Kinder-Reese 2011 Exponential Growth Summit


Jay also brought 10 top clients who had experienced the greatest growth in the past year to our office and magically uncovered the secrets that helped them grow.

Kinder-Reese 2011 Exponential Growth Summit

Kinder-Reese 2011 Exponential Growth Summit [14 DVDs (MP4)]

Kinder-Reese 2011 Exponential Growth Summit

Please Note:
These are the complete videos of the 2011 Kinder-Reese Exponential Growth Summit

Power Points and Transcripts were not provided.

Agenda for Referendum
1.) 1.)

2.) Mike Reese, The #1 Responsibility for the Business Owner

3.) Mike Reese – Perfecting Your Inside Sales

4.) Steve Harney – Keeping Current Matters

5.) Jay Kinder – How To Win Every Listing

6.) Jay Kinder – The Ultimate Way to Stand Out

7.) Jay Abraham – Grow Your Business Exponentially

8.) 8.) Jay Abraham – Elite Mastermind Hot Seat

9.) Jay Abraham – Keynote presentation

10.) John Kitchens & Jay Kinder – Getting Off the Transaction Treadmill

11.) Howard Stephen Berg – How to Prosperize in Your Information Rich Workspace

12.) Jon Cheplak: Attracting and Retaining top Talent

13.) Howard Tager – It’s All About Return on Investment

14.) Mike Reese – Most Effective Marketing Piece You’re Missing Out On

Are you excited by the possibilities?

What’s coming our way in 2012?
You should be motivated because you are moving at the speed that “traditional” agents are leaving the business it looks like we will have more and more market share to pick up…….that is IF you are prepared. (Read on)
We knew one thing when Mike and I founded Kinder Reese in 2005. One thing was common among the most successful realty agents: they did something that the struggling agents failed to do. This brings me to a crucial question you need to answer if your profits are to rise in 2012.
Do you run your business as a business?
If you just let out a sigh……then this might be the most important letter you ever read.
Yes, I know that is a big statement, and I’m going to back it up in the upcoming paragraphs by changing your paradigm and giving you some Monday mojo and some action steps to take to get your business working for you instead of you working for your business.
Jay Abraham is our mentor, as you all know. We have used his strategies, methods, and philosophies. “ground tested” They have contributed to our successful real-estate businesses to the tune well over $1,000,000 in annual revenue in each of our real-estate businesses.
In fact, it looks like my company will close up to 325 transactions in this year, even though the market is down from 1.583 home sales for 2010 to around 1,300. 2011. (I am pacing at this moment) That is 12.5% marketshare. That’s a mean that my team is involved at least one eighth of the homes that are sold within my market.
Do you want to find the secret?
Mike and me have had to make drastic changes in the way we do business over the past few decades. As you know, buyer’s are buying and sellers aren’t realistic. Your approach today must improve in every detail and every situation.
You can run your business like a business
Business Principle #1: Differentiation
It is long past the days of being one among the top 1% of agents in the country, with five home sales per annum on average, that was the norm. We released the ultimate in differentiation this year for real estate agents at our conference. Mike and me have been able, in part, to leverage our “celebrity expert” Status in our markets When we or anyone on the team talks with a buyer/seller, we are considered experts. This is done with our pre-marketing materials, presentations, and other tools.
In 2012, the biggest challenge for your business is convincing buyers and sellers that they are experts and should price the property where you say it should be priced or make a great deal because the house is a great purchase instead of making ridiculous offers or worse, not making any offer at all.
Mike and I spent countless hours preparing for The National Association of Expert Advisors’ launch this year. This association has many benefits that were previously only available to members of our conference. We can now leverage the association for our collective benefit. We can create proven methods to sell your home for 18% more than traditional agents. These materials can be created once and you can easily swipe and deploy them as a member.
All our hard work has been made simple for you to copy and instantly deploy without any need to rebuild or modify anything. We will have more information on this in January. The following gives you a glimpse of what’s coming: Exponential Growth Summit DVD’s.
Business Principle #2: Executing Strategically
Jay Abraham taught us one thing. “If you change your strategy, you change your result”
There are four important questions that you need to answer before you decide on your priorities.
1. What is the easiest thing to do?

2. What is the cheapest way to implement it?

3. What will give you the greatest return on your investment?

4. When will you get the revenue from this new system?
When you sit down and do your strategic plan for 2012 you have to run all your potential priorities through these questions……it’s the shortcut to success.
If you don’t have a clear understanding of what your priorities are to grow your business Mike broke down exactly how we do our quarterly and yearly strategic plan at the Exponential Growth Summit. You can get a copy of that presentation and the a download of the strategic plan on the DVD’s.
Business Principle #3 – Conversion, conversion, conversion
It’s no secret. It’s no secret that lead generation costs are rising and sales conversion rates are falling. According to a recent study, 3.5% conversion of leads to sales was the best that you can hope for. Well that just won’t cut it!
Your buyers are not qualified today. The ones that are qualified are afraid to buy and the ones who do buy want to make outrageous offers on every house they see before they buy a home.
Are you right?
Education on the front end is key to converting more buyers. Brent Gove, a top expert in the country, was our guest. He shared many strategies and great systems to help you convert more buyers. “ready to act” Buyers who value your expertise and don’t waste your time.
The same goes for collaborating with sellers. Let me try this. When you meet with a seller they think their home is worth more than it is, they price it to high, and then blame you when it doesn’t sell.
The secret to selling is in the process. It is important to understand their needs and wants upfront, connect with them instantly and become their best friend. You can also position yourself as an expert advisor using market data so that they can match your presentation with their goals with regards to moving.
This topic was a major focus of the Exponential Growth Summit This year. In fact, Steve Harney, Brent Gove and yours truly were there to help you with conversion with buyers or sellers. If you haven’t mastered the art of conversion then you need to watch these sessions and apply the lessons and systems into your business immediately.

Business Principle #4 – Shifting from Transactional Relationship to Business
This has been our saving grace over the past few years. The acquisition of a new business is more expensive. Although we have developed some marketing strategies to generate more new business opportunities, the low hanging fruit are those who already like and trust us. Right?
We have been working on software to manage our business’s lifetime value. What we discovered is that it costs less to refer a client or to get a repeat client than to acquire a client. You need systems to ensure that you communicate with your clients past clients consistently in a way that adds both personal and professional value.
Download immediately Kinder-Reese 2011 Exponential Growth Summit
The next step is to track which clients send you referrals and reward them by giving them items of personal value. So that means just because YOU are a Texas Longhorn fan that doesn’t mean that everyone in your database will appreciate their schedule being sent to them.
The summit featured a breakdown of the new database and how it is being used to dramatically impact our bottom line. If you haven’t yet shifted your focus on lifetime value, you can view that presentation here.
Jay Abraham, Business Principle BONUS
Jay Abraham is perhaps the most brilliant business strategist today. Jay Abraham is undoubtedly the most sought-after business guru, with a consulting fee of $40,000 per day. He shared his insights on the future of our industry and what you should focus on to make your business run like a business.
Jay brought 10 of our top clients who had the highest growth in the last year. Jay magically uncovered the secrets to their businesses that allowed them to grow so quickly. You will hear what tools they bought, who they hired, what their mindset was, what their challenges were, and most importantly….the decisions they made to grow by 50, 100, even +200% over the last 12 months.
Here is the bottom line. This is the bottom line if you missed it years ago Exponential Growth SummitThree days of intense training could have been the difference between failure and success for your business. You don’t need to know everything about your business before you can run it like one.
Right now we have about 73 sets of DVD’s left. It’s over 30 audio and DVD’s and we drop ship them to your door as well as give you immediate access to start working on your business over Turkey Day.
We want to offer you a special Thanks Giving chance. Through Thanksgiving, we are offering 25% off your purchase It’s our way of saying thanks for being committed to growing and improving your business!
Like we always say at Kinder Reese…….we will see you at the top, or from the top!