Lachelle Barnett – Trauma-Fueled Addiction: Stop The Suffering – End The Pain



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Lachelle Barnett – Trauma-Fueled Addiction: Stop The Suffering – End The Pain
We watch the pain that trauma inflicts on peoples life every day, we witness the spiral and the deepening of the pain that for years has gone untreated, we watch people struggle and ultimately grasp for anything within their control to ease the pain. Yet, with everything they do to ease the pain, the hole only deepens.
Their world and the world of their loved ones continues to grow darker and darker and darker every day of their life. As behavioral health professionals, digging people out of this hole is not simply something we do; rather it is our responsibility to do it effectively.
This breakthrough seminar will advance your clinical skills and competencies and give you proven and practical tools and techniques for your everyday clinical practice. Learn powerful trauma-focused interventions to help people reduce emotional pain and suffering and begin the healing journey of reclaiming their lives in recovery.
Join trauma and addictions expert, LaChelle Barnett, LCSW, LCAC, for this transformational seminar to learn about this cutting-edge new integrated approach to treating trauma and addiction. You will take home a wealth of evidence-based, best-practice clinical interventions and techniques including motivational and skills building strategies for helping trauma survivors who self-medicate with alcohol or drugs. Learn the latest advances in trauma treatment including the top interventions from CBT, seeking safety, body-based therapies and integrated approaches for women.
This evidence-based seminar will help you become a more trauma-competent therapist giving you the latest tools and techniques you need to treat trauma and addiction in your existing practice. The seminar will feature the latest research updates, live demonstrations, handouts, resources, interactive discussions, case examples and live role plays demonstrating key interventions and techniques.

Describe innovative new ways to build and maintain the therapeutic alliance.
Demonstrate an understanding of the neuroscience of traumatic stress and addiction.
Identify key interventions from body-oriented therapies and mind-body practices.
Identify the latest research on evidence-based treatments for trauma and addiction.
Identify methods to teach clients mindfulness, relaxation and breathing teachings.
Describe clinical interventions and techniques for reducing traumatic stress symptoms.
Create emotional regulation strategies to reduce traumatic stress with trauma survivors.
Identify key integrated interventions and strategies for treating trauma and addiction.
Describe trauma informed interventions and approaches with women and addiction.
Identify ways to integrate trauma and addiction interventions into your current practice.

Understanding Trauma and Addiction

Neuroscience and the Brain
Fight, Flight and Freeze Responses
Dopamine and Addiction
The Mind-Body Connection
Soothing the Brain’s Amygdala

Relevant Trauma and Addiction Research

What Works in Treatment
Review of Effective Treatments
Toward a More Integrated Approach
Implement Evidence Based Practices

Identify Key Elements of Trauma and Treatment

Symptoms of PTSD
Negative Ways of Coping
Factors Affecting Reactions to Trauma
Screening Tools for PTSD

Make it Safer to Remember

Rational for Trauma Treatment
Create a Sense of Safety
Relaxation and Breathing Techniques
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Guided Imagery
Mindfulness and Mediation

Therapeutic Relationship – How to Achieve Breakthroughs

Body Language and Tone of Voice
Nonjudgmental Style
The Radical Idea of Being Nice
The MI Style and Spirit
Your Style of Delivery Matters

Learn Effective Top Trauma Treatment Techniques

Past versus Present Approaches
Holistic Approaches
CBT Approaches
Integrated Approaches
Body-Orientated Therapies
Overview of Seeking Safety

Interventions and Techniques for the Toughest Clients

Intrusive Symptoms
Avoidant Thoughts and Behaviors
Negative Thoughts, Beliefs and Moods
Arousal and Reactivity Symptoms
Recovery and Resiliency Strategies

Effective Outpatient Addiction Strategies

Assess Severity of Use
Enhance Motivation to Change
Relapse Prevention Skills
Self-Help and Support Systems
Cope Without a Drink or Drug
Family Enabling Issues
Building Positive New Lifestyle
Medication Assisted Treatment

Integrated Treatments – Special Considerations for Women

Treatment Needs of Women
Co-occurring Disorders
Family Systems Approach
Women’s Integrated Treatment Model

Special Take Away Tools Section – Your Training Continues

Summary and Conclusions
Handouts Included to Take Home and Use
Book References