Kim Saunders – Wound Care Documentation


Wound care is a specialty for a reason. Correct etiology assignment, diagnostics, treatment, and documentation are essential pieces of knowledge in the successful management of wounds. 

 Kim Saunders – Wound Care Documentation

Wound Healing

The complicated phases of healing
Ways to reduce the risk factors that contribute to nonhealing

Wound Assessment

Skin tones
Clues regarding wound etiology
Predicting wound healing
Wound bed descriptors

Principles of Wound Management

Wound care goals
Developing the comprehensive plan of care
Challenges to seamless care across healthcare continuum

Nutrition Assessment

Align a patient’s nutritional needs with the wound healing goals
Address the compromised nutritional status
Specific nutritional needs for a pressure injury

Special Populations

Neonates, geriatrics, bariatrics, spinal cord injuries

Pressure Injuries

NPUAP definitions & staging
Assessment tools, documentation, & treatment of DTPI
Mucosal pressure injuries
Medical devise-related pressure injuries
Pressure injuries in the critically ill patient
Skin failure

MARSI & Abrasions

Types of medical-adhesive related skin injuries

Mechanical Injuries: Top-down

Top-down vs bottom-up tissue damage
Moisture-associated skin damage
Skin tear assessment and treatment

Would you like to receive  Kim Saunders – Wound Care Documentation ?
Wound care is a specialty for a reason. Correct etiology assignment, diagnostics, treatment, and documentation are essential pieces of knowledge in the successful management of wounds.  While this video training will focus more specifically on documentation, the assessment and intervention are the key factors to accurately reflect in the historical notes made.
Kim Saunders, MSN/Ed, RN, CWON®, CFCN, will break down her practice tips as far as what you MUST start including in your charting.  As you consider development of an initial plan of care for a newly identified wound or an evolving treatment plan to address a non-healing wound, there are considerations that need to be made clear in your written thought process.
Fascinating and complicated patient scenarios will be presented during this discussion.  You will have the time to critically think through what went right… and what went wrong…in comprehensive wound care both documented and provided.  Learn now how to avoid the mistakes that could lead you down a frightening path, confronting personal or professional litigation.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Kim Saunders – Wound Care Documentation