Kumiko Love – Savings Challenges in 2020


Savings Challenges in 2020Save more of your money by challenging yourself to find the dollars you didn’t know you had!Purchase Kumiko Love – Savings Challenges in 2020 courses at here with PRICE $20 $10Kumiko Love – Savings Challenges in 2020Do you struggle with saving money?Learning how to save on a regular basis can be hard. But what’s even harder is turning saving into a daily habit. Habits aren’t formed overnight. In fact, it can take as long as two months for a behavior to become automatic.It took years for me to adopt a regular savings routine, but once I did, breaking my savings goals into manageable, bite-sized pieces became a reality.In the beginning, I struggled not just with saving but finding the money to save. It always felt like something came up in my life that prevented me from saving money. Let’s face it, having $20 sitting in your savings account doesn’t do much good. You want to be able to save enough where it can make a significant difference in your life.Course CurriculumWelcome! PreviewLet’s Start! StartHow It WorksJANUARY PreviewJolly Cash Envelope January StartChristmas Goal JanuaryFEBRUARY Start$25-A-Week February StartTurn Your Commute into Savings February MARCH StartThe $1 Challenge StartPack-A-Lunch MarchAPRIL StartEven Number April StartSell Your Clothes AprilMAY Start$20 Mondays in May StartWater Challenge MayJUNE StartRandom Sunday June StartSummer at Home JuneJULY StartSerial Number July StartUnsubscribe JulyAUGUST StartSave 10% August StartFreezer & Pantry AugustSEPTEMBER StartAdd $1 September StartMake Your Coffee at Home SeptemberOCTOBER StartTreat-Yo-Self October StartCount Your Shoes OctoberNOVEMBER StartOne – Ten November StartMake It Automatic NovemberDECEMBER StartCash Bingo December StartDream & Create DecemberYou Did It! StartDocumenting Your ProgressSales PageArchive PagePurchase Kumiko Love – Savings Challenges in 2020 courses at here with PRICE $20 $10