Learn Google Go – Golang Programming for Beginners Deal


This course teaches the fundamentals of programming in the Go language. Go is a language suitable for a wide variety of tasks, from systems programming to writing web servers. In this course, we’ll learn the syntax of Go, but more importantly, how to “think in Go.” While many tasks can be performed in the same ways as they are done in other programming languages, there is usually a more streamlined solution offered by Go, and that’s what we’re here to learn.This 3-hour course is divided into four units. Topics include:Installing Go and verifying the installationFinding package documentationData types and program structureFunctionsLoops and conditional statementsArrays and slicesMapsStructures and pointersNew vs. MakeReference types and value typesBuffered input and outputInitializationFunction types and closuresInterfacesI hope you join me for this exciting look into one of the most powerful and elegant languages there is!What are the requirements?Will Require Google Go Tool InstalltionKnowledge of any Programming Language is Helpful, but Not NecessaryAny Linux Based Operating System, but Not NecessaryWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn Data types in Google GoLearn Maps and PointersLearn Loops and Conditional StatementsWhat is the target audience?Any Fresher Who Wants to Learn Google GoExpert who Needs to Brush up Google Go KnowledgeCourse CurriculumFirst SectionIntroduction (2:43)Installing Go (5:22)verify (5:50)Geeting package doucmentationu (3:39)Data types and declarartion (8:55)program structure with a global var declaration (6:53)declaring multiple variables on single line (2:45)Itroduction to function (4:28)Returning multiple values from a fuction (4:16)Naming return values (2:43)Variadic parameter lists (5:21)Recursive functions (6:10)Conditional statements and loopsFinding the average of an array (8:36)For loops part -1 (5:43)Range and len of an array (5:51)If,else if,else (7:32)Switch without conditional (4:28)Switching on a variables (3:08)Swich with combined cases (4:40)Maps, Pointer and MoreIntro to slices (7:07)The uppend function (4:42)Returning a slices from a function (7:34)Learn maps (10:25)Learn structures (5:26)Introduction to pointers (6:40)New Lecture (5:37)Passing function parameter by reference (5:40)Functions, Methods and MoreBuffered String Read from stdin (9:20)Using Scan and Scanln for Input (11:20)Structure Initialization and Method Syntax (11:07)Using defer (3:59)Function types (3:06)losure Demo – Fibbonacci Numbers (4:41)Interfaces (6:23)Get Learn Google Go – Golang Programming for Beginners Deal – Anonymous , Only Price $47Tag: Learn Google Go – Golang Programming for Beginners Deal Review. Learn Google Go – Golang Programming for Beginners Deal download. Learn Google Go – Golang Programming for Beginners Deal discount.