Lama Palden Drolma – The Awakened Feminine of Tara


This powerful new program with Lama Palden Drolma, one of the first Western women authorized as a lama, invites you — over the course of seven modules — to experience the embodiment of the awakened feminine within you as reflected by Tara.Purchase Lama Palden Drolma – The Awakened Feminine of Tara courses at here with PRICE $297 $83Lama Palden Drolma – The Awakened Feminine of TaraEmbody the wisdom and love at the core of who you are — your sustaining, yet transforming fountain of awakened presence — through a profound connection with Tara.Receive Tara’s many blessings to help you release unbeneficial narratives, woundings, and shame, and open to her authentic reflection of you as YOUR pure nature.In this opening session, you’ll explore how to engage with the dance of form and formlessness through a meditation on Tara. This practice is designed to nourish you, help you release anxiety, heal emotional and physical wounds, and open you to your awakened nature. You’ll connect with yourself and Tara in loving, open awareness, and learn to do this on your own so that Tara is always accessible to you.All the great Tibetan masters call upon and meditate extensively on Tara. Over many centuries, this meditation has proven to be as valuable for men as it is for women, who all report that their lives completely changed through their Tara practice.In this module, you’ll:Discover Tara’s origin and her embodiment of the awakened full-spectrum feminineLearn how each part of you is essentially sacred, and how Tara mirrors this for youBecome familiar with both formless and form meditationsExplore how to maintain wakefulness and clarity of mind while letting go and relaxing into the boundless compassion and love inherent in non-dual awarenessFind sanctuary within by opening to the buddhas’ and dakinis’ awakened presence of wisdom and loveLearn Step 1 of the Tara MeditationModule 2: Receiving Awakened Healing — A Transmission From TaraStep 2 of the Tara MeditationReceive a healing and transmission of the awakened feminine body, speech, and mind from Tara, who represents the full-spectrum embodiment of the awakened feminine. You’ll discover how this type of meditation can activate healing and transformation.You’ll also learn about how Tara’s essence is manifest as her seed syllable, which serves as her “cosmic texting address,” and as her mantra,which can be likened to an instant email address. And you’ll explore how to navigate working with a buddha — an awakened being.In this module, you’ll:Discover the profound meaning of Tara’s seed syllable and mantra, and how to meditate on these to instantly connect with herReceive the nourishing, soothing, healing grace of Tara’s divine blessingExplore how to let go of your negative thoughts about yourself, and open to the innate goodness of who you truly areWith Tara as your model, find out how to work with your ego self or human self with an awakened mindBe given an inquiry practice that can unlock your blocks to spiritual development and awakeningModule 3: Turning Challenges Into a Path of AwakeningStep 3 of the Tara MeditationDiscover how to converse with Tara as a trusted mentor, deepening your personal connection with this fully awakened deity, and discovering how this connection can help you turn your challenges and difficult emotions into a path of awakening. You’ll also experience practices for liberating your conflictual emotions into wisdom.In this module, you’ll:Discover how to develop a personal connection with Tara through meditationExplore how your connection with Tara helps you let go of hurt, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety, and fearGain insights and tools to help you with challenging situations and circumstancesFind out how Tara can help you eliminate inner obstacles and create a supportive inner foundation — and how to cultivate this transformation through meditationDiscover how to allow difficult emotions to liberate into their essence, which is wisdomModule 4: Becoming One With Awakened FeminineStep 4 of the Tara MeditationIn this module, you’ll be guided through a meditative process to experience what it feels like to become one with Tara. This serves to help you transform your limited idea of who you are, and to unlock your innate awakened presence. You’ll discover how Tara meditation opens you to your pure being and the blossoming of your own unique qualities.You’ll also discover how this type of transformative meditation can help you shift your identity from ego-centered to one of awakened awareness and compassion, and to the union of awareness and emptiness.In this module, you’ll:Begin opening to your inherent awakened presenceExperience what it feels like to become one with TaraFind out how working with Tara can help you both in meditation and in your moment-to-moment everyday awarenessDiscover how to help the immature, scared, young parts of yourself grow and matureExplore how a connection with Tara can improve your relationships and deepen your engagement with the worldModule 5: Stepping Fully Into the Awakened PresenceStep 5 of the Tara MeditationIn this session, you’ll be invited to step fully into becoming one with the enlightened being of Tara, which can greatly accelerate your awakening. You’ll open to her power through your heart chakra, working with her seed syllable and her mantra to offer gratitude to the awakened beings of all times and all places, and to radiate cleansing, healing, and liberating blessings to all.You’ll also work with the subtle body, consisting of channels (nadis in Sanskrit), movement (prana in Sanskrit), and essential energy (bindu in Sanskrit).In this module, you’ll:Open to natural awakening, awareness, and presenceInhabit your individual Sacred MandalaDiscover how to work with your heart chakraRadiate love and thankfulness to all awakened beings from the seed syllable in the center of your heart chakraRadiate healing, universal love, and awakening to all sentient beingsModule 6: Letting Go Into Vast Open LoveStep 6 of the Tara MeditationIn this session, you’ll explore the meaning of your true nature, which is the genuine truth of reality — the union of awakened wisdom and love. And, you’ll discover what obscures your understanding of this.You’ll also experience the powerful liberation of transitioning from meditation with form to meditation without form, and explore the benefits of both. And, you’ll experience letting go into openness and love, and resting in open awareness.In this module, you’ll:Notice the difference between resting in open awareness at the beginning and at the end of a meditationBecome comfortable with being in form and formlessness, which helps dissolve your fixations that arise from not realizing who you truly areUnderstand how transitioning from form to formlessness in meditation allows you to be more accepting of and comfortable with deathFeel the innate luminosity and clarity of your own mindOpen into non-duality, and your actual lack of separation from all that isModule 7: Dedicating to All Beings Benefit & Integration of Full Tara MeditationIn the last session, you’ll discover practices for incorporating Tara into your daily life — as a friend, mentor, and awakened mother. You’ll retrace the steps of the Tara Meditation to help you access her healing blessings to soothe anxiety, fear, depression, and other challenges.You’ll find out how to access — and stay in touch with — your inherent wellbeing, goodness, kindness, and wisdom. And you’ll participate in a group dedication of these teachings to benefit all.In this last module, you’ll:Appear as Tara arising out of the void — the union of clarity, luminosity, and emptiness, inseparable with all that is, yet distinctly uniqueDiscover how to share these teachings with othersExplore more ways to bring Tara, as a mentor and friend, into the moment-to-moment awareness of daily lifeDiscover how dedicating your meditations to all beings spreads Tara’s blessings out into the world, and also enhances these meditationsHere’s What You’ll ReceiveSeven recorded 90-minute Class Sessions With Lama Palden DrolmaExperience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with spiritual teacher Lama Palden Drolma — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.Seven PDF Transcripts of Class SessionsIn addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Exercises and Questions for Each LessonBetween class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each session.The Awakened Feminine of Tara Bonus CollectionThe Spiritual PathAudio Teaching With Lama Palden DrolmaPersonal Journey & the EgoAudio Teaching With Lama Palden DrolmaHow to Practice Dedicating MeritPDF Article by Lama Palden DrolmaAn Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Awakened Feminine of Tara Virtual TrainingWe feel honored Lama Palden Drolma has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a contemporary spiritual teacher and renowned lama whose powerful insights are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Lama Palden’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!If you’re serious about receiving Tara’s many blessings to help you release unbeneficial narratives, woundings, and shame, and open to her authentic reflection of you as your pure nature, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now. Purchase Lama Palden Drolma – The Awakened Feminine of Tara courses at here with PRICE $297 $83