
Lead Gen Mogul 2019 $100k Accelerator – Mike Kabbani

Original price was: ₹599,100.00.Current price is: ₹16,102.00.


Lead Gen Mogul 2019 $100k Accelerator – Mike Kabbani
Do Not Share This Page Publicly — LIMITED ACCESS
We are doing a SMALL LIMTIED TESTED where we’re opening up our program on a “FREE TRIAL” basis which we normally charge thousands of dollars for.
Limited 1 FREE TRIAL per Invitation:
Let’s Personalize Your “8 Week $0 to $30k” Program
1 The 7-Figure Opportunity

What are the 3 keys that make it possible to get to $30k in 8 weeks?

2 Pivotal Moments

From $5/hour To $323k in 6 Weeks

3 $30k – 8 Week Challenge Starts Here

The 8 week step by step 0 to $30k launch (templates, training and support)

4 The Ultimate Client Getting Machine

How to get automated high paying clients and never chase clients ever again

5 Client Crack

Get hundreds of business owners interested in less than 72 hours even if nobody has ever heard of you

6 Proof

How We Ge t High Ticket Clients Begging To Work With Us

7 Effortless Sales

How To Get High Paying Clients Without Ever Talking To Them

7-Figure Zone — finding your micro-niche

The 7-Figure Zone
Finding Your Micro-Niche
7-Figure Zone Niche Workshop

What’s inside?

The 7-Figure Opportunity
Pivotal Moments
The $30k — 8 Week Challenge
The Ultimate Client Getting Machine
Client Crack
Effortless Sales
Your 7-Figure Zone

And that’s just week #1!