Kim Anderson – Just Start Podcasting



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Kim Anderson – Just Start Podcasting
Ready to fast track your podcast production and publication education?

This class will have you confidently hitting publish on your first podcast episodes in as little as 2 weeks (even if you have no idea what you are doing).
Hi! I’m Kim Anderson.

I’ll be your instructor!
I’ve been blogging since 2013 and podcasting since 2014. In fact, my podcasting helped me secure a traditionally published book deal. I made this course for people like me. People who wanted to dip their toes into podcasting as a way to reach a new audience, share my message, and develop a deep connection with listeners. However, I didn’t have tons of cash, celebrity, a production team, an editor, or even a microphone when I got started. I just bootstrapped my podcast and before I knew it I was getting thousands of downloads and a slew of new customers month by month. I want to help you have the confidence to do the same.
What This Class Covers
Phase 1- Get Your Podcast Organized So You Have a Strong Start

Low Cost Tools & Equipment
Important Preliminary Decisions

Phase 2- Podcast Content Planning To Help You Keep Momentum

Show Planning

Phase 3- Quick Start Guide to Recording (even if you’ve never recorded in your life)

How to Record
Editing Basics
Adding Music
Adding Intro/Outro
With a Co-host

Phase 4- Quick Start Guide to Editing and Publishing So You Can Publish a Podcast You Are Proud of as Quickly As Possible

File formatting

Phase 5- Growing Your Podcast Fans & Dollars

Podcasting & Your Website/Blog
Attracting and Keeping Listeners

Plus Bonus Videos!
Who is this class for?
Trying to decide if this class is for you? Here are the types of people this class was made to help.

Speakers looking for a way to take their speaking career into their own hands without pitching or waiting on someone to ask them to speak or teach.
Content creators looking for a new way to deeply connect with and reach a new audience with their brand.
Online consultants looking to grow like, know, and trust with an audience of potential clients.
Aspiring authors looking to build a platform that can lead to a traditionally published book.
People who just want to play around with producing a podcast for funsies.