Kim Foster – Wellness Writer – Lead Magnet Bundle


The Done-For-You Bundle

A Bundle of Done-For-You Opt-In Freebies to Help You Quickly Grow Your Health Coaching Business

You’d love to build a thriving list of engaged email subscribers, but you’ve stalled at the time-consuming process of creating a lead magnet from scratch!

Are You:

Tired of the struggle to attract your ideal clients?

Feeling the constant pressure of not enough time to do everything your business needs to get off the ground?

Well aware that design is not your strong suit (or even if it is, you don’t have time for it anyway)?

Stuck at the creation stage: trying to research, write, and format a compelling lead magnet to attract your dream clients?

Floundering with an email list of exactly 3 people and need to get this list-building project underway already?

Imagine having a lead magnet ready to go right now, a free opt-in gift your ideal clients will eagerly sign up for. It’s beautiful, irresistible, and MD-approved!

Using a high-quality, Done-For-You lead magnet will allow you to save a ton of time and stay in your zone of genius, while building your business at the same time.

Stop wasting time trying to create your lead magnet from scratch. When you use a ready-made lead magnet (that you can customize and brand as your own), you can get back to doing what you do best — coaching your clients!

You’ll have total confidence that this selection of lead magnets are MD-approved, filled with high-quality content, and are specifically designed to be highly attractive to your ideal client!

My Name is Kim Foster

I’m an M.D.-turned-wellness coach and I’m also a business coach + mentor for health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs.

After helping dozens of private clients to build their wellness coaching businesses, I noticed something: my clients often got stuck trying to create a compelling lead magnet that contained excellent information AND looked beautiful.

They would slave away for days (if not weeks) and then produce something they didn’t love. Meaning: they’d used up a bunch of their precious time … and still didn’t feel confident promoting their opt-in.

So, my team and I developed this bundle of beautifully-designed lead magnets — covering 5 different (incredibly popular) wellness topics — to help my clients grow their lists quickly and automatically.

My clients love it! Using these lead magnets as their own, they’re able to shave hours off their business tasks and grow their email subscriber lists with ease and confidence.

For a limited time, I’m now making this bundle available to you!

Press the Easy Button on Your List-Building Campaign with …

A Package of 5 Done-For-You Lead Magnets Specifically for Health & Wellness Coaches.

You’ve got so many things to take care of when building a business … why not allow your list-building strategy to be easy?

This Package Includes…






You’ll receive all 5 lead magnet templates inside Canva (a free, easy-to-use graphic design platform). Your package comes with step-by-step instructions for how to download and customize the templates to suit your brand + business!

Everything is customizable: fonts, color scheme, images … or simply use them as-is!

With This Bundle You Will …

Experience the ease and relaxation of choosing the smart, strategic way forward in your business … rather than struggling to reinvent the wheel.

Feel confident that the content you’re offering to the world is of the highest quality, curated by an M.D. and wellness coach.

Stop wasting time hunched over your keyboard creating opt-in freebies from scratch instead of doing what you love (like working with your clients!)

Allow me to give you the resource you need to build your business … so you can get out there and help more people

Get going and growing … no struggle necessary!

No More Spinning Your Wheels!

Total Value of This Package: (All 5 Lead Magnets) $299 USD

But You Can Get Them All Today For: $97 USD

Take a Peek at What You Get:

[Image of Lead Magnet 1]

[Image of Lead Magnet 2]

[Image of Lead Magnet 3]

Are You Ready To…

Grow a highly-engaged, thriving email list filled with your dream clients?

Get this task taken care of with confidence…and get on with the business of coaching?

Gain new subscribers every day — people who are keen to learn more about you and your services?

Relax and build some ease into your work week, knowing you’ve pressed the easy button on creating your lead magnet?

Give yourself permission to leapfrog ahead by purchasing a business asset that gives you not just one but 5 expertly created lead magnets?

If you answered “yes, yes, and yes!” and you’re feeling more excited and hopeful than ever, then click the “PURCHASE NOW” button below to download your lead magnet package right away!

What Happens After You Purchase?

Purchase the bundle online using your payment method of choice.

: You’ll receive an email with all the details — everything you need to know to get started.

: You’ll receive immediate access to all the materials. Download and start using them right away!


Q: What makes these Done-For-You materials different?

These materials are hand-created and curated by me, an M.D. and wellness coach (and business mentor!), and I am obsessed with creating content of the highest quality. I do not want you to push out second-rate content to your community any more than you do. You can rest assured that the materials you will receive have all been created and designed by me and my team and every word has been approved by me, personally.

Q: Can I brand these documents as my own?

Yes, you can! When you purchase this package, the templates you receive immediate access to are within Canva — a free, easy-to-use online design program that I love and use for ALL my design needs. You do not have to give me or my company any credit or attribution. You can customize the design as much or as little as you like (change the font, change the color, change the image, change the wording, add your own logo) or simply use them as-is, right out of the box. Easy!

Q: Is it cheating to use Done-For-You content?

Listen, building a business from scratch takes A LOT of work. Especially in the beginning, you have to do #allthethings and it can be exhausting. Floundering at this early stage is one of the main reasons I see wellness coaches stall and quit, which breaks my heart. How does that help anyone? How does anyone get healthier that way? When you give yourself permission to hit the “easy button” on this one piece of your business strategy, you are allowing yourself the ease and relaxation of choosing the smart, strategic way forward in your business … rather than struggling to reinvent the wheel. It’s okay to get help.

Let me take this one task off your plate … so you can get on with your important work of helping your clients!

Ready to Start Building Your Email List with Ease?


Delivery Method

Upon completing your purchase, we will send you
download link, through or Telegram.

Given that this is a digital copy, we recommend downloading and saving it to your hard drive. Should the link become broken for any reason, please reach out to us, and we will promptly resend a new download link.

If you are unable to locate the download link, there’s no need to worry. We will update and notify you as soon as possible, typically within 24-72 hours.

Thank You For Shopping With Us!