Lead Gen Affiliate 2019 – Brian Pfeiffer


Proven Ways to Six Figure CampaignsNo cloaking, no customer service, no product sourcing, and nothing shady Master buying high-quality traffic Gain Consistency in your affiliate campaigns Learn how to test to find winning offersIntroducing the Lead Gen Affiliate™This program was designed to teach White Methods and take a newbie to super affiliate in 2020 and beyond.The much-anticipated step by step eight-week program is a revolutionary system with a proven record of success.Our campaigns are “what’s working now” in 2020.We offer over the shoulder training on real campaigns with real case studies that are proven winners.Who is this for:The complete newbie that has never launched a campaign beforePeople with little or no copywriting skills Non-techie people that don’t have many computer skillsWhat is Working NowMost of the Gurus out there are teaching from theory or skills that worked years ago.I am guessing in 2019 if you have a cell phone and YouTube then you have seen or heard of Affiliate Marketing.What Affiliate Marketing is a simple equation of spreading the word about someone else’s product and earning a commission from the sale.There are many choices when it comes to making money via the internet, some of the biggest pluses of affiliate marketing are:You are a freelancer, and you own your own businessYou can quickly earn unlimited income by scaling campaignsMoney can come in while you sleepYou have location freedom, provided you can get todecent internet connectionsNo inventory or customer serviceYour creativity will likely be what sets you apart fromother affiliatesAll this sounds amazing, yeah?It’s all fantastic until you fire up your 1st campaign and realize things are not fine-tuned, and you burn through a lot of money quickly. When you are first starting, you have a lot of questions and the people that likely know the answers don’t want to help you.The “free” Facebook groups and easy to access forums are usually dead-end streets and loaded with inadequate or wrong information.Not all the information is “bad” out there; in fact, we have learned a lot from quality YouTubers in the past year. The biggest issue is that there is just so much information, and trying to decipher the right information from them in a reasonable amount of time is not realistic.Unfortunately, if you get the wrong information in the affiliate marketing world, you are going to lose money and become frustrated.So how do you know who you can trust? It always seems like the people that are making the most money, they only tell you part of the story, and they keep the secrets to themselves.Usually, most affiliates, drop-shippers, and Amazon Gurus, rarely if ever, are transparent with their products and campaigns that are working right now.It’s like a secret society of the “top dogs” that have figured out the online code.Sounds familiar?You have the drive, the work ethic, and even some of the skills, but you can’t seem to get on the right path.It’s not easy for the newbie.If you are one of the guys that managed to turn a profit so far, then you deserve huge congratulations.Being an online marketer generally has ups and downs.When you have a hot campaign, life is good, steak dinners, and new shoes! The problem is the campaigns – they don’t last forever.When the money is flowing, your brain releases the dopamine for that euphoric feeling.But you always have that back of the head feeling of “is this going to last.”From one day to the next something happens and it’s all gone, just last week we were making a nice, smooth $1-$2K a day from a Pinterest account, then they add some video feature for advertisers, and that jacked the algorithm, and overnight we were losing $500 a day.It’s a constant battle to keep accounts active and ads profitable.Other affiliates find your stuff with spy tools and copy it all the time.Top offers go down, and consistency is always an issue in affiliate marketing.You get something working with your creativity, and the next thing you know, you see someone running the same creatives you designed.Sometimes we are running a bit on the “grey hat” side and in the back of your mind, you think it’s just a matter of time before this account goes down or the advertiser complains about the lead quality.It’s a bit like a video game, sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. One thing is for sure, the market is ever-evolving, and what was working a year ago at this time is not working now.If the Gurus are not showing you numbers from TODAY, then they haven’t figured it out TODAY!That simple. I know with 100% certainty that, many of the courses on the market are from stuff that worked 1, 2 or even five years ago!  Guess what? They are teaching from theory, not results. Funny thing was, I did an entire course in May of 2018 and was going to release it in June of 2018, and then the Facebook Apocalypse happened: My team and I went from a nice $30-40K a month profit literally to zero overnight and for an extended period.The Governments of the world started pushing massive pressure on the networks to clean up their acts and enforce stricter rules etc. You have to run “white hat” these days if you want some longevity in this business. So that course; yeah we finished it, and we never took it to market because the stuff we were teaching stopped working and ethically I am not putting my name on something that is not working NOW!We tried some dropshipping but the margins on that continues to dwindle.   It’s super saturated and dealing with the customer service and long delivery times just plain SUCKS. Are you feeling what I am saying here? Sounds pretty rough? You are asking yourself is Affiliate Marketing dead?Well, the answer is no way!   Whenever things change, successful companies and entrepreneurs pivot and “crack the code” over and over again. The top affiliates, make changes and then CRUSH IT over and over. I know some older gurus that still wish it were the “good ole days” and I know plenty of marketers that have adapted and changed their business model.The real marketers are always testing and experimenting with new strategies and opportunities. Affiliate marketing can be frustrating these days. But what if I told you our system works and it doesn’t have to be? It’s fantastic to know we are running white hat offers on fickle traffic sources, and we don’t have to cloak or run aggressive copy! We used to wake up each day wondering if our accounts would be disabled or a business manager shut down, but with our current systems, people are loving our ads. We have relevance scores of 9’s and 10’s, and people actually like the ads and share them all over for free organic traffic.  We even build assets cases such as seasoned pixels and email lists.How cool is it, we are able to make money from campaigns that we ran over a year ago. Sounds almost too good to be true, right? This is the real deal affiliate marketing. Does this sound interesting? Would you like to learn how? Let’s continue…My Name is Brian Pfeiffer, and have a strong reputation for greatness in Online Business building for the past 15 years.I started running my own campaigns nearly 7 years ago and have broken in the 7 figure range in recent years.I have received rewards for excellence and recently started building a personal brand and blog to help serve my audience. My partner Ross Minchev and I have had two coaching groups in the past where we taught our methods to a select group of students.We have had several students go on to become successful super affiliates with revenue into the millions.Get Lead Gen Affiliate 2019 – Brian Pfeiffer , Only Price $267So, here is the deal.I brought Ross on as a media buyer almost 5 years ago, he was new to the United States from Bulgaria and was delivering food to make ends meet, think Uber Eats. If you can believe it, he answered Craig’s List ad. I had a working campaign and was desperate to scale it, but with running more than one successful business, time was my enemy. He had a few skills from his Bulgarian upbringing, such as a basic knowledge of Word Press and Photoshop which helped speed up the learning curve. In the beginning, he was riding his bike to my office since he didn’t have a car. That was all fine until around May in Las Vegas and the temperature rose to triple digits.Ross would have to come to work, shower or jump in the pool just to cool off before he started to work.   Talk about some motivation to make some dollars to get a car with air conditioning. That is about the time when we “cracked the code” and together Ross and I managed to have our 1st $100K profit month and even a $10K profit day!You always hear of these “black hat” guys and “Shopify” guys that claim these big numbers.The truth of the matter is the “black hat” stuff is short-lived in today’s world on quality traffic sources and the “Shopify” guys are lucky to see 10-15% profit at scale if they are really good.  We achieved those incredible numbers with all white hat clean offers and ads and continue to do so in 2020. Here are some of the recent screenshots taken on the day that I am actually writing this letter. That is about $250,000 in Revenue in just the first 2 months of 2019 and that doesn’t even count CLICK BANK in which I finished up #10 on the leader board in January of 2019 with over to $100k In revenue.So close to $400k in Affiliate Commissions in the 1st 2 months of 2019, I guess one could say we know what is working NOW!So the burning question is how much of that is profit, we generally run 25-40% profit at scale with the clean white hat offers. Our three-step simple system just plain works. We do some email collection and remarketing to increase profitability, but generally, we have the best results and make the most profit when we go straight to offers.Times are changing, and we are adapting.Ad cost continues to inch up as more and more marketers enter the space and big brands such as Ford, Apple, and Verizon are buying up the ads on a lot of the traffic sources we use. It was a big theme at the Traffic and Conversions Summit 2019 that this will be the 1st year that digital marketing outpaced traditional advertising.  So you can count on more marketers, more big brands, and, us as marketers will have to adapt. We have to be stealthy with our tactics and copywriting and not to mention we need killer offers with excellent payouts. So here is our system in from a 30,000-foot view: Have a look at the mind map, yeah I know seems complicated, I will break it down step by step.Here is an explanation: You will be running WHITE HAT, Cost per acquisition offers, basically, Lead Gen Affiliate Marketing – sounds familiar?? We buy traffic on several different traffic sources, and we are paid when we send a customer to either buy a product or submit a form (a lead)These offers convert well as the companies we work with are master funnel builders, and for the leads, the prospects simply just fill out a form without making a purchase. You might ask, what is the WHITE HAT ADVERTISING? That simply means, in affiliate marketing the offers are legit companies that do legit business and they are allowed on the various traffic sources we use.The Traditional CPA Marketing ModelThese campaigns still work in 2020, and we will teach you what is working now.Our model is a significant revenue generator for us to this day.It’s a simple model with a lot of little tweaks and programming that makes it profitable. We will continue to teach the method and make a lot of profit with it. There are some flaws that are fairly obvious:You only have one chance to get the sale or conversion.After you get the sale or conversion that is it for you, the advertiser now has that lead and can market to them over and over.It’s hard to increase your profit, because you can’t typically re-target them, or market to them again. Sure you can tweak your landing pages or quiz, but people will swipe them and really it doesn’t give you a large competitive advantage​You are really only reliant on one offer or product.Is this making sense?It’s been a great model for us for nearly five years, but recently we found a better way.Every year we have to pivot to remain super affiliates and 2020 is a time for a change in digital marketing.The cost of ads continue to rise, and more and more marketers enter the space every single day.In 2019 money spent on digital marketing surpassed traditional advertising.The BIG DOGS like Apple, Toyota, and Sony are catching on quick and guess what, they have more money to spend on ads then us affiliate marketers.So as cost rise how do we stay profitable with the model above? Pay Bumps and optimization will only get you so far. My partner Ross and I have come up with what we call Affiliate Marketing Fusion™ Now let’s take a minute to really look at this.It looks complicated but it’s not, I will walk through the entire system step by step.One thing is for sure you can see a lot more opportunities for the customers to be a lead or conversion. We are buying high-quality traffic and the users on Facebook and Pinterest love the offers, in fact almost all our ads are at 9 and 10 relevance scores and we hardly get a negative comment.   How is that for a change of pace.  White Hat, Happy Customers, and Many Offers, Affiliate Marketing Fusion™ We focus on getting quality conversion traffic, and we get them on to a very well crafted web site with lots of offers.The profitability is much higher because there are so many more ways for us to generate leads and make conversions. The traffic or people that are coming from the traffic sources are loving the virtual malls we set up and it’s been a highly profitable system for months now. Some of the highly profitable offers that we are seeing consistent conversions are: XY4+ FinderVIZR NavigatorThe Photo StickThese are physical products that people love, but here is the catch, we run them straight CPA as affiliate offers and don’t have to deal with the miserable customer service or sourcing the products.The best part is, our partners are constantly bringing in new products and when one gets tired we have many more waiting in line to test. It’s an evergreen system that produces nice profits day after day. All we do is buy high-quality traffic and test and tweak offers on our web site.  The customers are already browsing their news feeds on their phones. We buy high-quality traffic primarily on Facebook, it’s been the honey hole for years, but Pinterest, Native Ads, and Google display networks are working as well.There are a ton of other traffic sources out there that might be worth testing but keep in mind there is a chance that the traffic might be low quality or even “bot” traffic which is fake traffic. Profitability can be tight when a percent of the traffic coming to your site is junk. Other issues with low-quality traffic sources include a low amount of traffic and very few targeting options. For the fusion system to work, you need buyers, and people are buying more and more on their phones today than ever before. We have found Facebook and Pinterest to be loaded with people that are itching to buy now!We built a site that is like a virtual online mall of high converting offers get them over to our world and watch the sales roll on all day and night!Sounds pretty cool huh? It’s pretty passive actually once you know how to “tune your virtual mall”Ross and I wake up 7 days a week to more money then we went to bed with!That’s the entire system in from a high-level view.Benefits of The Fusion SystemAffiliate Marketing has been good to me.From $89,000 in credit card debt a few years back to being debt-free in a month, it was like Christmas in June that year.But the fact of the matter is, there are some gloomy times as well, especially with the old model.I want to tell you about all the reasons why the Fusion Model fixes all the problems with the traditional affiliate marketing model.You are not focusing on a single offer.Every day we have dozens of offers that are converting, not one single point of failure.If an offer goes down then we have a bunch more to still “save the day”.Think of a bakery with only one oven and what happens when it breaks?There will be some disappointed hungry customers for the morning rush.One part of the system goes down and everything stops. Meltdown has happened to us many times in affiliate marketing. A hot offer gets paused for whatever reason and there goes your income stream. All that hard work making landing pages, ads, and writing converting copy. All for nothing.  So let’s look at the bakery shop example, this problem could be easily solved if the kitchen had more that one stove similar to the Fusion model, the mall has more than one store. In the past, a visitor would land on an advertorial, quiz, VSL, or form fill. Good luck trying to get them to buy or check out 5 or more offers.  We have 20 plus storefronts in our mall and people love to buy and shop. Back in the day, you had to get a “pay bump” to leverage an increase in pay. With the Fusion system just like in a mall, you can swap out offers that pay more. Image going to your local mall have a bunch of stores like the $1 store and Payless shoes and you make X amount. Then you decide to “kick-out” the cheap stores and bring in Gucci and Louis Vuitton, well I think you know where the higher profit margins are. You are the landlord and can put whatever stores you want in your virtual mall. You are promoting White Hat Offers that people actually want and have been proven and tested.We have run our share of “top offers” form affiliate networks over the years and let’s just call them “aggressive” or “questionable”I am sure you have seen some diet offers, casino, iPhone giveaways, and computer virus offers. These are risky and will definitely get your accounts banned on legit quality traffic sources like Facebook. You could potentially be looking at a lawsuit as well. Could you Imagine if this happened to you? We like to focus on traffic and handling the marketing aspect only.   The sites we build are long term assets that are sellable and can potentially rank in Google. We also collect emails and can remarket and retarget the visitors which adds the LTV or Long Term Value of the customer. The new fusion method involves a site with quizzes, email collection systems, advertorials, content, and value-added products that people love and solve problems. The best part is we don’t have to handle any of the annoying customer services or dealing with fulfillment and suppliers.You actually build a MOAT around competitors, by having many profitable offers in your online mall and you can swap and split test to find the best-performing ones. The TRUTH is that, if you have a profitable campaign, the lazy affiliates will steal it and rip off your campaign.This “copying” happens all the time I have an entire playlist on my YouTube dedicated to spying on competitors and spy tools. I love Spy tools but let’s be real here they can work for and against you!  It’s a race to get the most conversions before the market is saturated and it’s no longer profitable. Affiliate Managers tend to favor strong affiliates and might spread the word that a campaign is converting. I have seen it over and over again; no campaign lasts forever. Now Are You Ready To Learn About The ProgramIntroducing LEAD GEN AFFILIATE™LGA is an 8-week training program that teaches you step by step, how to build a system with White Hat Offers that generates money day in and day out. You will get EVERYTHING you need to become a lead generation machine and become profitable in affiliate marketing. LGA is the perfect program to take you from inception to a real-world money making system. Let’s Go Inside The Lead Gen Affiliate™I have created a couple of online classes before, but this is by far my best one yet.Most people really don’t understand the work it takes to create the best in the class program, and I am passionate about teaching and making this the perfect course. If you are going to invest in me and my team, I want to make 100% you get many times the value that you paid for. I will gladly put my name on this program, as I am 100% certain is the best on the market. I went the extra mile to put together an incredibly detailed intense 8-week program.  I added helpful PDFs and a ton of over the shoulder step by step demos. LGA was 6 months of hard work to produce this with my team of 7 people.  But what really matters is the content and how incredibly powerful the knowledge is that you will gain. Everyone learns at their own pace and the best part is you can watch the content over and over again until you get it. We will be doing lifetime updates as the landscape is constantly changing on the internet, so you can always come back and check out the latest and greatest on what’s working now. WEEK 00Let’s Grab a Coffee and Talk About The Industry, Introduction, and what you need to know .In this week we talk about the Industry, some of our results and how to get there, and some of the critical mindsets that will help you believe you can do this.Sign The NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), this information is for you and only youIntroduction to Brian Pfeiffer and Ross MinchevSome of our resultsState of the Digital Marketing IndustryMindset Health and Wealth KnowledgeMind Map and How it WorksFollow all of our Social MediaFill out our survey so we can continue to improve the courseMotivational Wall Paper For Your Phone and ComputerWEEK 01It’s time to find an offer to promote. Before you start this week you will need to go through my 18 Chapter Free course.This will help you understand all the terms and all the over business model. Being a newbie, it’s tough getting in most affiliate networks, we have a few tricks for you later in the course that will all but guarantee entry into the affiliate networks we are using. In this week we’ll include:All about offers and proof of our resultsHow we found the 100k+ a month offersOver the shoulder training on how to use and find offers on ClickBankMindset hack to improve your chances for success in affiliate marketingBonus Training and PDF’s for Week #1PDF of Videos on Affiliate terms you will need to know and understandVideo on setting up a Click Bank Account for successVideo on how to talk to a VendorPDF and Video on “11 Questions for Vendors”Do’s and Dont’s Video with Ross and BrianWEEK 02Here we are going deep into ads and how we are able to create profitable winning ads over and over again.What is Click Through Ratio(CTR) and why is it ultra importantAnatomy of a winning ad and the reason behind its successThe underground secret site for finding incredible imagesMore winning ad examples, with a proven success formulaAdvanced Image Training, the different image type that works over and over again on all traffic sourcesWhy illustrations are super affiliates best friendsTesting Training and why you shouldn’t be afraid to testSpy training 101 and starting a swipe fileBonus Training Videos for Week #2Fivver and Upwork Video and setting up a team for successSpecialized Video Ad Training with Ross Minchev$300K a month bonus video with in house Media Buyer Max S5 years of all of our ads and high click-through ratio images for every profitable campaign we have ever runScripts for profitable adsWEEK 03Here we go deep into the $300k a month online salesman, the infamous pre-sales pages. We show you step by step how we create high converting quiz landers and advertorials.We also go into depth on copywriting and telling a story that sells.   Finally, we show you a 1 million dollar physical products/e-commerce page.The $300K a month pre-sell landing pageThe $300K a month quiz landing page and walkthroughLearn the Psychology behind landing pages and how to craft themHow to tell a story and why is a six-figure skill setWriting advertorials that sell and address the main points of your avatarHow to construct a $1 million e-commerce physical products page Bonuses For Week #3Share link for the actual click funnel that we used to make $500K on Click BankAdvertorial Sample to modelActual Debt advertorial that was making us $30K monthMind Insole Lander That is still profitable for us as of todayVideo Choosing a setting up a domain/brand nameVideo on setting up hosting on Liquid WebVideo on Click Funnels set up and walk through of shared funnelsVideo on setting up a landing page on a WordPress siteVideo on how to find a quality coder to help with your pagesWEEK 04This week we do a full breakdown of Facebook ad and go super deep into how we spy to find winning campaign after winning campaign.The $300K a month pre-sell landing pageThe $300K a month quiz landing page and walkthroughLearn the Psychology behind landing pages and how to craft themHow to tell a story and why is a six-figure skill setWriting advertorials that sell and address the main points of your avatarHow to construct a $1 million e-commerce physical products page Bonuses for Week #4Setting up Your Facebook Ad AccountBusiness Manager Set UpDisabled Business Manager TrainingBusiness Manager Pixel Transfer TrainingSetting up a Fan PageAvatar and Cover for your fan pagePosting to your fan pageSetting up a PPE CampaignSetting up a Traffic CampaignSetting up a Conversion CampaignSetting up a Facebook PixelSetting up a Custom Audience and Look a LikeImproving your Facebook relevance score – PDF and VideoHow to make look-alike audiences on Facebook – PDF and VideoAll about Facebook ad placements – PDF and VideoFacebook sponsored posts – PDF and VideoFacebook Retargeting PDF and real-life video examples (2 Videos)Shopify Spy Tactics 2 Videos for 2019Shopify My-IP trick and Bit.ly trick videoSpoofing Facebook to show you all the profitable products videoWEEK 05This week we are looking are firing up the ads and starting to set up your Facebook pixel gathering data.Facebook custom audience advanced trainingTurn in your best ad for a full critique form our professional media buyersTracking pixel a Click Bank set upThe “Tap The Vein Method”Failure and why it’s not an optionNegative Keywords set up and our exclusive listBonuses for Week #5Our exclusive list of fan page auto remove wordsProfessional media buyer ad critiqueWEEK 06This week things are going to get real, we are going to show you a live demo of an over the shoulder campaign that we took from losing money to profitable and a matter of days.  The rubber will meet the road as we show you “the actual” working creatives and how we scale to four and even five figures a day. No “guru” is going to show you an actual working profitable campaign live in action as we do in Week #6. In-depth training on vendors and Placing Pixels(Can be a Hurdle)Dayparting and weekend parting trainingOver the shoulder how to scale training and tracking trainingBudget management for campaignsOur system for testing offersAll about Refund RatesAll about Reserve AccountsOur Top affiliate networks Max Web, Common Acquire, A4DBonuses for Week #6Affiliate networks PDF and our links to joinOver the shoulder optimizing and scaling part #2Over the shoulder optimizing and scaling part #3WEEK 07Now that you have seen exactly how we take a losing campaign to profitable you will want to watch it over and over again and duplicate our efforts.  This week we discuss how to turn your affiliate marketing skills into a real business.How to Hire a Media BuyerUsing Other People’s MoneyAll about VPNs, caching, cookies, 3rd party toolsAll about credit cards from years of experienceA Funny Video on going to eventsA lesson on business cards from an ex-commercial printerRelationship building in this business and any businessMaking this into a Real BusinessSet up an LLC to protect yourselfBonuses for Week #7Media buyer template that I used to hire multiple media buyersDosh app case study on $1500 profit in a couple of days direct likingNew Year’s Eve 2019 retargeting Case Study on how $300 in Ad Spend made over $26,000 in revenue in 2 weeksThe landing page on server and FTP set upAutomated rules training and set upWEEK 08This week is still in production as we plan to set up funnels and systems to promote The Lead Gen Affliate™ product and will give students the opportunity to earn a high ticket commission. Coming soon creatives, ads, videos, copy. We would also like to add to the course based on questions from the Q and A’s and on this ever-changing landscape.Our goal is to help you make money and in the course of the weeks it takes to launch this product we make hit a hot campaign and would like to share that in week number #8 Bonuses for Week #8Many Chat Features PDFHow is Lead Gen Affiliate™ different from other courses?Self-education is the most important value in my life, I have decided to make my life’s work to serve others and will continue to make progress daily and share my knowledge, results, and skills with my students.I am a life long student having invested over a quarter million of my personal finances in courses, mentors, software. In fact, just in the last week, I have bought over $5,500 in courses, I look at it like this, if I get one piece of knowledge or one “ah hah” moment, or better yet make a connection with the mentor then the course was worth every dime of the $997 to $4997 I paid.   One tip can make me a hundred grand easy. I learned and mastered this business, not from one course but a series of courses, mentorships, and my own trial and error. Some of the courses I have bought would show me a bunch of ways to test, but not show me real examples. Another course I bought was great for ads and designs but left out all the technical stuff for running traffic. And yet another course I bought had all the basic knowledge you need but was really outdated on most of the critical components.While every teacher was certainly an expert, each program lacked something. I can remember the feeling of confusion at the end of a program, dazed and confused, where the heck do I start? Have you ever had that feeling before? My goal with Lead Gen Affiliate™ was to get the best of the best and roll it all into a complete course that I wish I had when I first started. This course would have saved me in excess of $50k in mentorships because all the knowledge that fast-tracked my success I put in this program so you won’t have to seek out another mentor. I am sure you get bombarded with “this system or that shiny object” every day, but this is what sets our program apart. 1. You Get the Entire System.I know a few people that have taken other people’s programs and they are still struggling to turn a profit today.They learned Facebook ads or Snapchat ads and they can buy traffic, but that is only part of the equation. This business is a bit of a puzzle and what separates others from the Lead Gen Affiliate™You get EVERYTHING that you need, out COMPLETE system. 2. You will be the first one on the market with this knowledgeI am certain is you listen to anyone YouTube you have seen just about every “Shopify” Guru selling a course.I tuned in earlier today and 7 of 7 Dropshipping guys all had courses for sale.I am sure all or most of them are good, but in reality, they are all teaching the same exact thing.I mean I think the whole “Shopify, Dropshipping, Click Funnel thing” is kind of like yesterday’s news, that ship has sailed, and sailed a while ago.   I know for a fact, that the margins are tough on these e-commerce products with Facebook Traffic, as I do have a Shopify Store, an eBay Store, and products up on Amazon.  So what about the Lead Gen Affiliate™ program? This is the NEW way of doing Affiliate Marketing Why is no one else teaching it? Well, that is easy, it’s because we created it and haven’t told anyone one. I took all my knowledge of 5 years of running big numbers in traffic and all the tactics and knowledge of my two media buyer partners and designed a STEP BY STEP 8 week program to take you from a beginner to a pro. The best part is no one has a system like this and no one is teaching it! 3. I have experience teaching this.I can remember in college I was a skinny kid about 195 lbs and was athletic but never that muscularA far cry from the 290 pounds of MEATHEAD I am now.I had my college buddies giving me tips on working out and just guessed on the diet part and I made some ok progress as you can see in the picture.  I didn’t fully understand the lift heavy, eat proper, and sleep thi