Kim Marshall – The Great Sex Secret


Kim’s book, The Great Sex Secret, addresses a problem that all heterosexual lovers encounter when they become intimate. Because of the way male and female bodies “interface” during straightforward intercourse, women are often left unsatisfied. Throughout history, one-sided sex has been the norm – male contentment and female frustration. Even today, with our improved understanding of sexual anatomy, many couples are still in the same fix, and the results are well documented: faking, frustration, and all too often, relationship failure.
Kim’s carefully researched and clearly (at times humorously) written book tells what a few fortunate lovers have discovered – and almost never talk about. Chapter 6 is a detailed, straightforward description of three approaches that reliably deliver mutual satisfaction. The Great Sex Secret is a perfect conversation-starter for couples who want to find their way to sexual happiness but are having difficulty talking about the details. This book is important because mutual satisfaction during lovemaking – true fulfillment for both partners – really matters, especially in long-term love relationships.
The Great Sex Secret’s table of contents provides an overview of Kim’s argument:
Chapter 1 – Disappointment in the land of Eros: Is there a design flaw?
Chapter 2 – Wham, bam, thank you , Ma’am: The long history of one-sided sex
Chapter 3 – No female orgasm – but he tried
Chapter 4 – Faking it and dealing with it
Chapter 5 – Simultaneous orgasms: are they possible?
Chapter 6 – Three approaches to mutual satisfaction
Chapter 7 – What’s technique got to do with it?
Chapter 8 – Keeping passion alive in long-term relationships
Chapter 9 – Finding our way to sexual happiness
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