Laura Palladino, Molly Pittman & Ezra Firestone – Ambassador Blueprint 2020 – Smart Marketer



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Laura Palladino, Molly Pittman & Ezra Firestone – Ambassador Blueprint 2020 – Smart Marketer
Our 10-step process turns buyers into ambassadors who create high-converting content for your ads, emails & website.

Get step-by-step instructions for how to launch, manage and monetize a Brand Ambassador Program.
Use Ambassadors to produce user-generated content (UGC), one of the most valuable marketing assets.
Copy the UGC ad formula Ezra Firestone used to generate $2.8M and 36K new customers.

High-converting Ad Creative is Hiding Right Under Your Nose
A lot of people are struggling to get their Facebook ads to work right now.
Meanwhile, in our brands we’re seeing some of our best results ever. In a recent ad campaign we spent $1.5 million to generate $2.8 million and 36,000 new customers.
How do we consistently acquire customers at profit and at scale? A big part of it is our Ambassador Program, which we use to leverage our real customers to create content that resonates with our audience and plays nice with Facebook’s algorithm.
Why an Ambassador Program Works
UGC works everywhere in your business, but the biggest benefit is to your advertising. We use this content in our proven “Love-Demo-Love” video ads — a customer testimonial, followed by a product demonstration, followed by another testimonial.

This is our #1 ad formula, and it works for 2 important reasons:
It Connects with Your Customers
The key to advertising (especially to cold traffic) is to communicate your product’s ownership benefit — i.e., how it solves the customer’s problem.
The best way to do this is to find customers who have experienced the ownership benefit for themselves and let them do it for us.
It Plays Nice with Facebook’s Algorithm
The best thing about the ads made with UGC is that they don’t look like ads.
Facebook’s algorithm loves this kind of creative because it gets a ton of engagement, which seems to help the ads get more impressions.
The results? The perfect top-of-funnel ad type to convert loads of new customers.
Blueprint Preview
Our Ambassador Blueprint is an in-depth, 21-video training that shows you exactly how to build and run an Ambassador Program.
What’s a Brand Ambassador?

Plus, get examples of big brands that use ambassadors in their marketing.
Goals for Your Program

Define the assets you want to generate and how they will help your business.
Roles & Responsibilities

Learn the tasks and team members you need for a successful program.

Here are the benefits you can offer your ambassadors to incentivize better content.
Building Your Benefits Box

We recommend sending out swag. Here’s how to maximize its impact.
Legal Documents

Define your expectations to avoid mishaps & improve relationships with ambassadors.
Creating a Pitch Deck

Use a program outline to save time and increase conversions on ambassador sign-ups.
Managing Your Program

See how to organize your program and keep it running like clockwork.
Tracking Tasks

How to use Trello to track tasks and communicate with your ambassadors.
The Application Process

Find the right applicants and avoid the wrong ones! (Template included.)
How to Find Ambassadors

Here are the platforms and tools for finding your prospects, including the best place to start.
Generating Content

The right way to follow up with your new ambassadors to produce the best content.
Sharing Content

Leverage your user-generated content in your ads, emails and throughout your sales funnel.
Program Update (Part 1)

Leverage your user-generated content in your ads, emails and throughout your sales funnel.
Program Update (Part 2)

Leverage your user-generated content in your ads, emails and throughout your sales funnel.

How BOOM! optimized their Ambassador Program, and its unexpected benefits!
Amplifying Your Content

Ezra Firestone shares best practices for when advertising your Ambassador content.
Ad Formulas

Get Ezra’s most successful ad formulas, with 30+ examples of image ads and video ads.
Love-Demo-Love Formula

An in-depth look at Ezra’s #1 ad formula (it’s the perfect way to leverage your new content!).
Targeting & Avatars

This 2-hour ads masterclass from Molly Pittman will ensure your ads reach the right people.
Equipment Walkthrough

Learn how we improve the quality of our UGC by giving our ambassadors recording equipment.
Ezra’s Best Ad Copy Formulas

Legal Contracts

Pitch Deck for New Prospects

Brand Ambassador Application Form

Swag Box

Contents & Design

Ambassador Tip Sheet
Meet Your Instructors

Laura Palladino
Social Media Director, BOOM! By Cindy Joseph
Hi, I’m Laura! I’m the Social Media Director for Ezra’s most successful ecommerce brand, BOOM! by Cindy Joseph, which has generated over $125 million to date.
Ezra likes to say I went from “Cracker Barrel to Gucci Apparel,” because when he hired me I was working in a restaurant and knew nothing about digital marketing. 4 years later, I’ve become a world-class social media strategist and helped Ezra 10x the company.
Most importantly, I helped Ezra come up with the idea that revolutionized BOOM!’s marketing strategy: our Ambassador Program.
When we started mining our community for user-generated content to use in our ads, emails, and throughout our sales funnels, we started seeing exponential growth.
Now, I want to teach you how to leverage this same Ambassador Program to strengthen your relationship with your customers and grow your brand.