Kian Golzari (Foundr) – The Product Development Blueprint


WHAT YOU GET? ♦ LESSON 1:BRANDING VS SELLING 90% Get Brand Wrong Discover why brand-driven entrepreneurs end up always selling more. Build Community With Branding Learn how branding allows you to create loyal fans and launch new products. Create Your Core Values Crystalize what you stand for, your most persuasive story, and why you care. Brand Or Single Product Learn whether you should be a full-fledged brand or simply sell individual products. People Buy From People Walkthrough dialing in your avatar and what to do if you have multiple different ones. Insights From Top Brands Model the way some of today’s top brands communicate and differentiate their products. Win The Long Game See how to structure your brand and business to outlast and outsell your competition. ♦ LESSON 2:BEST-SELLING PRODUCT GROUNDWORK Serve A Clear Customer Follow along step-by-step as Kian gets you crystal clear on exactly who you’re serving. Confidently Pricing Your Product Learn Kian’s unique pricing strategy so you can price your product the right way. Develop Must-Have Products Easily turn any “nice-to-have” product into a “must-have” solution. Know Your Markets Language Align your potential customers preferences with your brand and product experience. ♦ LESSON 3:PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS – RESEARCH PHASE Study The Competition Follow Kian’s step-by-step process for “swiping” insights from your competition. Create A Vision Board See how to create a vision board to bring the perfect idea to life. Confirm It Will Sell Kian walks you through his favorite software and tools for identifying product demand. The Secrets Of Samples You’ll learn how Kian uses samples to predictably create a category-leading product. ♦ LESSON 4A & 4B:PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS – CREATION PHASE Vision-Advantage Product Creation How to use what you see that others don’t to create a product that stands out. Best Product Creation Rules Follow Kian’s best practices around where the best products come from. Finding The Right Supplier How to find, negotiate, and get samples from the right suppliers. Kian’s Favorite Product Examples Walkthrough of product creation examples you can model your product around. ♦ LESSON 5:WHICH PRODUCTS & WHEN Create Your Hero Product Nail down your own hero product which the rest of your brand will be built around. Understanding Flagship Products Learn why authenticity and individuality are key drivers for successful flagship products. Developing Your Product Ranges See how brands like North Face combine inspirational marketing with product range. More Successful Product Examples Get inspired by more of Kian’s favorite product examples and use them as blueprints. ♦ LESSON 6:THE SPEED OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Why Speed Is Everything Kian shows you how to move fast when you have a product idea. Validate Before Launch Learn how to save time and money by validating your ideas before committing to them. Don’t Overdevelop Your Product Discover the right amount of product development you need when just starting. Launch For Correct Season Get Kian’s hard earned lessons about when’s the right time to launch your product ♦ LESSON 7:PACKAGING, PRODUCT NAMES, & LOGOS Create Unforgettable Packaging See how to make your packaging and unboxing a remarkable customer experience. Find The Perfect Name Kian reveals the right and wrong way of naming your product and your brand. Choose Your Brand Colors Follow a proven process for making the colors of your brand feel unique and valuable. Pick The Right Logo Learn the different types of logos and which one matches your specific brand style. ♦ LESSON 8:PROTECT YOUR PRODUCT IDEA Non Disclosure Agreements Kian walks you through what contracts you need and when to actually use them. Keep Your Product Private Learn Kian’s 10/5/3/1 rule to help ensure suppliers don’t knock off your idea. When To Use Patents What you need to know about design and utility patents in your specific market. Defense Against CopyCats See the exact actions Kian takes when his product gets copied. ♦ LESSON 9:CHOOSING THE RIGHT SUPPLIER Use A Spec Sheet Kian includes his own detailed spec sheet checklist you’ll use with every supplier. Must-Ask Supplier Questions Follow the step-by-step questionnaire provided to know if a supplier is safe to use. Supplier Compliance Certificates Learn how Kian ensures that products he’ll be getting meet all legal requirements. Before Choosing A Supplier Listen to Kian’s strong advice on what most people should do before sourcing.