Korke & Judith – Bachata Sensual Fundamentals


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He used longer movements and isolations to interpret the instruments, which translates as a higher corporal expression. While he does not dismiss the tradition, he retains its essence.
File Size:6.656 GB Format File: 15 MP4

Korke & Judith – Bachata Sensual Fundamentals

Learn more about our history

Bachata Sensual was born in Cádiz more than 15 years ago. Jorge Escalona, the founder and developer of this website (Korke) You interpret the music in a unique, sensual way.
He used longer movements and isolations to interpret the instruments, which translates as a higher corporal expression. While he does not dismiss the tradition, he retains its essence.
It wasn’t until The arrival of Judith CorderoDancer with more that 10 years’ experience. Bachata Sensual You rose to the next levelIt gives it a more visual and technical style.

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