or build on to make even more apps. All source files will be included.Course CurriculumINTRODUCTION to Android StudioIntroduction to the Course (3:50)Downloading and Installing Android Studio (7:16)Exploring Android Studio Interface (13:23)Understanding File Hierarchy (12:44)Exploring Activity-Layout Relationship (20:00)Setting Up an Emulator (7:25)Running App and Enabling User Interaction (7:08)Debugging an App (6:36)Summary of Android Studio (4:31)SOURCE FILES: Intro_to_AndroidINTRODUCTION to Coding in KotlinIntroduction to Coding in Kotlin (6:36)Variables in Kotlin (7:28)Basic Operations (9:41)Nullable Variables (5:47)Introduction to Collections (7:51)Mutable Lists and Arrays (7:16)If Statements and Expressions (8:35)07. When Statements and Expressions (3:53)08. While Loops (7:10)For In Loops (5:18)Kotlin Functions (8:19)Functions with Parameters and Return Values (7:53)Classes and Objects (17:00)Subclassing and Superclassing (13:35)Summary on Kotlin (5:05)SOURCE FILES: Intro_to_KotlinPROJECT Part 1: Set Up App User InterfaceDemo of To-Do List Android App (10:06)Building Layout Pages (19:26)Connecting UI Elements to Activities (11:15)Summary of App User Interface (5:01)PROJECT Part 2: Set Up List BehaviorBuilding Custom Item View (6:34)Building Custom Adapter (17:32)Replacing Strings With Custom “To Do” Objects (9:52)Summary of List Behavior (4:32)PROJECT Part 3: Make List Interactive and Plan DatabaseOn Click Listeners (17:41)Writing Database Schema (17:54)Summary of Part 3 (2:51)PROJECT Part 4: Implement Database FunctionalityImplementing Database Functions (28:01)Summary of Database Functionality (2:56)Calling Database Functions (14:02)PROJECT Part 5: Add Extra FeaturesAdding Layout Modifications (11:36)Displaying Today’s Lists (16:17)Summary of Extra Features (10:08)Finale and Project ResourcesProject Source FilesFinaleGet Learn to Code in Kotlin by Building an Android App – Mammoth Interactive, Only Price $77Tag: Learn to Code in Kotlin by Building an Android App – Mammoth Interactive Review. Learn to Code in Kotlin by Building an Android App – Mammoth Interactive download. Learn to Code in Kotlin by Building an Android App – Mammoth Interactive discount.