Lane Pederson – Real-World DBT – Adapting DBT to Fit Your Practice


Most state public systems now require DBT as the standard of care for borderline personality disorder. But the methodology of DBT has been found through both practice and research to be more robust.

Lane Pederson – Real-World DBT – Adapting DBT to Fit Your Practice


For a decade, Dr. Pederson has used DBT across level of care settings to treat Axis I and II disorders

Dr. Pederson is the founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy National Certification and Accreditation Association (DBTNCAA) and co-owns one of the largest DBT practices in the Midwest

Dr. Pederson can show you how to use DBT in real-world settings with real-world clients

Most state public systems now require DBT as the standard of care for borderline personality disorder. But the methodology of DBT has been found through both practice and research to be more robust. It is acuity, not diagnosis, that defines when DBT is applicable. DBT treats the clients that we find most difficult to treat in private and public practice. Join Lane Pederson, Psy.D., clinician and founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy National Certification and Accreditation Association (DBTNCAA), and take home practical skills in deploying DBT to your most difficult-to-treat clients. Learn how to:
Get immediately download Lane Pederson – Real-World DBT – Adapting DBT to Fit Your Practice

Validate even the most self-defeating beliefs and feelings

Implement strategies for inertia and resistance in the face of overwhelming emotions

Balance acceptance with change

Respect weaknesses while encouraging strengths

Deal with transference issues as opportunities for change

Prevent “therapeutic drift”?

Generalize therapeutic gains by keeping behaviorally focused

Shift strategies for both the client and therapist

This evidence-based therapy has advanced to the treatment of:




Personality disorders

Eating disorders

Complex co-morbid conditions