Kezia Noble – Maximum Impact


Become the heat she’s drawn to and the man she can’t resist no matter WHAT
Finally, the ultimate product in attraction is YOURS.Created for you by two of the world’s leading attraction experts.

Master the art of confident body language, and seduce her with your eye contact, timing and vocal tonality

these groundbreaking DVDs will show you how to:

Make MAXIMUM Impact
You DON’T have to be the best looking guy in the room

You DON’T have to be Mr Popular

You DON’T need to have an incredible job or a large bank account

You DON’T need to be ripped or be 6 ft 2 .

You DON’T need to be funny or have something impressive to say.


You DO need to convey confidence

You DO need to demonstrate self acceptance

You DO need to possess the power to make INSTANT impact

You DO need to know how to have ‘PRESENCE’ when you walk into a room or a social situation

You DO need to DISTINGUISH the difference between what women say they want and what they REALLY desire.

You DO need to possess the ‘secrets’ of the modern alpha male rather than the archaic and out of date text book theories.

You DO need to know how build up a strong sense of attraction

You DO need to master the art of ‘non-verbal’ sexual escalation

You DO need to understand how to use your body language, eye contact and vocal tonality to show your commitment and confidence in your intention
Understand and apply the secrets of the alpha male

Develop a strong PRESENCE that makes INSTANT impact

Gain immediate respect from others

Master the art of ‘seductive and alpha’ charisma

Utilise attractive and confident body language to get exactly what you want.

Maximise your success rate with women

Use your body language to seduce women

Know the difference between what women SAY they want and what they REALLY desire

Develop the power to turn women on and give them what they crave for.

Unleash your inner confidence

Build a strong sense of attraction with beautiful women

The skill and ability to create that ‘chemistry’ sensation.

“Master the secrets of attraction from one of the most elite Performance

You might not know this, but seduction is 60 percent NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION. Women either make snap decisions when a man walks into a room or an instant judgments when he speaks to them, which means you need to make MAXIMUM impact if you want to secure their attention long enough to implement the skills that will build attraction

“Receive the most powerful insight into the female mind”