Killer Cold Emailing 2019 – Jorden Makelle


Ready to ditch your shitty job and start a full-time freelance writing business WITHOUT resorting to “clients” who want to pay you $10 to write 1,000 words?Tell me if any of this sounds familiar…You fantasize about working from home and having the freedom to do what YOU want. Whether that means traveling, hanging out with your kids, or being able to drink a big-ass glass of wine in the middle of the day. (Hey, I’m not here to judge.)You feel like you’re not meant for the traditional office environment. Doing something you can’t stand while navigating office politics and putting up with your d-bag boss? Um, no thanks.You just want to write. And make a damn good living doing it. You’re not trying to buy a Lamborghini or anything – but you’d love to make enough to pay your bills and still have plenty left over to live comfortably.Maybe you’ve tried everything, but it doesn’t stick… you feel stuck and you’re not landing high-paying clients!You’ve read tons of free blog posts and watched a bunch of free videos on how to start freelance writing, but there’s SO MUCH INFO out there! It’s all conflicting and confusing, and you’re so LOST as far as what step you should take next.You feel like you’re trying… but you’re not actually making any REAL progress and landing high-paying clients.You’ve read tons of free blog posts and watched a bunch of free videos on how to start freelance writing, but there’s SO MUCH INFO out there! It’s all conflicting and confusing, and you’re so LOST as far as what step you should take next.You feel like you’re trying… but you’re not actually making any REAL progress and landing high-paying clients.You see other writers sharing their success stories online, and you feel like you’ve GOT TO be missing something! It feels like you’re trying what they’ve done (or thinking about trying it)… but you aren’t getting any amazing results or high-paying clients.You’re so confused about what you can actually do to grow your income and become a full-time freelance writer.You wish someone would just take you by the hand and guide you through each step in order so you could FINALLY build a writing business!Imagine what it will be like when you’ve finally grown a full-time freelance writing business…Imagine landing a high-paying client, just by sending a cold email from your laptop while wearing your PJs and enjoying your morning coffee!Imagine feeling confident as FUCK when pitching potential clients and charging what you’re worth. Finally, you have control over your time and income!Imagine having the FREEDOM to work from home OR travel and work from ANYWHERE in the world – all you need is an internet connection!Imagine FINALLY achieving your goal of becoming a full-time freelance writer. You’ve FINALLY broken free from your shitty job so you can travel freely, spend more time with your family, and NEVER have to answer to a boss! You’re excited to start getting high-paying freelance writing clients and build your business, but you have some questions…“I want to make a full-time income writing, but I’m so scared because of certain things… like, I have no experience and no college degree!“How do I pick a profitable freelance writing niche and figure out which clients to target in that niche?”“Where do I even start with marketing myself and sending cold emails?”I get it. There can be a LOT of questions when you’re first starting out building a freelance writing business! And maybe you feel like there’s a LOT on the line. If you don’t have a PROVEN plan and support, it can be tough to make any progress at all, much less hit a major goal like $5,000/mo freelance writing!…That’s EXACTLY why I created this special bundle edition of my best-selling course: Killer Cold Emailing!…My friend, welcome to your one-way ticket OUT of the hellhole otherwise known as your current job and INTO the freedom-filled life you want!This course bundle teaches you the best way to break into freelance writing quickly.No bidding on gigs. No content mills. No bullshit.This limited-time course bundle IS the step-by-step, proven method for starting a writing business from scratch – based on EXACTLY what I did to build a $5K/mo freelance writing business in just FOUR months.What exactly will you learn when you enroll in Killer Cold Emailing?Let’s break it down…Killer Cold Emailing is a 6-module course that includes tech trainings, downloadable resources, and over 30 video lessons.Here’s what the modules cover / what you can expect to accomplish:Pick a super profitable niche that sets you up for long-term success:…Because if you haven’t heard already, “The riches are in the niches, bitches.” (Okay, I miiiight’ve added that last word.)You’ll get my in-depth, step-by-step process for choosing the right niche AND the right target client from day one so you can create a profitable business right away!Set up a site that sells (even if you’re not tech-savvy): SPOILER ALERT: A one-page portfolio is not enough to make high-paying clients want to work with you.You’ll learn exactly how to set up your site and structure it (includes tech trainings!) so it effortlessly sells your servicesCultivate a business owner mindset:Learn how the most successful freelance writers shift their mindset to acheive the most success in the shortest time.AND discover exactly how to manage your time and schedule your day for maximum productivity.Create writing samples that scream, “HIRE ME!”:Discover exactly what kinds of samples clients are looking for when they click your portfolio, and create those so you can land high-paying clients, even if you have NO experience.Never wonder “How do I find client email addresses?” again!:Get my step-by-step, simple methods for easily snagging virtually ANY potential client’s email address…That way, you can spend less time worrying and more time making money writing!Onboard clients using a few simple tools:Discover how to easily, professionally onboard clients.No complex processes or expensive tools necessary!Feel confident as fuck on the phone with clients:NEVER fear client phone calls again!Learn exactly how to handle client calls and easily use them to close the deal, even if you have phone call anxiety. •Discover my proven, 6-point method for writing client-winning cold emails (works EVEN if you have NO experience!):Steal my EXACT, psychology-backed method for writing a cold email that gets your hired.This 6-point method works EVEN IF you have ZERO experience!Includes proven cold emailing templates that I (and my students) have used to land THOUSANDS in client work – just copy and paste!You’ll also get access to:LIFETIME COURSE UPDATES, including transcriptions for the course videos and this BRAND NEW CONTENT FOR 2019: >>>>NEW! What If You STILL Can’t Pick a Niche?: Learn exactly what to do if you’re still agonizing over the dreaded niche decision. Maybe you have multiple niche ideas, or you just feel too scared to choose one. Either  way, no matter what, you can choose a freelance writing niche after watching this lesson!>>>> NEW! Even MORE Ways to Find Email Addresses: I’ve added LOADS of new methods for finding client email addresses, and I walk you through EXACTLY how to use each of these methods (many of which will allow you to easily get free email addresses!).>>>> NEW! How to See if Your Emails Are Getting Opened: Learn exactly how you can quickly + easily see if potential clients are opening up your emails.>>>> NEW! LinkedIn Connection Request Templates: Get easy, copy-and-paste templates you can use to get virtually ANYONE to connect with you on LinkedIn.>>>> NEW! Advanced Cold Emailing Techniques: Learn two cold emailing techniques that NO ONE in this industry is talking about and exactly how you can use them to land your dream clients!>>>> NEW! How to Follow Up With Clients: Learn exactly how many times you should follow up with clients and when to send follow-up emails. Also, see exactly how to use a specific type of follow-up email to skyrocket your response rate!>>>> NEW! Follow-up Email Templates: Not sure what to say? Just copy these emails, make a few simple changes, and hit send!Cold emailing templates and a cold emailing spreadsheet to help you stay on trackA freelance writer website cheatsheet to help you stay on track as you build your siteA freelance writer website sample home page mock-up (for reference when you create or update your site!)A niche writing sample formula to help you create samples that sell your servicesTech trainings that show you how to set up your site using Weebly (perfect if you’re a beginner and/or not tech-savvy!) AND Divi/WordpressYOU CAN TAKE KILLER COLD EMAILING FROM HOME/ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD AND ON YOUR OWN SCHEDULE!You can complete the course lessons from the comfort of your couch, the coffee shop down the street, or a co-working space in Bali… wherever you want, as long as you have an Internet connection!The entire program is completely digital so you can access it from anywhere through our private course portal. 🙂 And you’ll never miss a beat: you can go at your own pace and do the lessons on YOUR schedule.And if you’re wondering:How long will it take to complete the course?The honest answer is, it depends on you and your current situation. Many of our students are able to complete the lessons and start building their business and getting clients in a matter of weeks!Others might take a few extra months to take the course and implement what they learn. And that’s totally fine!There is no rush and no right or wrong amount of time, because you have lifetime access to the program and all future updates! Remember, slow progress is better than no progress.And even if you can’t take the course right away, still ENROLL NOW to lock in the limited-time bonus bundle, and you can take it whenever you’re ready!There has never been a better time to start freelance writing!Why should you start today instead of waiting another 6 months to a year to try?Well…Starting now will allow you to:Cold email at one of the BEST times of year, when businesses are gearing up for the new year and actively looking for writers to create all of their new content.Get your business set up and start getting clients in 2019 so you can put yourself on track to become a full-time freelance writing in 2020.Grow your income and freedom like crazy… while doing something you love from home or anywhere in the world with an internet connection!If you wait, you’ll keep putting it off and wake up a year from now with: The same shitty job. The same confusion and frustration. The same lack of high-paying clients.6 months from now, you’ll wish you had started today.…SO START TODAY!This course is perfect for you if…You’re ready to put in the work and start a profitable, full-time freelance writing businessYou’re serious about taking bold action and ready to learn marketingYou’re a good writer (You don’t have to be the next Stephen King, but you do need to understand basic grammar/spelling.)And who is this course NOT for? Let’s see…Anyone who has a negative attitude and isn’t ready to learn marketingWriters who want to write fiction books, poetry, etc. This course teaches you how to write for businesses/publications because that’s the quickest way to build a profitable freelance writing business.Anyone who doesn’t have a good grasp on basic grammar/spellingIt’s YOUR TIME to build a full-time freelance writing business so you can have the freedom-filled life you’ve always wanted!Right now, you have two options:1) Keep looking around the internet for free advice, and continue never ACTUALLY getting started or landing clients because you have no step-by-step, proven plan. …Which means you’ll probably end up staying at your current job, wasting your writing talent and waking up in a year at the SAME PLACE you’re at now.OR, you can…2) Take bold action, make a change, and FINALLY start/grow your freelance writing business!Enroll in Killer Cold Emailing, and steal my proven, step-by-step plan for landing high-paying clients and becoming a full-time freelance writer.A year from now, you’ll WISH you’d have started today.…It’s time to stop dreaming and saying “someday” and start implementing a REAL PLAN.YOU CAN DO THIS… even if you’re broke, busy, and have NO EXPERIENCE!“I’M TOO BUSY RIGHT NOW!”Do you really want to keep saying “someday” and wake up 5 years from now at the same crappy job?You don’t need more time – you need to prioritize. NOTE: You do get LIFETIME ACCESS to the course when you enroll! So if you’re going on vacation, on maternity leave, etc…. still enroll and you can take the course on your own time! 🙂“I DON’T WANT TO SPEND MONEY ON ANYTHING RIGHT NOW!You’re still thinking about money like an employee – not a business owner. The truth is:Sometimes you have to make an investment to take a giant leap forward. Think about the RETURN on your investment! As a business owner, it makes sense to invest in your learning when there’s potential to make THOUSANDS of dollars per month and literally change your life by implementing what you learn!“I DON’T HAVE A COLLEGE DEGREE OR ANY PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE!”You don’t need either one of those things. You need a proven, step-by-step marketing plan and a willingness to learn and start acting like a business owner.(I’m a college dropout. Most of my work experience involves shitty call centers and retail jobs.)In Killer Cold Emailing, you’re literally getting the proven marketing plan you need to win your first clients, even if you have no degree and no experience.Get Killer Cold Emailing 2019 – Jorden Makelle, Only Price $59Tag: Killer Cold Emailing 2019 – Jorden Makelle Review. Killer Cold Emailing 2019 – Jorden Makelle download. Killer Cold Emailing 2019 – Jorden Makelle discount.